

Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK

You have moved the PRO TOOLS button (gasp..)


Yep, had to move some buttons.

AGC, AUDIO ALERTS. and PRO-TOOLS buttons all in different places.

Fear not, who knows how long it will take before TETRA and APCO arrive.

Until then, the original button positions are safe, lol


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK

Just uploaded the latest version.

If you have not tried the free and almost fully functional version, this is the time.

If you have bought the PRO version, update your program as soon as you can.

The new and updated 'Q' additions are "", well I will let you decide if they and all the other things the program can do, take PC Control and Memory / Frequency management to a new level.

Use the AR-DV1 with 'E E's'

ie, 'E'ase and 'E'legance.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
PowerMate2 - The Return

Just one person has had problems getting the PowerMate tuning wheel to function with eSPYonARD.

Well, he and I thought we had tried everything, and for once I was on the brink of giving up.

Well the solution was in the end really easy.

PowerMate always needs to be run in compatibility mode for 'VISTA' (The drivers were designed for Vista), HOWEVER once again in Windows 10 it has to be set to run as ADMINISTRATOR, as does eSPYonARD.

I have nothing to do with the sales of PowerMate, and I realise it is an extra expense, but if you are serious about using the AR-DV1, particularly on the lower bands, HF and below, then it is an amazing add-on.

I know I am repeating myself, but it adds the one thing any PC Control over a radio lacks, a hands on, and multi-functional tuning knob. When you add to that the fact you can use it in remote control operation too, then it is quite a beast.

Sit it next to your mouse and you will have the best of all worlds, computer control, and precise, tactile tuning (as well as other functions).

I have even managed to incorporate the PowerMate into the 'Q' functions. When a 'Q' window is open, a long press on the knob automatically transfers the frequency you are interested in to the 'Q' list.



Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Gremlin's revenge

Someone emailed me today, pointing out a problem with PRO-TOOLS.

A short time ago I made changes to the speed of the display in Search and Memory.

I missed the fact that these changed PRO-TOOLS.

I have fixed the issues, (I think).

Normally I test a new version with any alterations for days before uploading it, but in this case I really feel I should upload this one today, and rely on others to let me know if there have been any unexpected knock on effects.

I do want to do a few hours testing, but look out for a new version within 8 hours please.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
To BE(ta) or Not to Be(ta), that is the 'Q'uestion

VI (6.0006-003) - available at the Web-Site now

A serious Gremlin nest was revealed in the PRO-TOOLS section.

It was no doubt due to some changes I had made previously, but I had not realised they would impact on PRO-TOOLS.

BASIC Logging should work correctly now, HOWEVER my AR-DV1 has developed a problem and is refusing to record and playback audio as it always has done before.

After HOURS of frustration, thinking it was the program, I eventually unplugged the radio from the P.C. only to discover that even then the recording and playback would not work as they should, by manually pressing the radio's buttons. A full reset, and re-installing the firmware have not cured this.

SO, for the time being I cannot FULLY test the audio recording functions in PRO-TOOLS. As far as I can see they should function, but until my radio is cured I just cannot apply extensive testing.

This is the very first time I have ever uploaded a new release that could be regarded even in this limited way, as a BETA, but I think it is necessary in this particular set of circumstances.


May 2, 2005
New York City
VI (6.0006-003) - available at the Web-Site now

A serious Gremlin nest was revealed in the PRO-TOOLS section.

It was no doubt due to some changes I had made previously, but I had not realised they would impact on PRO-TOOLS.

BASIC Logging should work correctly now, HOWEVER my AR-DV1 has developed a problem and is refusing to record and playback audio as it always has done before.

After HOURS of frustration, thinking it was the program, I eventually unplugged the radio from the P.C. only to discover that even then the recording and playback would not work as they should, by manually pressing the radio's buttons. A full reset, and re-installing the firmware have not cured this.

SO, for the time being I cannot FULLY test the audio recording functions in PRO-TOOLS. As far as I can see they should function, but until my radio is cured I just cannot apply extensive testing.

This is the very first time I have ever uploaded a new release that could be regarded even in this limited way, as a BETA, but I think it is necessary in this particular set of circumstances.

