BCD996XT v1.07.03 Firmware Update Available

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Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
Trying to update 996XT firmware. I choose the right scanner and update version. I then click 'autodetect' and the scanner is detected, com port 4. I then click "start to begin the update. The update downloads and then, during the "connecting to scanner" step I get "Updating firmware failed. Scanner doesn't respond." Have made numerous attempt, powering the scanner on/off, holding the L/O & 6 keys as it powers up...always the same issue.

Thoughts? Using Windows 7

Same thing I saw when I accidently tried updating using the rear port.
Firmware must be applied to the front port on the 996.

It took me a few to figure out my mistake as the update did detect the scanner even though it was on the rear port.

So, make sure you are using the front port with the cable that fits the front port jack that came with the scanner.


Oct 29, 2004
Baltimore, MD
Same thing I saw when I accidently tried updating using the rear port.
Firmware must be applied to the front port on the 996.

It took me a few to figure out my mistake as the update did detect the scanner even though it was on the rear port.

So, make sure you are using the front port with the cable that fits the front port jack that came with the scanner.

Yup...was using the front port. And it DOES detect the scanner....but when I hit START it gives the error that the scanner is not responding.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 20, 2008
Vista, CA
It is really unfortunate that Uniden chose to cripple the XT models by removing the option to manually adjust the digital thresholds per site that was possible on the T models. The ability to limit the auto adjustment, provided in the previous release, was a lot of help for some of us but the manual adjustment is still a gaping hole in functionality.


Feed Provider
May 17, 2003
Chandler, AZ
Geeze, I had to try 3 computers until I went to an old HP box with a real serial port to get the update software to work. All three machines would run Proscan with no problems using a Belkin USB to serial adapter, but would not see the 996XT with the update software. I switched to the real serial port and had to try it a few times before it detected the scanner and did the update.

Ya gotta love software drivers sometimes.

So far I see a slight improvement in the Phoenix Regional Wireless System from the Chandler area. I haven't tried the Mesa system yet, and it was terrible before the update.
Apr 18, 2009
I'm so stupid

I decided that I would upgrade my 996XT when I got home on Friday, even though I had not been experiencing any out-of-the-ordinary performance. I've had luck upgrading before, both 396XT and 996XT, but I am a late adopter. (My TV still has a click-tuner) I knew this would be a breeze on my backup PC with a real Com Port and slow DSL.

I followed the instructions to the letter, step-by-step. The whole process took about 4 minutes.

OK, OK, my friends have told me a million times NOT to exaggerate, but I was done in less than 10 minutes, right up until the very last step, which read, "Turn Off Scanner and Remove Cable", which I did.

I have been sitting here since 6:30 last night watching COPS reruns and staring at the screen, waiting for the damn thing to say it was OK to turn the scanner back on! Am I the only one this has happened to?

It’s working great so far. Thanks for the update, Uniden.


Very Low Battery
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Did my update and it went flawless. I didn't have any issues to fix with it, but did it anyhow. It was super easy :)
Apr 18, 2009
Hey Doc...
5 to 2 odds you will get a couple of messages offering help on fixing your "problem".. lol

Thanks a LOT for recognising that, Kirk.

So far it's working great, and I don't know if this is related or not, but I swear my whites are whiter and my colours are brighter - and the ringing has stopped in my right ear.

(See how I utilised the Canadian spelling there?)

I need to read a little more about measuring errors, but it's what I hear that counts, and that's working out well.


Jul 29, 2002
Ok so it's been a little over a week since this firmware was release and still not acknowledgement from Uniden that the firmware DID NOT fix the LSM issues as advertised and that a new firmware is forthcoming.

Seen a lot of posts about issues around physically applying it via USB however have yet to seen anyone confirm it is working properly on a LSM system. Both the HP-1 and BCD396XT updates worked just fine so 2 out of my 3 radios are working properly now.

