Beware Dirty Tricks please
I expect a lot of you will have seen the dirty tricks campaign that has started in other recent threads, covertly to support the new program that is to be released in France, trying to undermine myself and eSPYonARD.
I will not be drawn into doing anything similar. So far genuine posts from others have shown what is happening.
However please be very wary of any posts about eSPYonARD, particularly by people who have just joined the Forum.
It is only too easy to join using a different name, in order to continue this unpleasant campaign.
The fact that the first post or two may appear to be friendly, or have no hidden Agenda is no guarantee that they are genuinely motivated. Just a prelude to what is to follow.
It is sad that this is happening, and not in the spirit of this excellent Forum. I am really sorry to have to bring this to people's attention, but feel sure I can rely on right-minded Members to be on your guard, and be prepared to 'read between the lines'.
Whether you use eSPYonARD, or prefer BUTEL, and I have always acknowledged they make fine software, regular readers will hopefully realise just how much work I have put into improving the AR-DV1 via the program, trying to help others here, always listening and responding to requests for new additions, and providing 7/7 help and support.
I expect a lot of you will have seen the dirty tricks campaign that has started in other recent threads, covertly to support the new program that is to be released in France, trying to undermine myself and eSPYonARD.
I will not be drawn into doing anything similar. So far genuine posts from others have shown what is happening.
However please be very wary of any posts about eSPYonARD, particularly by people who have just joined the Forum.
It is only too easy to join using a different name, in order to continue this unpleasant campaign.
The fact that the first post or two may appear to be friendly, or have no hidden Agenda is no guarantee that they are genuinely motivated. Just a prelude to what is to follow.
It is sad that this is happening, and not in the spirit of this excellent Forum. I am really sorry to have to bring this to people's attention, but feel sure I can rely on right-minded Members to be on your guard, and be prepared to 'read between the lines'.
Whether you use eSPYonARD, or prefer BUTEL, and I have always acknowledged they make fine software, regular readers will hopefully realise just how much work I have put into improving the AR-DV1 via the program, trying to help others here, always listening and responding to requests for new additions, and providing 7/7 help and support.