CFD Apparatus status discussion (Non-Radio Information)


YYC Filmer
Mar 25, 2017
Not sure on the deck gun situation, however as for the Chiefs, it could be a meeting with the Fleet Service Leads to also discuss future fleet plans. Or perhaps the new rigs we have been talking about.


Dec 6, 2023
Listening on the scanner today. Seems like CFD has decided to address the second Engine at the halls "numbering problem" with Engine 50 now Engine 322. Engine 48 is now Engine 301. Engine 49 is now Engine 302. Engine 46 is now Engine 312. I presume Engine 60 is now Engine 314.

Wiki change time!


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
So much for bringing back Engine 61 😂 Nice catch Houston. This will certainly take some time getting used to.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
Great catch DhoustonAB! Interesting to hear the 300 series Engines, CFD is always changing!

a little news article from the under construction condo fire in Arbour Lake today, Fire destroys under-construction condo building in Arbour Lake

Great job by crews on scene! Especially Engine 21 Captain. This went to a 2nd Alarm with 2 extra Engines called in. Engines: 21,42,34,17,28,35. Extras - E15,7, Ladders 17,6, Rescue 34, HM17, HR2 FRP? Chiefs?


Dec 6, 2023
Great catch DhoustonAB! Interesting to hear the 300 series Engines, CFD is always changing!

a little news article from the under construction condo fire in Arbour Lake today, Fire destroys under-construction condo building in Arbour Lake

Great job by crews on scene! Especially Engine 21 Captain. This went to a 2nd Alarm with 2 extra Engines called in. Engines: 21,42,34,17,28,35. Extras - E15,7, Ladders 17,6, Rescue 34, HM17, HR2 FRP? Chiefs?
Ladder 34, District Chief 4, District Chief 2 and I think Battalion Chief 1 as well.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
That lineup looks more like a 3rd alarm response than a 2nd with the amount of Ladders and Engines that responded 😂


YYC Filmer
Mar 25, 2017
That lineup looks more like a 3rd alarm response than a 2nd with the amount of Ladders and Engines that responded 😂
Well it was likely a Multi Residential Structure Fire or commercial but regardless the average turn out for a first alarm is 5 E's 2 Ls 1 R 1 HM 1 AL/HR 1 FRP 2 DC's. 2nd alarm is 2 E's 1 L. 3rd is usually whatever they need most and AT LEAST 1 or 2 Engines. Average non commercial fire is just 4 E's
May 30, 2022
Calgary, Alberta
Well it was likely a Multi Residential Structure Fire or commercial but regardless the average turn out for a first alarm is 5 E's 2 Ls 1 R 1 HM 1 AL/HR 1 FRP 2 DC's. 2nd alarm is 2 E's 1 L. 3rd is usually whatever they need most and AT LEAST 1 or 2 Engines. Average non commercial fire is just 4 E's
Just as an addition, it did hit 3 bells. Two propane tanks flared up, too. One of the Captains said he could see the smoke before the tones went off. haha
May 30, 2022
Calgary, Alberta
So I was out and about yesterday, and stumbled on the list for CFD apparatus with blue lights:

Engine 4
Technical Rescue 10
Engine 11
Engine 12
Engine 312
Engine 22
Engine 322
Engine 23

So these 8 trucks will all have blue LED lights. They are found in the front, beside the headlights and flashers, and again on the back just below the circular lights on top. They aren't allowed to be activated while responding, but the driver can turn them on while on scene. The list seems pretty reasonable, as those are all the top halls for MVCs. The first truck to pilot it will be 4, and the others should also receive them in the next few weeks.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
Surprised Rescue 12 isn't on that list seeing as they respond to most of the MVCs on Deerfoot. I recently reached out to fleet and found out that it won't be 8 but 12 trucks that will be mounted with blue lights.

10TRS is still out for repairs due to it's frame rail corroding. The entire rail is being replaced at the local company and the chassis will be returned as soon as possible.

Apparently 4 Tenders were never ordered. Just the 2. These will replace 21T and 25T. I can see T0400 becoming a spare or the Sterling will be kept as the spare. There are currently no plans to expand the Tender fleet as well. The Department is only sticking with 2.

