

Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Beware Dirty Tricks please

I expect a lot of you will have seen the dirty tricks campaign that has started in other recent threads, covertly to support the new program that is to be released in France, trying to undermine myself and eSPYonARD.

I will not be drawn into doing anything similar. So far genuine posts from others have shown what is happening.

However please be very wary of any posts about eSPYonARD, particularly by people who have just joined the Forum.

It is only too easy to join using a different name, in order to continue this unpleasant campaign.

The fact that the first post or two may appear to be friendly, or have no hidden Agenda is no guarantee that they are genuinely motivated. Just a prelude to what is to follow.

It is sad that this is happening, and not in the spirit of this excellent Forum. I am really sorry to have to bring this to people's attention, but feel sure I can rely on right-minded Members to be on your guard, and be prepared to 'read between the lines'.

Whether you use eSPYonARD, or prefer BUTEL, and I have always acknowledged they make fine software, regular readers will hopefully realise just how much work I have put into improving the AR-DV1 via the program, trying to help others here, always listening and responding to requests for new additions, and providing 7/7 help and support.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
F/W 1702D

I am getting a massive amount of 'crackle' on the lower bands - LW through to 30mHz.

This may be local conditions of course, but can others please report on this, in case it is related to the new firmware.

A few weeks ago I mentioned the interference on the lower bands that seemed to appear after the F/W update.

Just to put things straight. It was NOT a by-product of the firmware at all. If any of you are not aware, here was the culprit.

I had fitted 'internet over the mains' devices the day before, after buying a smart TV.

Eventually I tracked down the interference to them. Subsequently I read up on the devices and there are a lot of posts on the Net. They convert the signals and use frequencies between 1.8 and 30mHz, effectively turning the house wiring into an Amateur Radio nightmare of very strong, constant crackles and pops across that whole spectrum.

So for anybody on the Forum who did not realise, I have passed this information on.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
New espyonard update available in a few days

v.6.0007-004A will be uploaded to in a few days, with the new function added by the latest firmware and more.

For those new to the Forum, or considering buying an AR-DV1, I have consolidated many of the things you would have to go through many previous posts to find, about software control for the radio.

The word 'KISS' (Keep It Sweet And Simple) is being mentioned on some threads.

I have always believed in that. New users of eSPYonARD, whether the free or paid for version will find that the basic functions of the radio can be utilised simply.

However the AR-DV1 is a very sophisticated machine, that is why people buy it, and eSPYonARD not only controls the simplest of functions in an easy, friendly way, but the program also reflects all of the many more detailed things the radio can do, and indeed provides extra functions the radio cannot do without the program.

As I am sure others will agree, without software control many users, certainly at the beginning have to refer to sometimes quite complicated sections of the AOR manual repeatedly.

eSPYonARD caters for the day to day, and Professional user, which is reflected in the very many functions it has. It encompasses the many and varied sophisticated abilities of the radio and adds many extras, but under software control using them is greatly simplified.

As with anything so versatile, a manual is essential reading for the program of course, particularly if you want access to everything the AR-DV1 is capable of, and all the extras the program provides.

One only has to look at a program's display to see if it reflects every single piece of information that is shown on the radio itself, as the AR-DV1 displays it.

With eSPYonARD there is usually no need to look at the AR-DV1 when using the program as EVERY ITEM is displayed on the P.C.'s screen just as it is being shown on the radio.

Being able to scale a program's interface in size can be very useful too, and being able to choose from 12 different skins.

The above functions alone represent no mean achievement in software engineering.

You can control the many functions of the radio as it actually displays them,via the software and its display, on your monitor.

Being able to control the AR-DV1 remotely via WiFi on another P.C. / Laptop / Android phone or tablet is also possible, so no need for the program to be available on different platforms as all its functions can be utilised by them (see Web Site for details).

Finally, if you have not done so already, do to look at the 'Q' functions.They do represent a major breakthrough for radio users. eSPYonARD is the only software that has ever had anything as simple to use, and amazingly sophisticated as 'Q'. More details of 'Q' are shown at the web site.

Just one ability of 'Q' is UNLIMITED 'Q' MEMORY BANKS and UNLIMITED 'Q' MEMORY FREQUENCIES. Thousands if you wish all catalogued and named to your taste. Of course eSPYonARD also lets you fully control the radio's own Search and Memory functions as well.

