Site 37 Flat Top has indicated a new neighbor today, 92715, 1F7, 25.25 854.8875 CC.
I cannot find that frequency in the EDACS database and only in 1F6 and 1F9 Systems in P25 database
Totally new site or conversion with new CC? I cannot hear it from my location.
Hello Mike, I was only able to infer that the site might be Rainelle WV based on the FCC data. I hope that my entry in the wiki was proper and I appreciate you verifying that. I did get your response from the submission of 854.8875 and no I have not actually monitored traffic on that particular EDACS system. When I get a chance I will go to a spot to see if I can actually hear the Rainelle site CC and collect some data. Thanks Harry.
It’s interesting to me Mike because my father worked for Appalachian power for 40 years and was the transmission and distribution dispatcher in Beckley. He was the voice of KQB222, 135 W on 37 MHz.
My father was not a technician by any stretch of the imagination. I do believe that his location got me interested in radio and I moved to the technical side of things as an amateur back in the 70s. And you’re right things have changed, and it’s been fun keeping up with the technology.SDR and the quest to discover these P 25 sites has given me a new interest. Thanks for your help have a great day.
Took Fast Lane on the road today
Rainelle WV (Fayette) first seen as neighbor to 37.37 on 6.15.2021
25.25, NAC 019, 854.8875 CC, 855.9125 ACC, 856.9125 ACC,
Neighbors indicated by DSD+FL
5.5 Duo 858.7875
19.19 Elkhurst? 856.3875
36.36 Ansted 855.2625
37.37 Flat Top 854.9125
Made an edit to the wiki...
I will know when Bolt comes online. I’m almost line of sight to that particular location. I have it as one of the regular scans on my SDS 100.
I have used the Wilson magnetic mount when I have made some road trips. It works great. I got it on Amazon