New FRPs have been ordered and will come completely outfitted from the supplier that CFD has contracted. As we all know the new chassis for the boat tows are here and a seperate outfitting company has already been contracted so we might see those soon.

That's all I got for now.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
CFD's moving fast with the blue lights! Interesting operating procedures about not driving with them activated..

That actually makes me really sad that only 2 Tenders are coming in. The argument can be made that CFD only really needs 2 in the fleet, but with a lot of rural properties and grass lands within city limits, Calgary weather and the potential for large fires just outside city limits that would need Tender support I am surprised that they only stuck with the 2. Could have been cool to have 4 Tenders; 2 with tons wildlands equipment on it and the other 2 loaded up with class B foam for industrial fires

Could be interesting to see coming up if Tender and Boat Tow 21 are cross staffed separately... like if 34 Rescue or Ladder dropped down to 21 to cover the Boat and the Tender got moved up and made a cross-staffed unit when both the Rescue and Ladder are staffed with 4

Here is an article about Edmonton fire's fleet that you might find interesting. CFD (like every other fire department) is in a similar situation, not with budget per say but with new apparatus build times, spare parts, etc.. - 'Costs are going up': Replacement too costly as Edmonton's fire fleet ages out


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
I too am a little surprised that it's just 2 Tenders coming. But it is a 10 year contract so maybe we could see more added in the future. I don't think CFD will ever move Rescue 34 or Ladder 34 on account that there is no room in there but also because Rescue 34's location is key to responding to MVCs on Stoney. Plus moving Ladder 34 to 21 is a little odd when 17 is also nearby (Sort of).

On a different note, based on news reels, Engine 4 has now been outfitted with blue lights. Also on CTV's report and what I stated above, 12 trucks will get blue lights as part of the pilot program. CFF has graciously already provided us with 8 of the 12 trucks that will get blue lights. The other 4 are probably, as he stated, rigs that see the most MVCs on Deerfoot. I would put money down that some of the remaining 4 would be Rescue 12 and Engine 18 (They join Engine 4 on a lot of their MVCs).

Obviously the others would have to be rigs that called out to Deerfoot and Stoney a lot, 4, 12, 22, 23 are already on the list. Maybe Rescue 27 might get blues? I hear it book on for a highway MVC quite a bit. Maybe Engine 14 and Engine 314 might get blue lights due to their location on Macleod Tr.

That's all from me for now. Would love to hear y'all's thoughts.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
The news articles I have seen mentioned 11 Engines and 1 Rescue getting the blue lights - 4 Engines left to get blue lights; There's too many for me to think of, but I'm thinking Engines: 39,27,35,34

My reasoning is any major artery in the city - Stoney/Crowchild/Trans-Canada/Glenmore are officially highway's once they leave the cities and no far south or west Engines have been mentioned lol


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
I'd say Rescue 12 gets blues before Rescue 27. 23 is already set to get blues. From the news reels I have seen, it's mainly the stations that roll directly into Deerfoot. So 18 is a pretty safe bet and they see a lot of MVCs on Deerfoot anyway. I don't know if CFD will consider 34 and 37. The brass probably wants the faster halls to test. Anything could happen, however.

I want to say for Engines that will get blues for the pilot will be: 14, 314, 18, and 39.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
Hey Lads. Just a few updates from me because this thread is getting quiet.

CFD is not getting 3 but 4 new Boat Tows. One will be kept as a reliable spare.

The reason CFD only ordered 2 Tenders was because there wasn't enough money in the budget to get a third one.

The new Tenders are going to take a while to arrive. According to some guys from fleet, it's a 30 month build. Same could be said for the 4 new ladders CFD ordered. The first of which will arrive in the second quarter of 2025. This will replace whichever Ladder aside from 1 is the busiest in 2024. (So either 6 or 23)

Adding onto the topic of Tenders, T0288 won't be around for much longer. CFD is leasing out a Tender from an unknown company out east. This lease will replace T0288 and will arrive in a month or two. T0288 will finally get that overdue retirement she deserves. This new Tender will be a commercial chassis like the rest and will probably not look too different from the rest. When the new Pierce Tenders arrive the lease will be returned and T0400 will be sent to the spare pool.

CFD has put out another RFP for new engines. This RFP is different from the one for 4 new lease engines. This one is for a dealer to provide a whole new batch of engines to replace the current fleet once their cycle ends.

