CFD Apparatus status discussion (Non-Radio Information)

May 30, 2022
Calgary, Alberta
That's wild! It makes sense to put more firefighters in higher fire prone areas like 12/23/22's districts. Maybe each shift/platoon places extra ff's differently, also depends on how many ff's are working that shift/ off sick or on vacation.
Dorms are a big consideration too. Some of the older halls don’t have enough space to run fully staffed-multiple trucks crews.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
You mean Highrise 2? Yes, they are back in service. I wonder if we'll be seeing a large apparatus shuffle in the spring or summer?


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
Can't seem to access the SAP link so not sure what it's about lol.

It seems that CFD wants all 4 of these engines to be exactly identical and serve the same functionalities. Looks like CFD might pull the same thing they did in 2008 when they fully purchased Q0908, Q1008, and Q1108 since they want a buy out option. My guess is that these 4 engines will go into each quadrant for the next 36 months once they arrive. (Seems they also want them ASAP so we could see them soon).

This could very well be a repeat of 2019 when CFD leased out Ladder 30 and ended up going with Pierce for ladders and towers except this time it will be with engines. This might mean CFD is no longer considering Spartan for new apparatuses. (I think we all knew that however, we got 2 contracts with Pierce MFG after all :ROFLMAO:)

Still not sure why CFD wants to lease out 4 engines instead of going straight to a manufacturer but whatever works for CFD Brass. I personally can't wait to see what engines CFD will get out of this lease. Me personally, I'm hoping for Pierce.

It's great that Chestermere wants to replace most of the fleet since it's getting pretty old, the T-Rex is from 2008 so it's about time that piece gets replaced. But a tiller however... Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely love to see a tiller but I can't see any reasoning as too why a small town needs a tiller where as a Quint or a Ladder would be better. That's just me however, I'm not opposed to the idea of a tiller, I just don't get why they would want a tiller. Maybe CFD might take notes...

Side note: TR10 is back in a spare already and as of last Saturday TR11 is also running a spare. Also SafeTek Emergency Vehicles Ltd, the guys responsible for bringing the 2011 Smeal Quints has placed a bid, of course.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
The SAP link is identical to the APC- RFQ link (the first link)

This could very well end up being a 2008 situation all over again, I don't think any manufacturer has 4 pumpers just lying around so it will be interesting to see what CFD gets - we could see 4 trucks from 4 different manufacturers like Pierce, REV, Rosenbauer, maybe even a KME unless they're part of the REV group too? Interesting times non the less

It's great that Chestermere wants to replace most of the fleet since it's getting pretty old, the T-Rex is from 2008 so it's about time that piece gets replaced. But a tiller however... Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely love to see a tiller but I can't see any reasoning as too why a small town needs a tiller where as a Quint or a Ladder would be better. That's just me however, I'm not opposed to the idea of a tiller, I just don't get why they would want a tiller. Maybe CFD might take notes...
Tillers can hold a lot of equipment, but take 2 to drive as a lot of different articles about Chestermere getting a tiller have pointed out... A small town like Chestermere could really get 3 trucks in 1 for it if that's what they're looking for - Pump, Rescue and Ladder. Chestermere runs 4 ff's a shift? In theory they could just run this truck and cover their city - blanket coverage. They could also do what South Metro fire is looking to do as well and run a Heavy Rescue/Ladder and put more tech rescue equipment on it too

The SAP link is identical to the APC- RFQ link (the first link)

This could very well end up being a 2008 situation all over again, I don't think any manufacturer has 4 pumpers just lying around so it will be interesting to see what CFD gets - we could see 4 trucks from 4 different manufacturers like Pierce, REV, Rosenbauer, maybe even a KME unless they're part of the REV group too? Interesting times non the less
We could see some really different things come out of this; maybe a stock Fort Garry commercial cab pumper or a Pierce PUC pumper or even a Seagrave Pumper lol
May 30, 2022
Calgary, Alberta
We could see some really different things come out of this; maybe a stock Fort Garry commercial cab pumper or a Pierce PUC pumper or even a Seagrave Pumper lol
This might also be because of our Engine issues right now. Apparently E19's 2019 rig is a write off, and we’ve also smashed E36, E12 and E38 in the last three years. 43 is still a 2010 and with the addition of these peak time Engines, it’s gonna hurt the spare pool even more.

It’s great to see CFD trying to get a couple more engines. Especially if we see some different ones. (Great for the buffs too, haha) Apparently the Peirce Volterra is delayed again, so perhaps that’s a contributing factor as well?

