Active Member
thanks a lot, Mmckenna, you always have great advice!So, as I'm sure you know, low SWR just means the RF is either being radiated or absorbed somewhere and not getting reflected back.
Try eliminating this and see if it improves. Sectionalize the fault until you narrow it down to specific components.
There comes a time when being able to fabricate your own coaxial cables makes a lot of sense.
24 feet seems excessive for a Jeep, but that's probably not your issue.
I would bypass the noise filter and try swapping extensions cables around.
90º adapters have given me headaches enough times that I no longer trust them. I'd try eliminating those just for giggles.
Yep, that's why we tell people over and over and over and over and over and over…. Not to use cigarette lighters for radio installations. Often that small gauge wire is bundled in with CAN buss stuff and other fun noise makers.
Did you check continuity end to end on the coax? Did you try that with all the adapters/extensions/barrels, etc in place?
I've noticed over the years that people will buy all the hardware, connect it together and then drive on down the road. Rarely checking SWR. They key up the radio and can talk to their buddy in his jeep 100 feet away and call it good.
Very glad I don't own a Jeep at this point.
when my friend did all the work without grounding anything...... the coax didn't have the 90 degree elbow.... I never thought of that! his coax was bent to heck and I could hardly get it off... it goes down and hits the bracket so you have to bend it to the side to screw it on... when I took it off the pin was bent inside the screw threads..... I put the 90 on it and checked it with my meter and it seemed to still be working so I forgot all about that.... you can actually see the coax insulation is messed up in the picture.
this weekend was a surprise... I really thought he just didn't grind off the paint and everything would go awesome with all the RF Bonding and great grounds..... I expected to be YouTube Range testing the tail light antenna VS the hood Stryker antenna.
I didn't mention this.... I used the CS-47 for a couple hours on my base station....and the squelch worked fine.....
after putting it in the Jeep with all the bonding and noise filters I thought it would be quiet.... but it didn't make any noise at all??? but it was at 11PM???
on that all controls on the mic radio, the squelch is push button, set from 1 - 8 being wide open and nothing but static coming in... to 8 being nothing but very close signals..... I put it on one before sending my friend home for the test and it had ZERO static???? I thought that odd, but we were hearing locals from several towns on different channels and the radio checks were all good.......I figured I would look into it next time.... I'm thinking the ASQ automatic Squelch Control was on... pretty sure it was... but me setting it to 1 when I had it on my base made a lot of static.... in the jeep nothing.... so I have that to look at too.... my friend heard me out to 18 miles.... I just could not hear him any longer than the 14.90 miles.... so I think the Stryker is working fine and maybe the squelch too????
by the way the Stryker antenna also had the 3 foot jumper and Palomar Engineers Coax Noise filter
perhaps I'll buy another coax.. I have no idea of the quality he bought.... he ran it in then to the roll bar then to the dash and then under the dash... it sat down by the front of the console we stretched it to go under the console but that was it... so I added the barrel connector under the console and the 3 foot jumper made it under the seat.... but to put the Palomar Engineers Coax Noise filter on I needed to run another jumper. all jumpers and elbow were bought at DX Engineering... I hope they have quality parts as they charged me a ton!
if I buy another coax I can go directly from the back corner under the carpet I guess and see what happens.
I will take off both 3 foot jumpers when he comes over again.... I never really thought we would get the tail light mount to work very good... but I thought it would get under 2.0 SWR as so many jeep guys "say" they have good SWR
thanks again.... I have a lot to look at when he comes back.
I was hoping the Scarlett warrior ( also known as the red devil... red rocket.... Tarrus Red warrior... it's a clone of the 1980's Modulator)... the 18' fiberglass is an inch wide! with a 54 inch steel whip sticking above the jeep... perfect for off road I thought..... and 6 feet tall should work well and the Brits love it!
I may talk my friend into just forgetting the tail light and drilling the hole in the hood now that I know an antenna works in that position.... but I really wanted to show the world what a difference the two locations made..
thanks again