Q1008 is indeed back from it's short-lived retirement and is currently running as Tower 31. Tower 25 is also in the shops and is running Q1108. However the shop numbers for these rigs might change as Q0711 and Q0811 are now L0711 and L0811. I'd imagine all the Quints get new shop numbers Q1108 becomes L1108 and Q1008 becomes L1008. And incase it wasn't obvious based on all the new orders, CFD is done with Quints. No more, it's wraps for the Quints.

It's also wraps for any air support rig. According to CFD's Chief Mechanic once A/L 4 is gone, it's over. It might be the same case for HRS 2 once it's retired.

CFDs new FRPs are in the Provence and are currently being outfitted by the same guys who outfit AHS' ambulances, Demers Inc. Back to the BTs, they are still sitting at fleet waiting to be outfitted but I'd imagine it won't be much longer till they get outfitted and put into service.

Concerning CFD and blue lights, so far only Engine 4 has blue lights at the moment, the next is Engine 12. Rescue 12 won't be getting blues as part of the pilot project. Only TR10.

CFD is also replacing all their nozzles and master streams with smooth bore tips. Some of you might of seen this with Engine 12. In the future all units with master streams will have smooth bore tips but fog tips will be kept incase.

That's all from me for now. (I spent too much time typing this)


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
The reason CFD only ordered 2 Tenders was because there wasn't enough money in the budget to get a third one.

The new Tenders are going to take a while to arrive. According to some guys from fleet, it's a 30 month build. Same could be said for the 4 new ladders CFD ordered. The first of which will arrive in the second quarter of 2025. This will replace whichever Ladder aside from 1 is the busiest in 2024. (So either 6 or 23)

Adding onto the topic of Tenders, T0288 won't be around for much longer. CFD is leasing out a Tender from an unknown company out east. This lease will replace T0288 and will arrive in a month or two. T0288 will finally get that overdue retirement she deserves. This new Tender will be a commercial chassis like the rest and will probably not look too different from the rest. When the new Pierce Tenders arrive the lease will be returned and T0400 will be sent to the spare pool.

CFD has put out another RFP for new engines. This RFP is different from the one for 4 new lease engines. This one is for a dealer to provide a whole new batch of engines to replace the current fleet once their cycle ends.

Q1008 is indeed back from it's short-lived retirement and is currently running as Tower 31. Tower 25 is also in the shops and is running Q1108. However the shop numbers for these rigs might change as Q0711 and Q0811 are now L0711 and L0811. I'd imagine all the Quints get new shop numbers Q1108 becomes L1108 and Q1008 becomes L1008. And incase it wasn't obvious based on all the new orders, CFD is done with Quints. No more, it's wraps for the Quints.

It's also wraps for any air support rig. According to CFD's Chief Mechanic once A/L 4 is gone, it's over. It might be the same case for HRS 2 once it's retired.
Thank you for the update and all the foot work 255-Jacobs! Much appreciated.
Unfortunately, it always comes down to money and with all the rising costs and inflation over the last couple of years that means (for now anyways) only 2 Tenders are coming in :cry:

Exciting to hear about the "lease" Tender coming! just wait and see, CFD will end up purchasing the leased truck and keep it as the spare! lol
but honestly, GREAT news with respect to the Tenders, hopefully it arrives very soon and will be ready for the hot summer months

I'm willing to bet CFD will go with Commercial/Pierce for the new Engines

Sad to see the Quints not being used for pumping (are the pumps deactivated? Are they being used to pump at certain scenes/training?)

The Air/Light loss is new.. not shocking though. Would be nice to know the reasoning behind that, I will try and take a look around at that


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
Yeah that makes 3 yellow Red units in the fleet now. That looks like an exact copy of Red 6. Interesting that YYC ordered another. Figured they were well off with 1, 5 and 6 but apparently not.
May 30, 2022
Calgary, Alberta
Yeah that makes 3 yellow Red units in the fleet now. That looks like an exact copy of Red 6. Interesting that YYC ordered another. Figured they were well off with 1, 5 and 6 but apparently not.
A lot of the ARFF old reds are reaching the end of their lifecycle. They usually run 3 ARFF, a Chief and the rapid truck in total, so would make sense to have all 3 be newer rigs