guess I'm not programming it right.
Here are the correct programming steps:
For Conventional frequencies please follow these steps:
1. Press Menu button
2. Highlight Program System, Press E
3. Highlight New System, Press E
4. Highlight Conventional, Press E
5. Confirm by pressing E
6. Highlight Edit Group, Press E
7. Highlight New Group, Press E
8. Highlight Edit Channel, Press E
9. Highlight New Channel, Press E
10. Enter your Frequency, Press E
11. To enter more frequencies, Highlight New Channel, Press E
For P25 (Standard Trunk), Motorolla, Edacs, LTR:
1. Press Menu
2. Highlight Program System, Press E
3. Highlight New System, Press E
4. Highlight the system you need Conventional, P25, Motorolla, Edacs, LTR, Press E
5. If P25 (Standard Trunk), EDACS, or Motorolla please follow the steps below:
6. Highlight Edit Site, Press E
7. Highlight New Site, Press E
8. Highlight Set Frequencies, Press E
9. Highlight New Frequency, Press E
10. Type in Primary and Alternate Frequencies (red and blue frequencies on RadioReference) Press E
11. Highlight New Frequency to enter more, Press E
Once you have entered all of your frequencies and want to enter DEC/TGID:
12. Press Menu 4 times.
13. Highlight Edit Group, Press E
14. Highlight New Group, Press E
15. Highlight Edit Channel, Press E
16. Highlight New Channel, Press E
17. Enter in the DEC/TGID, Press E
18. To enter more DEC/TGID Highlight New Channel, Press E
Once you have finished entering the DEC/TGID
19. Press Menu 4 Times
20. Highlight Edit Sys Option, Press E
21. Highlight ID Scan/Search, Press E
22. Press E on ID Scan if using TGID's and ID Search if just using only Frequencies.
For P25 One Frequency Trunk:
1. Press Menu
2. Highlight Program System, Press E
3. Highlight New System, Press E
4. Highlight P25, Press E
5. Highlight One Freq Trunk, Press E
6. Highlight Edit Site, Press E
7. Highlight New Site, Press E
8. Highlight Set Frequencies, Press E
9. Highlight New Frequency, Press E10. Enter the Frequency, Press E
11. Highlight New Frequency, Press E
12. Once you have all the Frequencies entered you can Press Scan
When you're finished press scan.