That's no fun. Have you tried reformatting the card, or replacing the card altogether?


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK

Not yet.

I did put it in the P.C. and ran a scan. That came back with no errors.

It is peculiar. Most of the play functions are OK. If I press the red quick record button on the radio, it records correctly onto the card, but pressing the button again does not stop the recording as it should.

Exactly the same as when the instructions are sent from eSPYonARD.

As potentially useful and unique as the program's ability to add audio to the PRO-TOOL logs, I never have time to play with it, and the amount of radio traffic here is pretty low anyway.

Therefore unattended logging is not something I do very often, and of course the new 'Q-SAVE' attends to that side of it during attended radio sessions.

My problem is that on the few occasions I sit down to actually 'play radio', within minutes i get a new idea and I am back to adding something else to eSPYonARD, lol.

That has to be coming to an end soon, I hope. There has to be a limit as to what the program can make the radio do, but there again I have been saying that to myself for months.


May 9, 2016
Jeff - be assured that there are many of us (both US and UK) who are very grateful for all your efforts in firstly writing and then updating your eSPYonARD software so many times already. The Q functions took the programme to even greater functionality and useability. More power to your elbow! Who knows what will be next? (-: Regards. Peter


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK

Jeff - be assured that there are many of us (both US and UK) who are very grateful for all your efforts in firstly writing and then updating your eSPYonARD software so many times already. The Q functions took the programme to even greater functionality and useability. More power to your elbow! Who knows what will be next? (-: Regards. Peter

Thank you so much.

I am really pleased you like the new 'Q' functions and can see their potential.

I do have a small band of acknowledged supporters, to whom I am forever indebted for encouraging me, and helping me to test new ideas.

I have to admit, that bearing in mind the thousands of Forum views since February, I do sometimes wonder if there are any others out there, particularly in the early hours of the morning, after another multi-hour session on eSPYonARD, I can feel a bit unappreciated, lol.

There have been a few "than'Q's" here, very much appreciated by me when they arrive.



Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
v.60006-003 - re-load

If anyone downloaded -003 in the last 24 hours,

PLEASE download and install it again.


For the first time, and for no apparent reason the setup package was not over-writing the main file, so you would still be running 002



Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Had to post about this now

Over the last few days I began adding another 'Q' function (Q-DB - Q Database).

I already have it up and running, although I need to add other things and 'a lot of polishing' before it is released.

My BETA testers have tried it.

They and I agree that this takes eSPYonARD a quantum leap forward regarding memory/frequency acquisition, frequency control, CAT control and boosts the use-ability of the AR-DV1, not only in the program's own right, but as far as any CAT program for any radio.

The 'Q' functions already available in the PRO version already made a big leap, but the addition of 'Q-DB' will take the program much, much further than even that.

A 'BIG CLAIM' I know, but one I would not make unless i honestly believed it, and it had already been confirmed by others

It will probably not be available for some weeks, but I will keep everyone informed re. that.

Sorry, once again I cannot go into a lot of detail ... eSPY's are everywhere, lol. Some people might think it would be great of there was a program that could import and use almost any internet available frequency list available, have unlimited memory channel capabilities without using those in the radio, and be able to filter those lists to find exactly what you wanted, instantly, and even create your own lists really quickly. They might think that, I could not possibly comment.

Now the 'bad news'.

Several people have told me that the current price of eSPYonARD PRO, not only is too low for all the things it does, but more importantly it serves to 'under value' it from a buyer's perspective.

Despite that, I kept the price down for a long time.

However the new version that will be released, notwithstanding all the extra work that entails, will make eSPYonARD so UNIQUE in terms of computer control, and add so much more to the use of the AR-DV1, that I have decided to increase its price.

The new pricing will NOT take effect until the new release is published, and as I promised, any existing owner will get it free of charge.

So an advance warning to all those of you who have just been using the 'Try Before You Buy' version, and resisting all the extra PRO functionality, if you did contemplate buying the program 'one day', then this is probably the time to 'bite the bullet'.

If so far you have resisted trying the program, then this is the time to do it, so you can make your decision before the new version is released.