'Q' can automatically store active frequency details during an AR-DV1 Search, or one click to ADD the Frequency and Mode you are listening to from any Band, using an INTELLIGENT inter-active list for instant recall and effortless surfing.

The list even 'knows' if the same frequency is selected automatically or manually more than once and just updates its 'date and time'. No 'duplicated entries. Double-click on any line and the frequency and mode are transferred to the AR-DV1 for immediate monitoring.

'Q' can IMPORT almost ANY frequency list from many sources - including the Internet. In a very short times an*entire list can be monitored and scanned. usually with no user modifications needed.

'Q' lists can be created, edited, saved or recalled, all as simple text files that are easy to create - easy to store - easy to backup - and saved on your Computer.

'Q' lists can be modified, PASS frequencies added, entries filtered by keyword, and all sorted into frequency order.

All the frequencies in any 'Q' list can be SCANNED at two speeds.

'Q' has other abilities too.

Some of the things available with 'Q' could easily be dismissed as all but impossible, but they are not. No hype, all of them work, as posts from others here, and the Web Sites show. Seeing is believing.

There are, or soon will be 3 different software program available for the AR-DV1. Each has a very different approach, and vary widely in sophisticated abilities, or not as the case may be.

I would not dream of telling anyone which may be best for them. Each program has a free trial, so why not try them all first. Pick the one that is best for you, after examining each for a suitable time. I leave it to you to decide which has the most capabilities.

eSPYonARD's trial can be used for as long as you wish.

Best of luck to all the software developers, and to all of you who love the AR-DV1 as much as I do.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
More On The Way

From time to time I get emails from customers requesting additions or alterations.

As many of you will have read in many cases over the last year I have quickly incorporated many of these, and issued an update to the program.

Some requests would have required a lot of programming, so I had created a list of those to look at, to be examined in more detail and included if possible,

I have just managed to finish going through that list, and I am pleased to say found ways to include all the points Users requested.

There a certainly two or three quite significant changes / additions, and a few more minor ones.

Back to the boring 'testing' phase at the moment, which as tedious as it might be, I take very seriously so it has to be done.

Once I and my intrepid team of BETA checkers have finished you can expect a new update.

This will be v.6.0007-005A.

I will post here when it is ready, however it is always best to check at to make sure you are running the latest version.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Responding to emails - next update info

I have been getting lots of emails from PRO users asking what new things will be included in the NEXT update.

I do not usually do this, as in the past some new functions seem to find their way into other programs eventually, albeit perhaps not so well implemented, lol. However as no other program has 'Q' I will do so.

I am very busy 'testing' to make sure all the changes have not introduced any Gremlins, so I have prepared a quick list here. They are ALL worth reading about.

Changes Log

1. In all Search and Memory operations, the BANK list NOW also shows the appropriate Bank description (TAG) next to each entry in the Bank List.

This makes using Search and Memory functions so much easier. No need to try to remember which Bank Number refers to the one you are looking for.

2. The 'Q' auto search and store function works best with Line Squelch, so the program now automatically selects that where necessary.

3. Some windows now have an 'x' (close option) added

4. The 'Q' auto search and store function makes the AR-DV1's totally redundant. That took up memories, was limited in the number it could store, and could not display full information about each frequency.

The 'Q' function is much more sophisticated and easy to use, both to save and recall those frequencies to the radio instantly.

When that function is active, 'Q-AS' is shown on the program's yellow screen.

5. The 'Q' auto search has been modified and it NEVER reacts to 'false positives'. This could happen due to the 'AR-DV1' sending some out from time to time. Now the list you get in 'Q' auto search is always 100% accurate.

6. The 'Q' auto search window now contains a 'slider' which allows the User to decide how long a signal holds open the squelch before an entry is made to the list, (from 1 to 10 seconds). Useful if you want to eliminate very short signals registering a new line.

As before, the 'Q' auto search list is 'intelligent'. If the same frequency opens, a new line is not created each time, just the time and date of the last change is updated. The same applies to the manual 'Q' list that operates if a User decides to make an entry by right clicking the VFO-A button.

7. Added an option NOT to display the description (TAG) of memory frequencies during a Memory Scan. This required a lot of information exchange and could slow the SCAN operation.

