Announcing the BCD396XT and BC346XT Scanners

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Jul 23, 2005
Band Scope?

" ...
[*]Band Scope – gives a rapid graphical display of the strength of signals within a specified range of frequencies..."

Upman, do you have a photo of the band scope in action?


Jun 2, 2005
Belpre, Ohio
Are There Any Kind of Prices Set For These Units Yet For The BCD396XT. I Own The 996T Excellent Radio. I Also Had a 396T The Only Beef I had On The 396T Was The Speaker Was To Small. I Went
Through 3 Speakers I Less Then Two Years. Would Like To See Better Quality Speaker Able To Handle Heavy Use. I Normally Never Had The Volume Above 7 And They Still Went South. But I Have Been A Uniden Supporter Every Since I was Little Wether It Was Scanners Or CB Didn't Matter. I Wanted The Best. Any How Best Of Wishes For The Future.


Jul 23, 2005
No problem with speakers here. Whats with the caps, you don't need them for every word........


Are There Any Kind of Prices Set For These Units Yet For The BCD396XT. I Own The 996T Excellent Radio. I Also Had a 396T The Only Beef I had On The 396T Was The Speaker Was To Small. I Went
Through 3 Speakers I Less Then Two Years. Would Like To See Better Quality Speaker Able To Handle Heavy Use. I Normally Never Had The Volume Above 7 And They Still Went South. But I Have Been A Uniden Supporter Every Since I was Little Wether It Was Scanners Or CB Didn't Matter. I Wanted The Best. Any How Best Of Wishes For The Future.


Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
Are There Any Kind of Prices Set For These Units Yet For The BCD396XT.

Again people please read the thread you are posting in before asking a question...
From UPMan's initial post:

Both models are expected to be released in early 2009 at prices comparable to the models being replaced

That is the only pricing info given at this time.
Marshall KE4ZNR


Feb 11, 2004
Austin Texas
Excuse me please. Now I asked a question because I was not certain based upon what was presented from a news release from Unidens UPMAN post about the new scanners. Yes I did read all of the information provided and I also went back and read the Wiki about EDACS Provoice in case I missed something.

The information that has been posted there is very lacking in explaining Provoice and (including EDACS systems using ESK). The differences are not very well explained in the Wiki's.

Now, I don't know what your purpose is on the message board is. Are you interested in helping people learn about different Radio Communications concepts? If you are interested in helping people, being a helper and not a down grader of persons who my not know the difference.

The biggest problem on this message board are persons that are quick to tell someone that their post is wrong, but cannot explain to them in proper detail from A to Z what justifies you in telling they are wrong about their comments.

The correct way should be to explain, why not and explain the correct information. I say this, "If knew the differences between ProVoice and (including EDACS systems using ESK) I surly would tell the readers and users of this message board and update the WiKi properly where all persons can understand the concepts".

Now, I ask you, are you willing to help others learn are do you just like being mean to people?


Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
I apologize if you took my post in the wrong way and I would understand if the Provoice question had not been answered so many times before but it has fact just about 6 posts up from this one is this response about Provoice from yesterday:
Those that know me here at know that I have a reputation for going out of my way to help others out. All I ask is that people search and read over the info before asking basic questions. Again, I apologize if you were offended by my response but considering your question has already been asked & answered so many times before (including just a few posts above) a little more researched could have answered this question. Let's get this thread back on topic and discuss the great radios Uniden will be bringing to the market! :cool:
Happy Monitoring,
Marshall KE4ZNR

Excuse me please. Now I asked a question because I was not certain based upon what was presented from a news release from Unidens UPMAN post about the new scanners. Yes I did read all of the information provided and I also went back and read the Wiki about EDACS Provoice in case I missed something.

The information that has been posted there is very lacking in explaining Provoice and (including EDACS systems using ESK). The differences are not very well explained in the Wiki's.

Now, I don't know what your purpose is on the message board is. Are you interested in helping people learn about different Radio Communications concepts? If you are interested in helping people, being a helper and not a down grader of persons who my not know the difference.

The biggest problem on this message board are persons that are quick to tell someone that their post is wrong, but cannot explain to them in proper detail from A to Z what justifies you in telling they are wrong about their comments.

The correct way should be to explain, why not and explain the correct information. I say this, "If knew the differences between ProVoice and (including EDACS systems using ESK) I surly would tell the readers and users of this message board and update the WiKi properly where all persons can understand the concepts".

Now, I ask you, are you willing to help others learn are do you just like being mean to people?


Feb 11, 2004
Austin Texas
As I have stated before, the Wiki information needs to be updated concerning the differences between EDACS, ESK, and Provoice and anything else concerning it that I have left out. I have read the post about will the scanner receive Provoice, with small answer of "Nope".

