Burlington County West TRS-I hate it!

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2007
Berlin, NJ
Its a pity that this system is the closest to where I live. Aside from the fact that it cuts out (though the recent V3 upgrades for the BCD396T help that somewhat) I notice it does not carry certain talkgroups I think it should. At least this is what I'm trying to confirm. If the West TRS which covers Medford, Evesham, Tabernacle, Shamong, Medford Lakes, and Southampton carries North Response 1 and P-4 which are for towns that do not border any of the West TRS coverage area, why does the West TRS not carry NW Response 1 or P-3? Don't towns like Mt. Laurel (NW area) border Evesham and Medford? Don't towns like Lumberton and Mt. Holly (NorthCent area) border Medford too? At least most of the time I do not hear these talkgroups even when I know something is happening on those channels. I'm sure that these talkgroups are not locked out. Is there something else I have to do or am doing wrong? Its goofy.


Oct 25, 2005
Riverside new jersey
burlington county west trs

hey police freak maybe the problem is youre not picking up the control towers ? did you check all that ? and also i think each tower is designated for certain talk groups like the north west would be for p2 p2 a and p 36 and p 31 and p 48 and then the west tower is for p8 and p 25 etc... it sounds like youre not picking up all the control towers but im not sure maybe youre in a bad spot out there ? i have trouble picking up the north east tower even with a discone roof antenna attached but i can pick up easy most other towers with or without the discone antenna i cant get the east tower either from my location or anything else that way from here either unless of course i drive that way with the radio but i dont think the west tower will let you hear anything else except for the west talk groups do you have a roof antenna if not try that then you could pick up more towers and also i dont know if you did it or not with youre radio but you can lock out all the frequencies that are not primary red or back up blue control channels everything else can be locked out so youre radio will scan faster thats how i have mine set up i have the 396 t and the 996 t and they work great currently from my location i can pick camden and philadelphia up and most of burlington county except for like i said earlier not the east side and i have my current settings at manual 8 for the p 25 level on both my radios i used to use the auto but the manual definetly works better in my opinion and also you said something about p 4 the frequency for that tower is 508.400 and 507.425 and also 507.925 it sounds like maybe you have the towers mixed up they will only put out the talk groups that there supposed to there not gonna put out every talk group on one tower the west tower should only be putting out west talk groups like these ones West Region
19376 4BB West P – 8 Police
19408 4BD West P – 25 Police (Medford Twp.)
19440 4BF West PZB 1
19472 4C1 West PZB 2
19504 4C3 West IAC (Inter-Agency Coordination)
19536 4C5 West Tactical 1
19568 4C7 West Tactical 2
19600 4C9 West Tactical 3
19632 4CB West Police Command
19664 4CD West Police Administration
19696 4CF West Police Training
19728 4D1 West Fire Police
19760 4D3 West Events
19792 4D5 West Detective
19824 4D7 West Patch
19856 4D9 West Police Car-to-Car hope this helps you Danny...
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2007
Berlin, NJ
I am in fact able to get the West system with a decent signal strength on my 396. This is the closest to my house. I also can get the Northwest system but its difficult. I end up in the kitchen piling two oatmeal cans on top of each other and making sure the TV and toaster are off!! {:>D Yeah seriously. I don't know if you knew this but the Northwest system covers almost every TGID in the county. It covers North Response, West, Northwest, NorthCent, East, probably South. Just program em in and watch them come up. I always hear P-4, P-3, P-1, P-7, P-40, and so on and so forth. Some of these things don't even border any towns that use the Northwest. So its all the more weird to me that on the West system when I hear North Response, and East and South and P-4, and P-7, and God knows what else thats not even near the West response area, I still can't hear NorthWest Response. Thats the only one that does this and it beats the devil out of me. It's the busiest channel in the county and just my luck where the you know what always hits the you know what. And unless I get my oatmeal cans and shut off the 6am news I can't hear it.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2007
Berlin, NJ
The weird thing is both Evesham and Medford (who are on the West system) border towns in the Northwest area and sometimes they go through each other's territory to help out. So you'd at least think those units would have some Northwest TGIDs programmed in their radios, right? With that said, I've heard that with these types of zone systems, what you hear depends on which units are affiliated with which talkgroups and which tower they are near to. For example if a Mt. Laurel unit ends up in Medford and is nearer to the Medford tower then that unit will transmit over the Medford tower and the Mt. Laurel tower (West and Northwest), and it seems to me pretty much anything that happens in those 2 zones will be heard over the other territory's system. What I don't get is how on say the NW system you hear outside TGID's like (North Response) all the time, unless some NW units have this talkgroup programmed in their radio for some reason. So then it becomes how do Medford and Evesham units or even Medic 33 that shoots back and forth not have Northwest Response programmed in their radios? Or is my theory wrong? Is there something wrong with the system? Is their something wrong with my programming? I'd be happy if I could just get the Northwest system good everywhere in the house. But one of these days I'll breakdown and get a good antenna.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 26, 2005
Medford, NJ
Is this reception problem just a problem you have at your home location? I drive around a lot but I have a uhf 1/4 wave whip on a trunk lip mount using a 796D. I can hear and copy the west system from Bordentown to Westville/Woodbury while driving on 295. When I drive with the 396T with the stock antenna I lose the west system pretty quick. I was in the Pine Hill area last weekend and I couldn't lock onto any of the systems. But the moblie was getting it no problem. Here at my home the N.C. zone comes in a lot better than the N.W. zone. The N.C. zone, like the N.W. zone has all the talk groups you mentioned. Unlike the west zone in which they are there one minute and gone the next. P-3, P-7 and P-9 seem to be the main culprets that keep coming and going from the west zone. I don't understand why P-1 and P-4 are almost constantly on the west zone. That makes no sense but that's the way the smartzone system works in this case. Its only smart if you have a motorola radio to receive it with.

