Another bites the dust & goes TRBO

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Nov 27, 2006
Paragould/Greene County AR
Russellville PD dispatch is 100% encrypted or it was when I was there 2 months ago.. As far as buying a NX200 or NX800 to hear Greene Co. Forget it, You've got to have the LTR frequencies, The Frequency Order, The Codeplug For Towers Order, and The LTR ID's.. Without any of that your expensive radio is Trash.. They won't even let the county FD's have access to it, let alone anyone else, I swear the day this county has a disaster it's going to be hell.. Excuse my language but I couldn't think of a better word..


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
Russellville PD dispatch is 100% encrypted or it was when I was there 2 months ago.. As far as buying a NX200 or NX800 to hear Greene Co. Forget it, You've got to have the LTR frequencies, The Frequency Order, The Codeplug For Towers Order, and The LTR ID's.. Without any of that your expensive radio is Trash.. They won't even let the county FD's have access to it, let alone anyone else, I swear the day this county has a disaster it's going to be hell.. Excuse my language but I couldn't think of a better word..

And this is exactly why they shouldn't go to these systems AND exactly what the powers that be in your county (and other counties that have gone this route) should hear once a week from folks like you. Then when something happens..."told ya..." and maybe something will be done. Might be too late then but might get their attention, you never know...


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
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Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Whoever is in charge of the GCOEM will just be given the gold medal for truly idiotic when it comes to making sure his county has a proper interoperability plan in place... There should be a way for all the VFD's, PFD's, FR's CERT's EMS, OEM, and ADEM to all talk together in an incident. From what I see, that isn't happening... Much less adding GCSO, PPD, etc in the mix. Maybe they will actually use the analog Mutual Aid chans that they had to add in the mix, or maybe they will all just depend on the OEM, to play with thier APX's and talk with ADEM/ASP for everyone? Then spend 2 to 3 minutes trying to guess which radio they need to use to talk to everyone else? Anyway... Back to the usual insanity.


Jan 1, 2005
Auburn, IN
Many people have viewed the problem with interoperability as being 'technical'. They've also considered P25 to be the 'magic silver bullet' that fixes interoperability problems (i.e. if everyone is using P25, then everyone is interoperable). Neither idea are completely true. From what I've seen, interoperability problems (the lack of interoperability) are more of a 'political' issue, or in some cases, a lack of proper planning and design of communications systems. It's very easy to obtain interoperability between most systems (extremely easy between analog and MOTOTRBO, extremely easy between analog and P25, very easy between MOTOTRBO and P25, and a bit harder with NexEDGE, as there is no 'interoperability equipment' that will interface with NexEDGE at the IP level, but it still can be done using other methods).

John Rayfield, Jr. CETma

I once heard an agency head go ballistic over a requirement the statewide mutual aid TGs be in all radios on the system. His basic point was "I shall remain in full command and control of my officers at all times. If the need to communicate with outsiders ever arises, I shall be the one to do the talking, only my radio needs the mutual aid talk group. And no, I don't care about training or how to use them."


Mar 7, 2002
New Orleans region
Well join the crowd of us that understand what happens when you have a major incident and all these agencies thought they would take the cheap route and go buy those low cost radios. Now no one can talk to anyone.

I see this happening more and more around the country as my work takes me to many of the 911 dispatch centers. What I see and hear from those that work in these agencies, they feel the same way as we do.

Bottom line is what my grandfather always told me, "You can lead a jackass to the water trough but your not going to be able to make them drink". My grandfather was right. He used these animals all the time out in the fields to farm. Maybe if the current ones spent some time out in the fields, they might just learn something too.


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Please do watch language fellas. I do not enjoy having to lower the hammer, but I will if have to. TY for your support.


Feed Provider
Sep 6, 2006
Texarkana, Arkansas
Our dispatch has Motorola Gold consoles and so does the backup location. During our drill we patched county fire, Sheriff' TRBO, ambulance service, ER, MAC1, the county AWIN TG, and the neighboring county AWIN TG. After we got resources initialized., most of the radios were unpatched

Our county judge is quick to tell you he wants everyone to be able to help and communicate with everyone. Our Sheriff allows all fire departments transmit access to the TRBO system and citizens that want to buy a receive only radio are allowed to.

While communications are still far from perfect, we do have what we need and the training to do it with. We also have the local support for moving forward.

The moron that didn't want mutual aid TGs in radios should have a good talking with. Is he going to be there every time a county fire department goes over the county line and switches to, say, ADEM SW1? No, and we do it quite often. Hate to tell that guy that every radio on AWIN MUST have all the MAC channels in Zone 3. ASP, FBI, US Marshall; EVERY radio on the system.


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
Our dispatch has Motorola Gold consoles and so does the backup location. During our drill we patched county fire, Sheriff' TRBO, ambulance service, ER, MAC1, the county AWIN TG, and the neighboring county AWIN TG. After we got resources initialized., most of the radios were unpatched

Our county judge is quick to tell you he wants everyone to be able to help and communicate with everyone. Our Sheriff allows all fire departments transmit access to the TRBO system and citizens that want to buy a receive only radio are allowed to.

While communications are still far from perfect, we do have what we need and the training to do it with. We also have the local support for moving forward.

The moron that didn't want mutual aid TGs in radios should have a good talking with. Is he going to be there every time a county fire department goes over the county line and switches to, say, ADEM SW1? No, and we do it quite often. Hate to tell that guy that every radio on AWIN MUST have all the MAC channels in Zone 3. ASP, FBI, US Marshall; EVERY radio on the system.

Sounds like this county is trying to handle it correctly. And to allow citizens to purchase a radio (receive only) is admirable!


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Thats the way its supposed to happen everywhere. Thats the whole thought process behind the mega huge satewide TRS's.. A viable backbone for everyone to be able to interop/mutual aid with everyone else. Primarly the main users on EVERY one of the statewide systems is meant to be state level agencies, with access for mutual aid for everyone else in the first responder type field, including CERT's, etc... But if designed properly, you can add at least all the magor metro areas onboard full time also vias subciption to help pay for the things... Then anyone else as long as you have the "room" for them full time, again vias subscription helping to pay for it. Then anyone that can pay to do so, build out, or convert thier own systems over to the state's system, or one that is linked to it. Then comes the proper training for the communications, as well as who is top dog, etc in a magor incident. Basic comms should be "in the clear" since for most of the system you built, its Joe Schmoe that got it for you vias Taxes, or Bonds in the first place. As for your tactical/special ops tec... Encrypt till the radio melts down if you think it will protect you, AS WELL AS everyone else. Same goes for providing the media, or anyone that can afford to buy and pay a subsciption fee recieve only radios with ONLY the "in the clear" stuff progged in.

But as we all know, and see daily, there are those that iether just don't have good common sense, or just outright won't do the right thing no matter what.

That about cover it all?
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