Nov 13, 2015
Box 500 Slough UK
“Ejector seat? You're joking!” Q: “I never joke about my work, 007”

I am an eSPYonARD PRO user and one of the beta testers and have been doing so for some months now, during this time I have seen the program grow and develop.

Having been involved in the progress on pretty well a daily basis I am exited that eSPYonARD has exceeded all my expectations.

"The ability to be able to take almost any internet available frequency listing in various formats and import them into eSPYonARD, usually without modification, then be able to instantly transfer a frequency to the AR-DV1, filter the listings to your requirements and listen to the results on the radio."

Well I have tested it "Q-DB" (Q Database) and it works.. and works well, Jeff certainly was thinking out of the box when he developed this.

It is worth noting that despite the sheer scope of "Q-DB", it is not complicated to use, it is easy. This new feature integrates with all the other previous "Q" functions.

At this point eSPYonARD has become a real game changer for AR-DV1 users - one program that does it all - and much more !

eSPYonARD was initially written to fill the gap for a PC control program for the AOR AR-DV1 for Jeff's own use, this was then sold on to fellow enthusiasts and other interested parties at low cost. As the program developed the price still stayed low, giving some the impression that: "at that price it can't be that good". Well I suggest you give it a try, you WILL be surprised.

Any long overdue increase in price should reflect the abilities of the program and still be very good value for the money.



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May 2, 2005
New York City
I am an eSPYonARD PRO user and one of the beta testers and have been doing so for some months now, during this time I have seen the program grow and develop.

Having been involved in the progress on pretty well a daily basis I am exited that eSPYonARD has exceeded all my expectations.

"The ability to be able to take almost any internet available frequency listing in various formats and import them into eSPYonARD, usually without modification, then be able to instantly transfer a frequency to the AR-DV1, filter the listings to your requirements and listen to the results on the radio."

Well I have tested it "Q-DB" (Q Database) and it works.. and works well, Jeff certainly was thinking out of the box when he developed this.

It is worth noting that despite the sheer scope of "Q-DB", it is not complicated to use, it is easy. This new feature integrates with all the other previous "Q" functions.

At this point eSPYonARD has become a real game changer for AR-DV1 users - one program that does it all - and much more !

eSPYonARD was initially written to fill the gap for a PC control program for the AOR AR-DV1 for Jeff's own use, this was then sold on to fellow enthusiasts and other interested parties at low cost. As the program developed the price still stayed low, giving some the impression that: "at that price it can't be that good". Well I suggest you give it a try, you WILL be surprised.

Any long overdue increase in price should reflect the abilities of the program and still be very good value for the money.


Having received a pre-release version of the upcoming eSPYonARD, I would definitely call this a "game-changer" in the way the DV1 will operate, and that the "Q-DB" function really is revolutionary in terms of quickly getting the receiver the scan through a practically unlimited number of frequencies, all with little or no programming required.

Given the ability to quickly "copy and paste" huge lists of frequencies is further enhanced by the ability to be able to select keywords in lists (like "Police", "Fire", "Marine", etc) to narrow down searches, or to similarly pick geographic areas in the same manner, draws the AOR DV1 into a new era of scanning and searching. And these lists do not have to be programmed into the scanner--- they operate through a very clever interface with the receiver through the eSPYonARD program.

I would strongly suggest that anyone who uses the AOR DV1 for serious frequency reconnaissance get on board with the full version of the program as soon as possible, as I understand that there is a price increase in the works. Rest assured that you will get free unlimited updates as more and more features are added to the program, as Jeff has yet to disappoint.

The implementation of the "Q-DB" function in eSPYonARD has exponentially increased the versatility of the AOR DV1 for both savvy listeners and government agencies, that depend on the DV1 for intelligence and counter-intelligence operations.

I am advised that the newest version of eSPYonARD is being polished as we speak, and should be available sometime this week.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Mission Impossible - or is it?

Well the cat is out of the bag.

If you are thinking that the above posts make 'Q-DB' sound complicated, well it is not. The programming is very complex, being able to use it, is simple.

As such, the program is now unique as a way of acquiring frequencies and IMPORTING them, from almost anywhere, (including .csv files you may have created using another program).

Those of you who have access to the RR Database whether directly or via another program will have found that despite .csv files being shown for places all around the world, many of them contain no entries.

