I do the known freight in my area on bank 1, known passenger rail on bank 2, local police/fire on 3 (i'm still suprised how much analog still exists in my area), and then the AAR channels on banks 4/5. I also add EOT/HOT on bank 0.
Reason for this.. when im in my home area, i can scan the first two banks and the alpha tagging will tell me exactly what im' hearing. Local police/fire is obvious, and the AAR channels are for when i'm in new areas or maybe think I missing something. And bank 0 is for when I have the scanner in my pocket and just want to know theres a train nearby. I'm realatively new at this so I'm sure my setup could change!
Reason for this.. when im in my home area, i can scan the first two banks and the alpha tagging will tell me exactly what im' hearing. Local police/fire is obvious, and the AAR channels are for when i'm in new areas or maybe think I missing something. And bank 0 is for when I have the scanner in my pocket and just want to know theres a train nearby. I'm realatively new at this so I'm sure my setup could change!