slightly confused
Im not really sure what you meant in your last sentence... almost sounds as if your saying that the 396XT is never coming, or that it doesnt receive what the current available models recieve right now. Ya might need to rephrase that. From gathered info on the 396XT that I have, I believe that I will wait for its arrival... I hope its soon. Some scanners available now would most likely suit all of my current needs, but I was hoping that this new rig would bring me into the next generation of scanning. If there is one. You dont think that the current top of the line scanners are maxed out in terms of capabilities, do you? I would like to see how high the newest scanners can go as far as limitations, and what they could possibly be programmed to. Take care,
The best scanner is the one you can use to monitor something. The 396XT is probably going to be an excellent piece of equipment, but the PSR-500 and the BCD396T are available now. If there are things you want/need to monitor now, then waiting for the next big thing will prevent you from ever monitoring them.
Im not really sure what you meant in your last sentence... almost sounds as if your saying that the 396XT is never coming, or that it doesnt receive what the current available models recieve right now. Ya might need to rephrase that. From gathered info on the 396XT that I have, I believe that I will wait for its arrival... I hope its soon. Some scanners available now would most likely suit all of my current needs, but I was hoping that this new rig would bring me into the next generation of scanning. If there is one. You dont think that the current top of the line scanners are maxed out in terms of capabilities, do you? I would like to see how high the newest scanners can go as far as limitations, and what they could possibly be programmed to. Take care,