Just a bit frustrated that it is taking this long to acknowledge and address the issue.
Oct 23, 2009
Lincoln, NE
New BCD996XT v1.07.03 Firmware Update Available

It fix it for some and not others just like the other scanners. Maybe it's your type of system is the issue. I haven't been able to make it Omaha and see if it fix it for them.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 4, 2003
New BCD996XT v1.07.03 Firmware Update Available

Ok so it's been a little over a week since this firmware was release and still not acknowledgement from Uniden that the firmware DID NOT fix the LSM issues as advertised and that a new firmware is forthcoming.

Seen a lot of posts about issues around physically applying it via USB however have yet to seen anyone confirm it is working properly on a LSM system. Both the HP-1 and BCD396XT updates worked just fine so 2 out of my 3 radios are working properly now.

Just a bit frustrated that it is taking this long to acknowledge and address the issue.

I used a BCD996XT with the 1.07.03 firmware in Flint Michigan on the Genesee County Simulcast system all day today and it worked great sitting in my work parking lot sitting still. I also tried it at the home of two of my friends in the City of Flint and again it worked great with a high gain BNC rubber duck connected to a 90 degree BNC adapter. In a moving car it was not as good but still worked better that before the update. Prior to this update the Uniden 396XT and 996XT were the worst and now thay have moved to the best for me in my area. I was using an 800MHz NMO trunk mount in the car, the same brand and type the police use with the NMO drill mount stubby 3" or 4" antenna.



Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
At this point I'm being hopeful From what I've seen in the past, Uniden sees what is being posted and does what they can to resolve issues. I imagine they don't want to make a public commitment they can't keep, it being better to surprise us with good results, than disappoint with unfulfilled promises.

The 396XT firmware update made a world of difference on our local simulcast system, but no improvements were noted with the 996XT upgrade. (My 996XT and 996T sound virtually the same).


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Premium Subscriber
Mar 7, 2010
San Diego
I would be interested in knowing exactly which systems Uniden designs these firmware updates for.....specifically, which systems do they do before and after testing on? Do they enlist the help of beta testers in different areas, or simply do some math and change what their engineers believe "should" work better?



Jan 25, 2003
Somewhere On Earth
Yup...was using the front port. And it DOES detect the scanner....but when I hit START it gives the error that the scanner is not responding.

I am experiencing the same thing!

Used a serial cable instead of my USB/Serial converter cables...problem solved.

What happens to those of us who don't have a serial port to use a serial cable with?



Memory Capacity
Apr 29, 2006
New BCD996XT v1.07.03 Firmware Update Available

.....What happens to those of us who don't have a serial port to use a serial cable with?.....

I tried the adapter, but it didn't work that well for me, so I would recommend a genuine Uniden USB cable.


Jan 25, 2003
Somewhere On Earth
I tried the adapter, but it didn't work that well for me, so I would recommend a genuine Uniden USB cable.

I suspected this was the case. Well if using a "genuine Uniden USB cable" is the answer, then someone from Uniden please explain to me why you keep including a serial cable with $450+ digital scanners when you know that modern computers are no longer being sold with serial ports? Serial ports have been discontinued ( unfortunately) for quite some time now. The serial cable I received with my new 996XT is virtually useless for updates. On top of the large cost of this scanner, I have to give Uniden an extra $30 for THEIR cable so I can stay current with the latest firmware? Tell me where is the justice in THAT? I would just like for someone from Uniden to just come out and say it " you need to buy our USB cable, the one we gave you will not work". If I seen frustrated, I have reason to be. I have SERIOUSLY invested in Uniden scanning gear as have many people. 2-996XTs, 3-BCT15Xs, a 346XT, and a 396XT. To spend this amount of money and have this happen is outrageous. I have been going totally nuts trying to figure out why the cable thy gave me, coupled with a DB9/USB adapter works flawlessly with all the different programs, but is useless with Unidens' new VUP3. If they came out and just said it outright, I would have more respect for them. Instead, myself and others have to go around trying everything under the sun to get this to work on our own! Some people have sucess some don't it's crazy. JASII, this is NOT anything against your suggestion or your post, please understand that. It's directed at Uniden personell and/or representatives.

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