I have tried to contact him but haven’t gotten a response.
My guess is that, based on your first screenshot, the only systems scanned are the ones tagged as "Favorite". For your WS1040, you have 20 Scanlists. A scanlist can have multiple conventional frequencies, as well as talkgroups for one or more specific trunked system. But you also have two other choices- Favorites and Skywarn. Conventional channels, and/or talkgroup IDs for a trunked system, will be associated with a specific Scanlist. But you can also tag them as Favorite or Skywarn. Favorite might be your hometown police or fire department, and you want to narrow down scanning to only that area. Skywarn would be frequencies, such as used by storm spotters, in the case of severe weather. By using the Skywarn selection, you are narrowing down your listening to only those things that you associate with severe weather.
Looking at the Favorites note at the bottom of post # 11, it indicates that several groups of TGIDs are tagged as Favorite. But , as tvengr noted above, those may be set as being on the analog system, but in fact have moved to the digital system. If that's the case, then you would no longer hear them. Unfortunately, both systems (old & new) are named as OKWIN in the database, with a "P25" appended onto the name of the digital one.
Without knowing how your scanner has been programmed, it's impossible to tell exactly what needs to be done. It probably would be best to just get it reprogrammed for the way the systems are set up now. If you cannot contact the person who originally set it up for you, then there are two ways you could go:
Ask that your thread be moved to the Oklahoma forum. Possibly you can make contact with someone who is in the Tulsa area, or at least are nearby and familiar with the systems. To do that, do
not create a new thread. Instead, click on the Report in the lower left corner of one of your posts, and request that a moderator move your thread to the state forum. Someone in the area would be more likely to see it there. You may be able to meet with them & get help reprogramming, offering to buy them lunch or some other sign of appreciation.
Your other option would be to download one of the three software packages: Win500, PSREdit500, or ARC500. Either read the scanner as it is programmed currently, and post the file, or just indicate what you are interested in, so that someone can put together a file that you then can load. Confirm that you do have the programming cable that came with the scanner (if bought new).