In any case, when a Memory frequency opens, the description (TAG) will be displayed.

***** The actual speed of the AR-DV1 in a SEARCH or SCAN remains the same. The limitation in speed of serial communications mean that the program's SEARCH and SCAN display are not updated as quickly as they are on the radio's screen (which is so fast as to be unreadable anyway), however AS SOON AS A FREQUENCY OPENS ALL DETAILS ARE SHOWN ON THE eSPYonARD screen.

8. If a problem ever occurred with the connection between the Radio and the P.C. a window would appear asking the User to enter the Com Port manually. This function still exists, but the window kept losing 'focus' so was difficult to use. That has been corrected.

9. During the startup process the radio's volume is set to '0' initially, just to minimise any bursts of sound if one of the frequencies is active. When setup is complete the volume is reset.

***** The program always takes about 20 seconds to start. That is because it stores a lot of User preferences whilst in operation, and these have to be restored. Also the program checks to see if any changes have been made to the Radio since eSPYonARD was last used, and updates those settings. This waiting time is important, as it provides the User with important 'up to date' information when completed.

10. The Volume and Squelch sliders are now larger, so easier to operate.

11. The program will turn the radio 'ON' automatically. It does NOT turn the power 'OFF' when the program closes, as in many circumstances that would not be appropriate.

12. The main 'Q' window can be minimised (keeps operating), and restored. Especially useful during a 'Q' auto search and store operation.

There have also been a number of minor cosmetic changes.

As always, all the operation of the program, including the changes above are simple to use, as they should be, however the programming capabilities and alterations have been extensive, and a lot of work.

If you do not have the PRO version yet, please download the 'free trial' and see for yourself

Finally, you will find you will probably NOT need to refer to the program's manual at all to use the usual 'simple' operations. However eSPYonARD is such a comprehensive 'professional' program, in order to get the full use of it a 'Manual' is important. No other program provides so many extra functions that the AR-DV1 just cannot perform on its own.

The 'Q' functions alone makes the AR_DV1 / eSPYonARD combination unique. Anyone who has not seen them in operation is missing quite an experience.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Tweaking - Just for information

The new update required the program to download all Search and Memory information from the radio as it started up, in order to accurately include TAGS for the Bank Lists, in case anyone had added any in manual mode since eSPYonARD was last used. That resulted in the program taking longer to complete its loading process.

During the testing phase I have managed to shave 7 seconds off the next updates loading time, so my reference above to '20 seconds' is not accurate now. the program no longer takes extra time to start.

The new version is with BETA testers now, and should be available shortly.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
And More

Just when I was beginning to think the new update was ready for release, another User email request arrived regarding the 'Q-DB' SCAN function.

So I decided to add that, and in the process included some other interesting and useful things to that function.


a. The 'Q' window now shows the Scan Delay (as set by clicking the DELAY button on the Main Window)

b. Setting the DELAY to '0' will make the program stop on the open frequency, and not move on until it ceases transmission. The program waits 12 seconds before resuming in case there is another 'over'.

c. Any other Scan DELAY setting determines how long the radio 'waits' before resuming 'Q' Scan, whether the carrier remains 'open' or not.

d. You can 'pause' the 'Q' Scan by clicking the 'AUTO ON/OFF' button. Now when the scan re-starts it no longer starts at the beginning of the list, but continues from where it last stopped, then scans from the beginning of the list once it reaches the end.

Three more days of 'solid' non-stop programming, but well worth it, and so easy to use 'in action'.

I will post here when the new update is available from Back to testing again for a short time after the latest additions above.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Update Information

BETA testers have reported back.

v.60007-005A should be available at within 24 hours.

Too many 'goodies' to set out here.

When you have installed it, do read the last Revision History reference at the end of the Instruction Manual for details, or you could 'miss' some interesting things.

Upgrade is free of course, as is the Trail version.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Short Delay

Always mindful of how some of the Firmware Updates have impacted negatively on other areas (and I am not being critical of AOR as I understand those problems only too well), I have decided to do a few more days testing on 005A before releasing it, as there have been a lot of additions and improvements in many areas..

Indeed I would class it as a significant update, having incorporated many User requests, and subject to AOR releasing anything new for the Radio, I do not imagine there will be any need to update eSPYonARD for a time.

