Is it possible to capture the SDS 200 History Log to the SDS200 SDCard? When I have the radio mobile I would like a csv file of hits. If so how do I set the menu to do so?
Yes I was surprised that I did not see the SD Card on the PC . Uniden should buy Whistler to get their hands on the GRE Intellectual Property. GRE has many features that if incorporated into the Uniden 100/200 series would make the radios awesome.Shame Windows can't mount the SDS200 / SD card without the scanner being put into Mass storage Mode otherwise you could use Proscan to write its History Log.txt to the SD card's directory
Yeah but not directly to the SD card as the OP requested. You could always place the scanner into mass storage mode then drag and drop the Proscan generated history log onto the card periodically@ProScan software can record, stream, program, and log history.
Because part of my scanner hobby is I capture the history log, between my PSR500, Legacy 800, SDS200 and BC125AT I log around 2,400,000 hits a year and it is nice to look back and where most of the action takes place in my neck of the woods.Just curious, why would you want it on the sd card?
Enable recording, Func+Replay/Record. A 32GB SD card can hold many thousands of recordings and hundreds of hours of audio.Is it possible to capture the SDS 200 History Log to the SDS200 SDCard? When I have the radio mobile I would like a csv file of hits. If so how do I set the menu to do so?
Super Ubbe!!!! I will give that a try. Not to disimiliar to the Don Starr AUParse program he wrote to extract data from the PSR800.Enable recording, Func+Replay/Record. A 32GB SD card can hold many thousands of recordings and hundreds of hours of audio.
Then load those files into Universal Scanner Audio Player and sort and filter and export as a CSV file. Of course you can import that file into Excel and do whatever you like with the info and then save it again with only the details you want to preserve.
=COUNTIF(A:A,A2) This formula counts how many times the value in cell A2 appears in the entire column A (including A2 itself).