I will say this again. People come to this message to learn about or ask about questions they have about their radios. You have got to consider your audiences, some people do not have a lot of technical experience and the answer of nope (No Provoice) maybe is enough for some folks and leaves other like myself wondering and asking a question that gets their ass kicked on the message board.

A lot of post replies direct them to the Wiki's. The Wiki concerning EDACS, ESK and Provoice needs to be updated and explained in better detail. You are making people be accountable for information that they cannot discern.

Your comment at the end of your messages," "I attack everything in Life with a Mixture of Extraordinary Genius and Naive Incompetence and it is often difficult to tell which is which."

Not all can work within this comment above.


Oct 3, 2008
Oakville, ON
One month down since announcement...
how time drags when waiting for a new Uniden model.

Ha! I hear ya! Hope they include wildcards for i-Call entry instead of the usual i00000 entry. :lol:

In my area (edacs), I only want to hear i02xxx i-calls which is the police. Those friggin buses plastered all over i08xxx and now i07xxx are driving me nuts! :mad:


Jul 3, 2001
Yeah, you're right.



I would love to just RTFM. The only thing is we have no F.M. How about it baldy, where's the F.M.?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 26, 2008
now residing in Ocala, Florida since 1999
Hello all, I have used the RR forums and threads and the internet to find out as much information as I can regarding the new BCD396XT and I am still unsure of one thing... does anyone think that the 396XT will be a better scanner than the PSR-500. I have been teeter tottering on the fence for some time now, I am uncertain which one I might choose as my next big scanner purchase. I have tried to do a side by side comparison with what information Ive got to date, and I know that no one is able to say which scanner is THE BEST to date, but Im looking for a dependable front line scanner which can grow with my needs. Able to be upgraded, able to accept rebanding, and not too difficult to use with aftermarket BuTel software. Basically, in my area, I dont have much need for EDACS, but want it anyway, would like to know that it can do ESK, and like to monitor my local APCO-25 and common air exclusive transmissions with clarity. I have owned many makes of scanners, and I am asking this question in this UNIDEN thread, because I have always prefered UNIDEN scanners. But in this case, and I know that I cannot afford to purchase both, I wonder if you guys can help steer me correctly. Thanks all.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
North Pole, Alaska
I think it will be better...but I'm pretty biased.

Well, I don't know about flat-out better but it will definitely be great competition. There's still features and things that each brand has that the other doesn't and some things one does better than the other, as expected....

And yes, you're pretty darned biased for some reason! ;)


Jan 21, 2004
Lake View, AL
I apologize if you took my post in the wrong way and I would understand if the Pro voice question had not been answered so many times before but it has fact just about 6 posts up from this one is this response about Pro voice from yesterday:
Those that know me here at know that I have a reputation for going out of my way to help others out. All I ask is that people search and read over the info before asking basic questions. Again, I apologize if you were offended by my response but considering your question has already been asked & answered so many times before (including just a few posts above) a little more researched could have answered this question. Let's get this thread back on topic and discuss the great radios Uniden will be bringing to the market! :cool:
Happy Monitoring,
Marshall KE4ZNR

Marshall, I am sorry for missing the previous posts about the provoice issue. I am not the brightest bulb on the block, but seeing a new radio coming out with obvious strong features and the ability of software to overcome issues, I asked the question. I work in the SCADA field, and deal with radio/data transmissions every day. It sometimes amazes me to see what our programmers can make our equipment do. With that said, I asked the question. Again, sorry I took up so much of your time.


does anyone think that the 396XT will be a better scanner than the PSR-500.

The best scanner is the one you can use to monitor something. The 396XT is probably going to be an excellent piece of equipment, but the PSR-500 and the BCD396T are available now. If there are things you want/need to monitor now, then waiting for the next big thing will prevent you from ever monitoring them.


Dec 29, 2003
Will the BCD396XT work better than the current BCD396T on simulcast P25 systems? Does the XT use the same receiver as the 396T, or can we expect any improvements?


Dec 24, 2004
Any chance this will ever make it into a firmaware update?

I certainly wish it did resume scan when it detects a Encrypted transmission. This is a much needed update! Is UPMAN listening?

The State system in NC has encrypted and unencrypted transmissions on the same trunk group IDs and the BCD396T stays locked on the channel when receiving an encrypted channel. It's able to display it's encrypted, why can't it resume scan when it detects ENC ????????!!!!!!!!!

This should be a simple change in coding in the firmware. Stopping on Encryted traffic is of not benefit, resuming scan certainly does!
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