Even if all of these agencies that are going Nexedge went to P25, they would not be interoperable with Madison County because VHF and 800 MHz are not interoperable!
Oh yes they are.... Harris and Madison County are putting in the network first cards at 3 of their sites to have inter-op with all the csepp counties. Also the KWIEC KSP channels are being put in all the 800 madison co. radios to have inter-op thru KSP.
There is alot of agencies that also own JPS inter-op boxes to accomplish this also. You take 2 to 6 radios,doesnt matter on brand or band and it ties them together.
Inter-op is not the problem. Its the politics that are pushing p-25..
You can buy p-25 kenwood radios all day long. But you will pay for it. Around $1,800 for 800 kenwood.
The harris 800's are $ 5,000 a piece.
The Harris Mobiles retail for $ 15,000....
Or buy nexedge NX-200's and NX-700's all day long for $ 700
The new digital nexedge NX-710 repeaters are only $ 1,200.
You do the Math and figure out why all these agencies are going NXDN....
And the Madison System is not opensky. Its P-25 ip...