Those that do are invaluable, but if there are no populated lists for the area you are in, then that is very disappointing.

Before eSPYonARD and Q-DB all you could do was search the Net, and if your found some frequencies that might meet your needs, enter them manually, one by one. Not any more. Of course I cannot guarantee that 'Q-DB' will work with every single frequency list out there on the NET, but it will with lots of them.

This makes eSPYonARD a true 'all-rounder', and because it is only available for the AR-DV1, it adds a new level of power to the radio too.

Very soon I will post a pdf file with a full description of the 'Q' functions to the web-site that contains a short step by step pictorial guide to 'Q-DB' as well.

Q-DB adds virtually unlimited memory-type frequency storage capability to the AR-DV1, all stored in lists
you name and save on your P.C., and quickly editable as a simple text file.

Frequency entries which can contain detailed descriptions, not restricted to 12 characters as are the AR-DV1's memories.

Lists you can quickly apply a filter to. Want to search long list for the keyword 'Police', type in the keyword and there are just 'Police' frequencies displayed.

Lists which appear instantly. Filtered lists that appear instantly. No more waiting to download memories from the radio, unless you want to of course.

Double Click on any line, and the frequency is transferred to the AR-DV1 and program.

Click 'SCAN' and the frequencies are scanned. Click a different list, and the scan continues looking at the
new one. Apply a filter whilst the scan is running, all without a seconds interruption. Change the keyword at any time again while the scan is in progress.

Lists which because they are stored on a computer, can be backed up simply, and even shared.

The capability to quickly create your own lists manually in Notepad if you want to.

You can rename, delete or edit any Q-DB list via a button click, and you can even resize the list if you
want to make it easier to read.

Plus the program's ability to transfer any frequency to a dedicated memory channel if you wish.

Add to all that the scope of the other 'Q' functions, together with all the other things the program can do,
and you have a software / hardware combination which almost defies description.

The options and possibilities seem to go on and on.

Some might think that with the new 'Q' functions, especially 'Q-DB' it is worth buying an AR-DV1 just so
you have the power of eSPYonARD at your fingertips, lol.

On another note.

In my last post I said I would increase the price of eSPYonARD when I released this latest version.

It should be released within days.

However I have been asked several times if I would repeat the offer I made to owners of the 'other' software, of a discount.

Well I am prepared to compromise. I will defer the price increase for 14 days after the release. That gives those people the chance to use the 'Try Before You Buy' version and make their decision.

All existing owners get the upgrade free. All future upgrades will be free.

The 'Try Before You Buy' version will allow use of the new 'Q' functions, but that will be limited.

OK you have read all of the above and you just do not believe it.

You are not alone. I wrote it, I am sitting here watching it all work, and I still find it almost impossible to believe.

All you have to do is try it for free and decide.


May 26, 2016
Well the cat is out of the bag.
Some might think that with the new 'Q' functions, especially 'Q-DB' it is worth buying an AR-DV1 just so
you have the power of eSPYonARD at your fingertips, lol.
Actually that is very true..... you have shown the way.... will anyone else do something similar for the other scanners crippled by poor frequency management functions we can't say.... but this is here now...

Well the cat is out of the bag.
OK you have read all of the above and you just do not believe it.
Not quite.... but it sure sounds good!


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Veracity, veracity there's no one like veracity

OK you have read all of the above and you just do not believe it.

Not quite.... but it sure sounds good!

LOL, as I said, if I could hardly believe it, and I still can't, so I understand anyone else having that reaction.

I just re-read that post of mine, and my 'gut reaction' was "No program could do that". My 'brain' knows different.

Talk about outrageous claims, lol. Just read my last post in the 'New Uses for 'Q' thread.

However, not the tiniest bit of HYPE.

Every fact is true. 'Q-DB' does everything I described, and as of this morning, a bit more.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK

Putting the finishing touches to 'Q-DB'.

You can now apply (and remove) a PASS function to any frequencies in a list you import, whilst 'Q' scanning.

The full list, or one you have applied a 'Q' filter to.

As before, double clicking on any frequency in a 'Q' list transfers it to the AR-DV1 instantly, and lists can be scanned in real time with the frequencies being sent straight to the receiver and program's display.