If you drive around a lot a 1/4 uhf whip is hardly noticable on a car but will work wonders for your reception. An outdoor antenna at home could help a lot if possible.


Oct 25, 2005
Riverside new jersey

police freak if you wanna meet up and let me check out youre radio ill try and help you with it maybe we can compare both of ours together i do have the software for both the 396 and the 996 if you wanna try i can program youres for you like i did mine i seem to pick up just about everything around except for the other side of the county unless there not really using it yet i dont know more like state police territory anyway that way but i can currently pick up p 1 through p 9 and the new p2 a and seems like i can get all the fire and amb talk groups too i dont seem to be having any problems really picking anything up the one only problem i really have with my radio and just like everyone else is the motor boat noise sometimes but its not as bad as it used to be if you wanna meet up maybe i can help ya its probly just a mix up someplace who knows ? Danny...


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2007
Berlin, NJ
Is this reception problem just a problem you have at your home location? I drive around a lot but I have a uhf 1/4 wave whip on a trunk lip mount using a 796D. I can hear and copy the west system from Bordentown to Westville/Woodbury while driving on 295. When I drive with the 396T with the stock antenna I lose the west system pretty quick. I was in the Pine Hill area last weekend and I couldn't lock onto any of the systems. But the moblie was getting it no problem. Here at my home the N.C. zone comes in a lot better than the N.W. zone. The N.C. zone, like the N.W. zone has all the talk groups you mentioned. Unlike the west zone in which they are there one minute and gone the next. P-3, P-7 and P-9 seem to be the main culprets that keep coming and going from the west zone. I don't understand why P-1 and P-4 are almost constantly on the west zone. That makes no sense but that's the way the smartzone system works in this case. Its only smart if you have a motorola radio to receive it with.

If you drive around a lot a 1/4 uhf whip is hardly noticable on a car but will work wonders for your reception. An outdoor antenna at home could help a lot if possible.
Thanks Skypilot. I notice the West problems (system cutting out even with three bars on my 396 and manual P25 settings set to 7) most at my house but even driving up 73 in Evesham, I notice the west system has a great variation in signal from one second to the next, even while standing still. I use a rubber UHF/VHF duck. Radioshack model. Where I live is the very end of the Northwest coverage area with that antenna. Go another mile down the White Horse Pike (Rt 30) towards Atco and you lose it for good. Pine Hill is practically my own backyard and I find it strange that with a rubber duck you lose all of Burlington County. But you must have been at the bottom of the hill {:>D. Go another mile towards Gloucester Twp and Erial Rd. and you'll get all three (NW,NorthCent, and West) and they come in really good. Weird. I find it amazing you get the West all the way from 295 in Westville Gloucester County with your antenna. Thats so cool!! I'll definitely look into getting an antenna for my home at some point soon (soon as I pay off car repairs!!). How true that a Smartzone system is only Smart if you have a motorola. Duh!!! Lol.

