Having issues with a couple APX8500's. Programmed a codeplug into the radio then tested Tx power, but when transmitting the control head went black all of the sudden then reset. Tried testing again and the power out was only about 20-30 watts. Ive seen it before where sometimes there wont be any power out at all. I've ran into this issue with the APX8500's before, and usually end up having to send the radio's into our supplier to have them fix the issue. The only description they give us of the issue is that they state it is a firmware issue.
Just wondering if anyone here on the site has ran into this issue as well, and if there is a fix to this? I cant find any information online concerning this issue. Would like to try and see if i can fix the issue myself before having to send these radio's in. Thanks!
Just wondering if anyone here on the site has ran into this issue as well, and if there is a fix to this? I cant find any information online concerning this issue. Would like to try and see if i can fix the issue myself before having to send these radio's in. Thanks!