BCD396XT Kent county information?

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Sep 5, 2011
^^^ If you still have contacts at DIVCOM, they may be able to help you with your concerns. The only changes are NPSPAC Rebanding, and more Encryption, lots of it. The TG may no longer be used.

The K-EMSDSP TG doesn't seem to be used anymore. K-DISP is actually coming across on K-FIREDSP. So with all of your help... it looks like I'm good now. I have to get a hold of some of the guys at Kent anyway. I wrote a computer program that takes the Kent dispatches to our station (emails) and sends them out via text message to our members. Saves us the money it costs for the subscription services that are out there. It's a bit more reliable and I can customize the messages how the station wants them. I gotta see if they can send out "email" dispatches when there is a 2nd and 3rd call without response so we don't scratch.

Anyway.... Thanks a bunch for your assistance. I will be saving this configuration for future use. Hopefully they don't screw around with the system anymore.


Feed Provider
Jan 2, 2003
Six Feet Under
^^^ No problem. You can also use the Fire Tone Out Feature of the BCD396XT and the new BCD436/536HP Scanners. The Tones can be searched for each Station/Service, or use the RRDB and download the file containing FTOs for every Station in Delaware.

The eMail/TXT Msg service sounds interesting. :)


Sep 5, 2011
Thanks guys. The messaging program is quite quick and has been reliable. All I do is monitor the email system using IMAP with an IDLE connection. As soon as an email comes in, I see it, parse it out, compile the text message, and shoot it out to all of our members that I have stored in an SQL database. I like it. The only times I miss sending a message is if the email from Kent is missing something. I can trap for missing info without issue, but I shouldn't have to. Anyway, it's installed as a service on our station server and runs like a champ.
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