police freak if you wanna meet up and let me check out youre radio ill try and help you with it maybe we can compare both of ours together i do have the software for both the 396 and the 996 if you wanna try i can program youres for you like i did mine i seem to pick up just about everything around except for the other side of the county unless there not really using it yet i dont know more like state police territory anyway that way but i can currently pick up p 1 through p 9 and the new p2 a and seems like i can get all the fire and amb talk groups too i dont seem to be having any problems really picking anything up the one only problem i really have with my radio and just like everyone else is the motor boat noise sometimes but its not as bad as it used to be if you wanna meet up maybe i can help ya its probly just a mix up someplace who knows ? Danny...
Thanks a lot for the offer. I think whatever the problem is, its on their end because it seems like other people notice the same thing. By the way check your PM.


Aug 16, 2008
In the land of make believe
Yep, the problem is on the subscriber unit end, it could not be with your few hundred dollar scanner??
You don't even want help but you want to complain.

Thanks Skypilot. I notice the West problems (system cutting out even with three bars on my 396 and manual P25 settings set to 7) most at my house but even driving up 73 in Evesham, I notice the west system has a great variation in signal from one second to the next, even while standing still. I use a rubber UHF/VHF duck. Radioshack model. Where I live is the very end of the Northwest coverage area with that antenna. Go another mile down the White Horse Pike (Rt 30) towards Atco and you lose it for good. Pine Hill is practically my own backyard and I find it strange that with a rubber duck you lose all of Burlington County. But you must have been at the bottom of the hill {:>D. Go another mile towards Gloucester Twp and Erial Rd. and you'll get all three (NW,NorthCent, and West) and they come in really good. Weird. I find it amazing you get the West all the way from 295 in Westville Gloucester County with your antenna. Thats so cool!! I'll definitely look into getting an antenna for my home at some point soon (soon as I pay off car repairs!!). How true that a Smartzone system is only Smart if you have a motorola. Duh!!! Lol.

Thanks a lot for the offer. I think whatever the problem is, its on their end because it seems like other people notice the same thing. By the way check your PM.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2003

This system is a smartzone system, meaning that any talkgroup in the entire system can end up on any zone, provided that a subscriber unit (real radio) is connected to that system. Therefore, if I have a county radio with me and it is on NW response 1 and I travel to Medford, chances are that the RSSI will be higher from the West towers and the system will "bring" my NW-R1 talkgroup over to the West system. This is the same if you travel around the county - the closest system with the highest RSSI will make the radio "vote" to go to those towers to ensure connectivity. That being said, your scanner will pick up those talkgroups when a radio that is "tuned" to one of those talkgroups is present on the West system. You have to look at each zone as an independant system, and each one has it's own set of response channels (1-4) and police channels which correspond to the departments that operate off of those zones as a home zone. The only talkgroups you will receive on all zones at all times are the county wide talkgroups, as they are setup to simulcast throughout the entire county system.

The reason for all of this complexity is that it reduces the amount of resources needed on the trunked systems, which means less repeaters are needed for each zone. If every talkgroup in the county were being broadcast over all of the systems the utilization would go way up and you would have 10+ repeaters broadcasting traffic unnecessarily, when there are no actual system users online to receive that traffic. While that would be great for scanner users it would limit the amount of availabile frequencies for actual system users, which would cause the radios to not be able to transmit much more frequently, as there will not be any open channels for the users to talk on since they will all be busy simulcasting all of the other chatter on every zone. You could have 100's of "virtual channels" (talkgroups) using as few as 5 repeaters, which is the entire purpose of trunking, as they would each need their own frequency otherwise.

I would read in the wiki about how smartzone and omni-link systems work and you will be able to better understand what is actually happening behind the scenes, as this actually makes a ton of sense once you fully understand it. Good luck!


Mar 25, 2007
Delran, NJ

All I know is that I operate on NWR 1, and when I key up, it works.............. even if I am out of my area!


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2003
Moorestown PD

They appear to still be on their conventional channel


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2003

Mount Laurel has been doing that a bit as well lately...


Oct 25, 2005
Riverside new jersey
moorestown is on 18768 and mt.laurel is on 18800 but both towns are mostly on the older channels i hear them all on the time on 500.412 and 500.587 thats because just like everyone else they were having problems with the digital stuff too they didnt like it because it kept cutting out on them when they were talking.
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