I heard that the NXDN protocol has been made "open" to the public. I wonder if this means a scanner manufacturer might step up to the plate soon and incorporate this into a stand-alone unit?
I heard that the NXDN protocol has been made "open" to the public. I wonder if this means a scanner manufacturer might step up to the plate soon and incorporate this into a stand-alone unit?
Here it is:
The NXDN protocol uses the AMBE+2 vocoder chip. That's the same one used for P25, so the physical hardware is there in a P25 capable scanner, with the exception (probably) of enough memory.
What the scanner manufacturers would ideally be looking for is there being enough of a market for this to warrant putting the design effort into building a scanner that does p25, NXDN and DMR. When the market is there, they'll do it. Right now a lot of people have purchased p25 capable scanners in the last 2 years. Rolling out an entirely new product would likely not pull enough sales yet. While there are the hard core guys that will purchase such a scanner as soon as it becomes available, it'll take a while before a lot of the market is ready to purchase again.
The other issue to look at is that since basic encryption is standard in NXDN radios, this sort of puts a damper on things. The additional confusion will come from Trunking. NXDN trunking is NOT the same between Icom IDAS and Kenwood NexEdge. The two trunking protocols are NOT compatible and are NOT standardized. It would take some cooperation between the scanner manufacturers, Icom and Kenwood to produce a scanner that will do the NXDN/IDAS/NexEdge trunking.
I suppose it does make sense that if Kenwood is selling NXDN hardware to agencies on the premise that it's "more secure", then they wouldn't want to allow scanner manufacturers to built stand-alone monitoring. But this is all a shame because over the next 5 years we are going to watch the hobby shrink to the point that NO scanners will be a good business case anymore and this will become a hobby where you have to literally build all your own stuff. Then only the truly hard core enthusiasts will remain in the hobby. Sad day indeed...
Lawrenceburg PD also went encrypted...