Final version gone to my intrepid Beta testers this morning.....
Being tested as I write..
Final version gone to my intrepid Beta testers this morning.....
I think no trunking is still a big issue, also the many bugs, slow updates, and no US repair for imported units as kept me and many others away at the current price point.....
...The AOR problem is even if you just want to listen to 1 (trunked) service, you can't very well because they don't do control channel based trunking. So it's a lot of money for general consumers who want to have an all in 1 device.
..... and soon realised that by far the best method of monitoring the system was by using two scanners and a PC program called 'Trunker'. I could monitor anything that popped up on the system that I could hear - I could see and hear more than they could in their control rooms...
So I am sure that somewhere along the line someone will do the same with some flavours of digital trunking - don't write the AOR AR-DV1 off just yet..
Well v.6.0006-004 with Q-DB (and more) was uploaded a few minutes ago.
Can't give you detailed technical feedback Jeff but the great thing about Espyonard for me is that it just works! Thank you for all the upodates and additions which truly 'push the envelope' beyond what I would have thought possible . . . great stuff. Cheers Peter
Thanks to TaxiMom and Peter.
At the moment I just want people to try the latest eSPYonARD, and especially 'Q-DB'.
In my recent posts, 'pre-release', even now I look at the claims I made for 'Q-DB' and think many people must think them totally outrageous, and seemingly impossible.
Despite 'Q-DB' being just one of the many, many things eSPYonARD can do, and despite 'Q-DB' being so simple to use, it represents a giant leap forward in frequency acquisition and management.
Not just for the AR-DV1 (by association), but for all radio (scanner) enthusiasts.
Quickly and easily importing frequencies from almost anywhere, for immediate use.
It is all but unbelievable, even for me, and I should know it is real, if anybody does, lol.
Jeff asked for ideas . . .
Not Q-DB, rather eSPYonARD itself.
Could an individual squelch level as well as squelch type be assigned to individual entries in a scanning list on the DV-1, for monitoring a mix of AM / FM / digital transmissions in one scan set?
Thanks again for the great programme!