cell phone scanners

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Mar 8, 2003
Englewood CO
I supose if you can find a way to open up the frequencies, isnt gsm a standard so maybe through a discriminator tap and you computer convert the gsm to analog


Well Known Member
Database Admin
Jul 3, 2003
Please do not cross post topics, merged your two threads
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n4voxgill said:
since most cellphone calls are now in 2 GHz none of the old or new RS scanners will pick them up. Not to mention they are digital also.

Of all the reason why it can not be done, this one is the least accurate.

There are plenty of cellular systems on the 850 MHz band.


dougjgray said:
I supose if you can find a way to open up the frequencies, isnt gsm a standard so maybe through a discriminator tap and you computer convert the gsm to analog

GSMK would be decoded poorly by an FM discriminator.

If you could get a usable signal into your computer, then decoding the frames would easy (Assuming you have/know the specifications, and you are a competent programmer).

Then you have to follow the call (possibly to another channel), decode the appropriate frames, and hope that they system has not implemented any type of encryption.

THEN, you will get a little portion of the conversation until it is handed off again.

The point is in this country it is not legal (as many have said) and everywhere it works REALLY POORLY so there is no market for a consumer cellular receiver.

If you are really that hung up on listening, juts drop the $25K on a service monitor and stop asking here!


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
n4voxgill said:
there's a lot of sand in west texas but it doesn't do any good. there are systems, with no users that is why the cellular companies fought so hard to be allowed to drop 800 service. Of course N Jay is on both sides of every issue in this thread http://www.radioreference.com/forums/showthread.php?p=525057#post525057
he asks who still has a cellphone that will do analog.

You seem to be confusing frequency with modulation type. Cingular/ATT and Verizon are and will continue to be on 800 Mhz, as will Nextel. Sprint is PCS, technically not cellular, so they are on 1.9 Ghz, as is T Mobile.

Verizon has a roaming agreement with Sprint, and T Mobile has a similar arrangement with Cingular/ATT. In the case of Verizon they often dual frequency, tri mode phones so that customers can use 800 Mhz analog or digital and 1.9 Ghz digital. Analog is slowly going away as Verizon and Cingular/ATT build out their digital networks into more rural areas. I can now get digital signal in parts of New Hampshire where a few years ago I was lucky to get analog.

Sprint appears to be gearing up to offer phones that will have 1.9 phone/data service and 800 Mhz direct connect service.

So, it doesn't seem to me that 800 Mhz cell phone or Nextel service is going away real soon.



n4voxgill said:
there's a lot of sand in west texas but it doesn't do any good. there are systems, with no users that is why the cellular companies fought so hard to be allowed to drop 800 service. Of course N Jay is on both sides of every issue in this thread http://www.radioreference.com/forums/showthread.php?p=525057#post525057
he asks who still has a cellphone that will do analog.

For those of you who think that 800 MHz cellular is only analog, maybe you missed the implementation of TDMA, and CDMA on 800 MHz, and the migration of GSM to 800 MHz.

I know it is confusing for some to understand.


May 6, 2007
this question has generated marked hostility from a significant percentage of the responders.

the reason i was asking is i came into possesion of a RS PRO-37 scanner that looks like it's real old. the guy i got it from said he removed something from it that let it receive analog cell phone calls.

i don't why people say there are no analog cell phones out there. and let's leave it at that.

my question now is why the overt hostility? some of you remind me of snotty nosed spoiled brats in need of spanking.

i feel as if i had tried to kick down the door of some secret "members only" club. i assure you this is not the case. i prefer not to associate with any group that has what apparently is a rather large percentage of testy individuals so this is it for me.

i'd cuss y'all out real well but i don't want this post killed by a mod, so i'll hold back.

to all of you who responded to the question and actually had information to offer, i thank you.

other than that, good riddance, radioreference.com.
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