Why would a fire tactical channel localized to a single department be playing on a node 250 miles away? That’s precisely why I’d choose to monitor a single node versus a systemwide live playlist. The tunnel vision answers provided here are astonishing.
Well, for one, during a major incident, people will turn on their radios and affiliate to that talkgroup from all over the system to hear what is going on. If a node that is a slightly better quality node gets promoted to providing that talkgroup on calls, you are NOT going to see that talkgroup on the more "local" node that you expected. Period. End of story. It might be the most critical talkgroup the entire incident is being handled on, and it also might be an interop talkgroup which means all the users on the wide-area system could indeed affiliate that talkgroup to a site 100's of miles away.
Did you think of that scenario champ? Nope. Ya didn't.
You had customers that preferred the previous iteration of nodes for their own personal reasons. Just accept that.
And as I've explained to you, THIS WILL NOT WORK. Listening via an individual node will generate massive confusion (why isn't a talkgroup being captured by this expected node???) and a ton of support requests for someone who attempts to do exactly what you propose.
You do NOT know what you are talking about, and you DO NOT understand how wide area systems work, the behavior of their users, and what happens during major incidents.
The tunnel vision answers provided here are astonishing.
This is so rich. You may not like to hear this, but you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Just accept that. Let us not forget that you previously saw "Tac 32" and thought there were 32 tac channels on the system which would exceed the playlist max of 30. This is the level of mentality you're presenting in public.
I could not have originally picked a more appropriate word to describe your approach to this entire discussion.
: lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect
: difficult to comprehend
: not clear or precise in thought or expression