if I were to keep things simple for my temporary patio installation and just go with a dual band mag mount, what do I do about the coax? The coax that comes with a ma mount surely won't be long enough, as those are made for the car. I would probably need to add 20 or 25 feet. What the best way to do this with no loss? Also, can anyone recommend a good antenna model with the best gain?
No loss? Not possible. All real world transmission line will have some amount of loss. The amount of loss is in direct proportion to it's price, so it really comes down to a budget vs. reality thing.
For 20 - 25 feet, just get a length of pre-terminated LMR-400. It's a good basic cable with reasonable loss numbers:
146MHz, 25 feet: 0.374dB or about 8% of the signal.
446MHz, 25 feet: 0.669dB or about 14% of the signal.
Very reasonable numbers for amateur radio use. You can certainly go with higher spec cable, but the gains will become minimal, and down to the point where you and your radio will not be able to tell the difference.
As for using a magnetic mount as a temporary base…
The issue you'll run into is that -most- antennas will want a ground plane under the antenna. Similar to what the vehicle body would provide. You'd need to add something metal under the antenna to provide that. A big steel sheet, like a pizza pan, cookie sheet, piece of sheet metal, etc. will work just fine.
Or, you can get NMO "base station adapters" that will do the trick, too.
As for antennas, my favorite has always been Larsen. Larsen makes commercial/professional grade antennas. I've got 30 year old antennas still working great long since outlasted the vehicle they were mounted on. They might cost slightly more, but they'll last decades. Stay away from the Tram/Browning Chinese knockoff antennas, and if possible, avoid the amateur radio/hobby grade stuff. Often it's not any cheaper and the build quality is lower.
Something like the NMO-2/70 would be a good choice. Pair that with an NMO magnetic mount and the pizza pan ground plane, and you'll have something that will work well.