Not that I have lost interest but unless I get another 'Q' moment there is just nothing left to add. One of the spin-offs of eSPYonARD being the 'oldest' professional quality software that incorporated full P.C. control, but of course it is only as 'old' as the latest updates re-create it as 'new'.

7/7 support will continue unhindered.

I must be doing something right, over a thousand more 'views' on this Forum in the last 14 days. Heading for 30,000 soon.

005A should be available within a week at most. I will post here when it has been uploaded.

Have a good Easter.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK

I have just uploaded the new version to

This is a MAJOR update, with many more goodies, several User requests added, and transferring Frequencies to Memory Channels has been streamlined.

Of the many improvements the one that I am really pleased with is the display of Search and Bank names in their respective BANK Lists. This makes the identification and selection of Banks so much simpler than using the Radio manually, where a Bank is displayed only as a number.

My brilliant team of BETA testers and I have tested the new version, however with such a big re-write there may be something we have missed, as adding or changing the slightest thing can sometimes impact in totally unexpected areas.

All users should definitely upgrade to 005A. You should find many improvements to existing and new functions.

Rather than clogging up the Forum if anyone does find anything that is not operating as it should, please email me via the Email Icon at the Web Site.

As always the TRIAL version is free and does not expire.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Ability to transfer current Mem Bank to 'Q-DB'

I received an email from someone asking if it was possible to transfer the contents of a Memory Bank in the Radio to a 'Q-DB' list.

I have looked into this, and can now see several important benefits. The re-coding was extensive, but it is all working and really easy from the User's point of view.

The main benefits of transferring simple Memory Channels to a 'Q-DB' list is that it will free many of the radio's 'limited' Memories, which can then be used for more complex Memory items, i.e. those where you need to store Digital Modes, Noise Reduction, Tone Squelch settings etc.

The 'Q-DB' Memory Banks are limited only to the size of how many your P.C. can store, and also have the advantage of being saved and accessed under Sub-Folder and List Names of your choosing.

You can quickly transfer any 'Q-DB' frequency to the radio, using mouse clicks, and SCAN them too. Also because they are stored as simple text files you can add, modify or delete any entry, or expand the descriptions shown for each entry.

Another benefit is that you can create new lists, by cutting and pasting details from any 'Q-DB' memory list into a new Notepad file, in effect 'linking' them, but ensuring only the frequencies you require are included.

The result is I am now in the process of testing 005B, with the above and a few extra improvements added.

I hope to upload it within a few days.

This 'new' function is a considerable step forward as it lets you free up many dedicated radio Memory Channels, and converts them so you can also utilise them with the power of 'Q'.

The ability to make backups of 'Q-DB' files on your P.C. or to an external device is an added bonus.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Wilmington, NC
Disregard. I asked how to determine the current version I am using. Found the answer at the top of the primary screen.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Run Time Error - File not found???

This is happening on a very few User's P.C.'s. I cannot reproduce the problem here, and I personally test the program on many P.C.'s and Windows versions before release.

I have traced the cause. For some unknown reason, occasionally the pointer to the SKINS sub-folder does not work correctly on start-up. That does not seem to be within eSPYonARD itself, but in the Setup program which I purchased and did not write myself.

IF anyone has found this happens after installing eSPYonARD, so you have been unable to use it, PLEASE email me by using the email ICON at

I have a very quick and easy 'temporary' fix' I can send you, but as I cannot reproduce the error on any P.C.'s I test with here I need further information.


Mar 18, 2017
can only program 1 memory at a time

i bought this as i want to program my dv1 and not just save files to my pc to use with the dv1 connected, i find it very slow to use and i am using a high spec i7 machine. You can only program one memory at a time and save it, butel lets you cut n paste to the program and then save to radio rather than a file.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Bit More To It Than That

i bought this as i want to program my dv1 and not just save files to my pc to use with the dv1 connected, i find it very slow to use and i am using a high spec i7 machine. You can only program one memory at a time and save it, butel lets you cut n paste to the program and then save to radio rather than a file.

The Trial is free, and I always urge people to REALLY try that first then decide for themselves before buying it.

The program is designed with control of the AR-DV1 as its primary function, however:-

eSPYonARD has two comprehensive methods of Memory Management. You have focused on just one of them.