Here is the part of the new manual which describes this. All available via a couple of mouse clicks. Very complicated coding, very easy to use.

Interestingly much more dependable than the AR-DV1's PASS functions, as the radio's are still somewhat 'flaky'


As the SCAN facility in 'Q'SEARCH' and 'Q-DB' are software controlled, independent of the AR-DV1, the radio's internal PASS commands do not function with them.

During a 'Q-DB' scan, clicking the 'SET PASS' will set the highlighted frequency as PASS. Any PASS frequencies you create will initially appear at the bottom of the list. This makes them easy to identify. If you accidentally created a PASS frequency, or just wish to change your mind stop the scan. Click
'CLR PASS', then double click on the frequency you wish to release.

The amended list is saved automatically. The next time you select it the list will be arranged in alphabetical order. You may use the 'CLR PASS' button to remove any PASS settings, as above.

RIGHT clicking the 'CLR PASS' button lets you clear ALL PASS frequencies from your selected 'Q-DB' list.

PASS frequencies appear in your list, but are 'marked' after the frequency entry. You can still transfer that PASS frequency to the AR-DV1 by double-clicking on it, however It will be ignored during a scan.

You may also set PASS frequencies in a FILTERED list. The program then automatically saves the new filtered 'Q-DB' file, with an extension.

e.g. If you applied the filter TAXI to a 'Q-DB' list named 'PMR.txt' then set a PASS frequency, a new
'Q-DB' file is created named 'PMR.txt-TAXI.txt', and the original list remains unchanged.



Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Another update - important reading

Final version gone to my intrepid Beta testers this morning.

I will continue testing for a day or two, then 'Q-DB' will be unleashed, lol.

It should create quite a stir as there has NEVER been anything like it achieved before.

Spent the last 24 hours adding a 'LIST SORT' function.

As you can imagine, lists you import from the Net will be in all sorts of different formats and layouts.

Although you could use most of them immediately, that meant that some might look different, and a few might be incompatible with the program.

Now you can quickly, and I mean almost instantly, import frequency lists you find on the Net into the program. Click the 'SORT LIST' button. Within seconds the newly imported 'Q-DB' list is arranged in numerical frequency order, with the frequency as the first entry, irrespective of how the original list looked.

Most unnecessary items and spaces are removed, as are any items which might interfere with the ability of the program to read frequencies and modes.

You can then decide whether to keep your original list, or over-write it with the sorted one.

In either case either the original or sorted list can be used to transfer frequencies to the AR-DV1 with just a double click of the appropriate line, or all can be scanned (with a filter applied if you wish).

The great advantage of a sorted list, is that you can quickly ensure all your imported 'Q-DB' lists are in a standard format, making them so much more 'elegant'.

Of course it would be impossible to expect that every unknown frequency list out there will be compatible, however I can say with some degree of certainty that the vast majority will be.

In the unlikely event you find one that is not, it is a simple matter to edit it in Notepad, all from within eSPYonARD.

A final reminder.

This latest version of eSPYonARD will be a complete all-rounder, with the hitherto unimaginable ability of importing and instantly using almost any frequency list from anywhere on the Net.

MUCH more powerful than just the RR database lists other programs use, especially as the RR lists for many locations are empty. Even those that have entries, as useful as they may be, pale into insignificance compared with the ability to import lists of frequencies from the Net.

No other program has ever been able to do that. As such ONLY the AR-DV1 will possess that ability.

It makes the radio and program combination totally UNIQUE.

As I mentioned before, reluctantly I am going to increase the price of the PRO program two weeks after publishing the 'Try Before You Buy' version.

I made a commitment to my customers that ALL upgrades will be free.

If you want to beat the price increase you have the option of buying the program now.

It is entirely up to you, but I just wanted people to know.

eSPYonARD was a very comprehensive CAT program, with many extras added that the radio did not do on its own. With the new 'Q' functions that raised the game, however the new 'Q-DB' function takes frequency management, frequency importation, and control of a radio to a level which still seems, even to me, unbelievable.

The claims of 'Q-DB' do sound impossible. I know that, lol, however every single claim is true. Some posts already verify that, and the program is even stronger now.