BCD325P2 Close Call Not Working on UHF DMR

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Feb 5, 2021
I'm having MULTIPLE issues with my new BCD325P2. Firmware is 1.09.12. M-Ver=1. I have done no programming to it. Just removed it from the box, attached the antenna, installed the batteries and turned it on. The Close Call feature seems to work fine for analog FM, on both VHF (153 MHz range) and UHF (456 MHz range). But it will not take close call hits on DMR for ANY band, even if I have the MotoTrbo portable radio right next to the scanner and key it up. If I enter the direct frequency for the Trbo radio and hit HOLD (non-close call mode), the scanner will receive the DMR transmission, BUT, the signal comes and goes about every second or so. My Trbo radios are in the clear (no encryption), and on CC1, TS1, and talk group ID 0003200. My two Trbo portable radios can talk to each other just fine. I've verified that the VHF and UHF close call bands were enabled. I've tried CC modes of both CC Pri and CC DND. Tone/Code Search is set to NAC/CC/RAN/Area.

The other issue is, when set for direct entry mode, and I enter my DMR radio's frequency, then transmit from my DMR portable radio the scanner locks onto the transmission, shows CC1 (signal comes and goes, as described above), but I don't see the talkgroup ID (should be 3200), nor the time slot (1 or 2). When I bought the radio, and paid for the $75 DMR upgrade from the factory, I expected it to be able to close-call with the DMR mode and show all aspects of the transmission, including color code, talkgroup ID, and time slot. That's the reason I selected/bought this scanner. The manual covers little to nothing on troubleshooting, and was useless in helping me figure out these issues. Ready to return it to the dealer for a refund if I can't figure this out in a couple of days.

What am I missing?


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
I'm having MULTIPLE issues with my new BCD325P2. Firmware is 1.09.12. M-Ver=1. I have done no programming to it. Just removed it from the box, attached the antenna, installed the batteries and turned it on. The Close Call feature seems to work fine for analog FM, on both VHF (153 MHz range) and UHF (456 MHz range). But it will not take close call hits on DMR for ANY band, even if I have the MotoTrbo portable radio right next to the scanner and key it up. If I enter the direct frequency for the Trbo radio and hit HOLD (non-close call mode), the scanner will receive the DMR transmission, BUT, the signal comes and goes about every second or so. My Trbo radios are in the clear (no encryption), and on CC1, TS1, and talk group ID 0003200. My two Trbo portable radios can talk to each other just fine. I've verified that the VHF and UHF close call bands were enabled. I've tried CC modes of both CC Pri and CC DND. Tone/Code Search is set to NAC/CC/RAN/Area.

The other issue is, when set for direct entry mode, and I enter my DMR radio's frequency, then transmit from my DMR portable radio the scanner locks onto the transmission, shows CC1 (signal comes and goes, as described above), but I don't see the talkgroup ID (should be 3200), nor the time slot (1 or 2). When I bought the radio, and paid for the $75 DMR upgrade from the factory, I expected it to be able to close-call with the DMR mode and show all aspects of the transmission, including color code, talkgroup ID, and time slot. That's the reason I selected/bought this scanner. The manual covers little to nothing on troubleshooting, and was useless in helping me figure out these issues. Ready to return it to the dealer for a refund if I can't figure this out in a couple of days.

What am I missing?
This has come up before. For Close Call to work, the signal must be significantly stronger than the background noise. If you are close to your scanner when you key up your DMR, it will not pick up the DMR transmission since it is not continuous. The transmitting radio is only using one of the two slots, so there is a break in the signal, even though it is very short, as the signal alternates the slot. So, it transmitting on Slot 1, there is a break when the signal switches to Slot 2, which is not being used, Since it is not a continuous signal (as wtp noted), Close Call does not recognize it.

As to your second issue (not seeing a talkgroup when using direct entry, I suspect that that mode is simply looking for a signal, and it is not actually looking for a talkgroup. Someone else may have a better idea on that than I do. I do not have a TRBO radio to try to see if one of the other scanners I have would display a talkgroup.

If you return it, I suspect that you might get credit for the scanner itself, but not for the DMR upgrade. Your dealer would have paid Uniden for it, and there is no process for getting a refund. Incidentally, had you purchased the upgrade directly from Uniden, the cost would have been $60. For someone looking to buy a new scanner, I try to advise them not to purchase any of the upgrades (DMR, NXDN, or ProVoice) until they are satisfied that they will keep the scanner, not return it because it either does not work (needs repair) or because it will not handle a given system (such as Simulcast if the scanner is any model except the SDS100 or SDS200). I would also caution about transmitting too close to the scanner. That can damage the receiver, and would not be something that may preclude a warranty repair.


Salt Water Conch
Premium Subscriber
Apr 13, 2014
Oneida County, NY
it will not do DMR in close call, as it is too short a burst of RF to register.

I am not familiar with the BCD325P2 scanner, but I can definitively state that Close Call works fine on my SDS scanners. This picture shows my SDS100 capturing a DMR transmission. I routinely use Close Call while driving my car and often capture DMR, NXDN, and P25 transmissions.



Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2002
Farmington, Connecticut
This has come up before. For Close Call to work, the signal must be significantly stronger than the background noise. If you are close to your scanner when you key up your DMR, it will not pick up the DMR transmission since it is not continuous. The transmitting radio is only using one of the two slots, so there is a break in the signal, even though it is very short, as the signal alternates the slot. So, it transmitting on Slot 1, there is a break when the signal switches to Slot 2, which is not being used, Since it is not a continuous signal (as wtp noted), Close Call does not recognize it.

As to your second issue (not seeing a talkgroup when using direct entry, I suspect that that mode is simply looking for a signal, and it is not actually looking for a talkgroup. Someone else may have a better idea on that than I do. I do not have a TRBO radio to try to see if one of the other scanners I have would display a talkgroup.

If you return it, I suspect that you might get credit for the scanner itself, but not for the DMR upgrade. Your dealer would have paid Uniden for it, and there is no process for getting a refund. Incidentally, had you purchased the upgrade directly from Uniden, the cost would have been $60. For someone looking to buy a new scanner, I try to advise them not to purchase any of the upgrades (DMR, NXDN, or ProVoice) until they are satisfied that they will keep the scanner, not return it because it either does not work (needs repair) or because it will not handle a given system (such as Simulcast if the scanner is any model except the SDS100 or SDS200). I would also caution about transmitting too close to the scanner. That can damage the receiver, and would not be something that may preclude a warranty repair.
I found your reply to be very credible, accurate… couldn’t have said it any better! And your cautioning against transmitting too close to the scanner is a definite no-no. Thanks for being so thorough.


The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!
This comes up soooo many times.

CC will not capture subscriber side of DMR as the transmissions are to short (30 milliseconds). It will work on the base station side all day long (assuming all CC conditions are met).


Feb 5, 2021
I am not familiar with the BCD325P2 scanner, but I can definitively state that Close Call works fine on my SDS scanners. This picture shows my SDS100 capturing a DMR transmission. I routinely use Close Call while driving my car and often capture DMR, NXDN, and P25 transmissions.

View attachment 131151
That's good to know. However, I need for it to be able to close call hit on a DMR portable radio (my XPR7550) within a few feet of it, transmitting on a single time slot. In your test above (graphic), was this a client radio transmitting next to the scanner, or a DMR repeater close-by? It looks like the SDS100 shows all of the information that I need, the only question is, will it hit on a portable radio transmitting next to it? It makes sense, what the other parties are telling me about the portables and mobiles only transmitting on a 30/70 duty cycle, preventing the BCD scanner from seeing the signal long enough to lock on, whereas a repeater usually transmits on both time slots, thus eliminating the "gap" in the transmission. What I'm going to be doing with the scanner is taking it to the race tracks and other events where DMR is used, and sniffing-out digital team transmissions. All of these would be simplex, not repeater-based.


Feb 5, 2021
I recently purchased a new BCD325P2 scanner, and a pre-installed DMR Programming key, but have been disappointed in what I have seen with the DMR feature. The Close Call function of the scanner will not hit on DMR client radios operating on a single time slot, even when as close as 15 feet apart. And even if I dial-in the direct frequency in scanner mode, the scanner can't seem to maintain a constant talk path with the portable radio, likely because of the 50/50 duty cycle of single-slot transmissions. And one other deficiency I'd like to question here, because it might be merely a configuration issue... When scanning a DMR transmission from a DMR repeater, is the BCD325P2 capable of decoding and displaying on-screen the Unit ID of the transmitting client radio, as well as the Talk Group ID? So far, all I've seen is the color code decoded.


Feb 5, 2021
Copy that, but even using the traditional scanning method will the scanner show more info on the DMR transmission than just the color code and frequency? I expected it to show the Unit ID and TG ID. Maybe all of the info will show up on a DMR repeater transmission using both time slots, but I'm skeptical of that because, even though the scanner decodes the audio just fine, it didn't display the unit ID and TG ID on transmissions from my DMR hot spot.


Feed Provider
Feb 9, 2018
Central North Carolina
Is your squelch set really high, or maybe attenuation is turned on? It's unusual to not be able to reliably receive a radio that's only 15 feet away, whether it's DMR or not. I don't have a BCD325P2, so I'm just asking the general types of things I know need to be checked, but that sounds like maybe your squelch is too high or your attenuator is on. You receive it some though, right?


The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!
Is your squelch set really high, or maybe attenuation is turned on? It's unusual to not be able to reliably receive a radio that's only 15 feet away, whether it's DMR or not. I don't have a BCD325P2, so I'm just asking the general types of things I know need to be checked, but that sounds like maybe your squelch is too high or your attenuator is on. You receive it some though, right?

That’s incorrect information. The 30 millisecond TX time on DMR is too short for CC to capture it. Whether it’s 150’ or 15’.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2000
You could try a Search and Store using the business band (both inputs and outputs) or a known range of frequencies for what you are trying to hear. Then scan the results and use the lockout button as needed. You had mentioned somewhere that you were trying to get race car frequencies. If I recall, often there are folks selling information or offering to program scanners at some venues (been a long time since I was at a track).
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