The other - 'Q' - is unique and no other software / hardware combination has it.

1. The first works on the principle that transferring blocks of frequencies to the Radio's 'limited' memories is ultimately counter-productive, as you often end up finding many of them are out of date or not what you wanted then you have to identify and manually delete those whichever program you use.

So in eSPYonARD you choose and enter the frequencies you want to transfer one by one, can monitor them in real-time to add any other things like NR and actually hear the result before deciding if you want to add them to an actual Memory slot.


With 'Q' you can acquire lists of frequencies from almost any source, and within a very few minutes, sometimes seconds, they are available to monitor or scan on the AR-DV1, by just copying and pasting them into a text file.

'Q' is a very fast way of acquiring, manipulating and most importantly using frequencies with just a few mouse clicks.

So with 'Q' you have:-

a. Unlimited 'Q' type Memory Banks

b. Unlimited 'Q' Memory Frequencies

c. Any 'Q' entry can be modified, deleted, filtered by key word, or set to 'PASS' using mouse-clicks.

d. 'Q' frees up the AR-DV1's Memory Channels for those you 'know' are current and what you actually want, if you need to use them.

Use 'Q' to obtain your lists of frequencies very quickly, and use them on the Radio.

If you decide you want to transfer one of the 'Q' frequencies to a dedicated AR-DV1 Memory Bank there is a button to do that, but people will probably decide in most cases 'Q-DB' is all they need for most analogue frequencies.

AOR recommend that DIGITAL frequencies are not 'mixed' with analogue ones in a Memory Bank, so 'Q' is ideal as it leaves the radio's dedicated Memories free to use for them.

eSPYonARD contains 'Q-DB' example files, so you can quickly see what 'Q' can do.

The other major advantage is 'Q-DB' files are simple text files. So you can back them up with ease.

You can still transfer files to the AR-DV1's Memory Banks of course, but at least by using ''Q' first you can ensure the ones you do transfer there are current and really what you want to store on the Radio itself.

The other major advantage is one of the many 'Q' functions allows you to actually LOG 'active' frequencies during an AR-DV1 Search, so Users can identify those that are of interest.

eSPYonARD Pro-Tools even lets you log a sample of audio with each 'active' frequency in a Search or Scan it finds.

I realise you mainly wanted to program Memories for use 'Mobile', but people should also be aware of the many, many functions that eSPYonARD has to offer, many bringing things to the AR-DV1 that cannot be done without the program.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
New version available

eSpyOnARD v.6.0007-006 now available from

Quite a few new goodies, PLUS all the windows including 'Q' can now be scaled in size to suit your Monitor and screen resolution.

Trial is free, 'Go Compare'............


Mar 18, 2017
what about folk who want to take it in their camper van or want to sit on the beach etc, they wont want to carry a laptop and we cant all afford dreaded iphones to tether when all we want to do is program our radio quickly and go out somewhere or even sit in the car at a nice location and use it manually programmed and ready to go. I for one do not want to sit there and program a memory one at a time or use software to do that in this day and age. i have your software yes. but i feel it falls short at this point as at the end of the day i just want to program my radio. if your software did this, then we all would be happy. i only bought it because mike burgess on a facebook group sang its praises, but then he would, he is your beta tester. i just wish now i had bought arc, a costly mistake i have made and it is going to take a while before i can buy arc due to my present circumstamces.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK

i only bought it because mike burgess on a facebook group sang its praises, but then he would, he is your beta tester. i just wish now i had bought arc, a costly mistake i have made and it is going to take a while before i can buy arc due to my present circumstamces.


Mike is a man of great integrity and radio knowledge. None of my BETA Testers are paid, and they do a great service 'free' for all eSPYonARD Users. He always tells it as he sees it.

Many of my customers like to have both programs. They are very different in some respects, but eSPYonARD has so many other unique functions.

Fair enough you have decided eSPYonARD is not for you, but please do not insult my BETA testers, or those who do like the program.

Despite today's apparent 'aggro', about this particular matter you are still a valued Customer, and as I did before I will always do my best to provide you with help 7/7.

Once again, the Trial program is free for as long as anyone wants to use it. Nobody can please everyone all the time, but by offering the free Trial I do my best to ensure people can make an informed choice.
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