Its a pity that this system is the closest to where I live. Aside from the fact that it cuts out (though the recent V3 upgrades for the BCD396T help that somewhat) I notice it does not carry certain talkgroups I think it should. At least this is what I'm trying to confirm. If the West TRS which covers Medford, Evesham, Tabernacle, Shamong, Medford Lakes, and Southampton carries North Response 1 and P-4 which are for towns that do not border any of the West TRS coverage area, why does the West TRS not carry NW Response 1 or P-3? Don't towns like Mt. Laurel (NW area) border Evesham and Medford? Don't towns like Lumberton and Mt. Holly (NorthCent area) border Medford too? At least most of the time I do not hear these talkgroups even when I know something is happening on those channels. I'm sure that these talkgroups are not locked out. Is there something else I have to do or am doing wrong? Its goofy.