I'm planning on heading to the shops in the next week, so I’ll get a rundown of rigs. Those new FRP's and Boat Tows are supposed to be coming soon, and TRS10 is another big question mark.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
Good insight! So 19's is gone, 12's will probably just remain at training and was 38's repaired and placed back in service?


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
Can't seem to access the SAP link so not sure what it's about lol.

It seems that CFD wants all 4 of these engines to be exactly identical and serve the same functionalities. Looks like CFD might pull the same thing they did in 2008 when they fully purchased Q0908, Q1008, and Q1108 since they want a buy out option. My guess is that these 4 engines will go into each quadrant for the next 36 months once they arrive. (Seems they also want them ASAP so we could see them soon).

This could very well be a repeat of 2019 when CFD leased out Ladder 30 and ended up going with Pierce for ladders and towers except this time it will be with engines. This might mean CFD is no longer considering Spartan for new apparatuses. (I think we all knew that however, we got 2 contracts with Pierce MFG after all :ROFLMAO:)

Still not sure why CFD wants to lease out 4 engines instead of going straight to a manufacturer but whatever works for CFD Brass. I personally can't wait to see what engines CFD will get out of this lease. Me personally, I'm hoping for Pierce.

It's great that Chestermere wants to replace most of the fleet since it's getting pretty old, the T-Rex is from 2008 so it's about time that piece gets replaced. But a tiller however... Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely love to see a tiller but I can't see any reasoning as too why a small town needs a tiller where as a Quint or a Ladder would be better. That's just me however, I'm not opposed to the idea of a tiller, I just don't get why they would want a tiller. Maybe CFD might take notes...

Side note: TR10 is back in a spare already and as of last Saturday TR11 is also running a spare. Also SafeTek Emergency Vehicles Ltd, the guys responsible for bringing the 2011 Smeal Quints has placed a bid, of course.
Just an update: TR11 is back in it's main.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
Something that piqued my interest when reading the news today.
"A pilot has also been greenlit by the province to allow blue flashing lights on stationary fire trucks responding to roadside accidents."

The province is now allowing blue lights on CFD apparatuses to increase visibility during late night MVCs but this can go for any incident in general really. I don't know when we can start seeing these blue lights on CFD rigs and if it will go on any specific rig, such as the engines and rescues that cover HWY 2 and HWY 201 such as 18, 27, 31, 44 etc. but it will certainly be a sight to behold. CFD meets FDNY :ROFLMAO:


YYC Filmer
Mar 25, 2017
I'd anticipate any Engine that's got quick access to highways, which at this rate is almost any hall.

4 - Deerfoot/Trans-Canada HWY
7 - Deerfoot
9 - Glenmore/Deerfoot
10 - Deerfoot/Trans-Canada HWY
11 - Macleod Tr [not a highway but still a very busy roadway that typically needs safety engines at times]
12 - Deerfoot/Stoney sometimes
14 - Macleod/Sometimes
16 - Deerfoot once in a while
17 - Could make it out to Trans-Canada HWY
18 - Deerfoot
22 - Stoney Trail
23 - Deerfoot
25 - Deerfoot/Glenmore/Barlow
27 - Deerfoot/Stoney/Rural Roads within city limits
30 - Could do Stoney depending on the location and access point
31 - Deerfoot
32 - I've seen them on Stoney before... So proves my point it can be anyone
34 - Stoney/Deerfoot [i've heard them on the scanner goto Deerfoot before]
36 - Heard them goto Deerfoot before several times as a safety engine for crashes
38 - Stoney Tr [heard them book there a few times as a safety and primary]
39 - Deerfoot/Stoney [heard them book a few times]
40 - Deerfoot
45 - Stoney Tr

Sorry, LONG list but essentially I'd expect this to be a thing for a whole batch of new rigs rather than specific ones as time goes on. I'd like to see the directional lightbar on the rescues have a blue light on each end of it, i think it'd work best and look clean. As well as on the sides by the scene lights. Just my thoughts.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
I agree with your statement. It makes perfect sense to deck out every rig in the fleet with blue lights. (Still out on if the MRUs will get them since they never leave the core). Every rig should have blue lights whether it serves a highway or not, as you said even some crowded and busy roads such as Beddington Tr and Macleod Tr still get safety engines and rescues assigned simply because of the traffic density. Chief Dongworth said the point of equipping the fleet with blue lights is too reduce the risk of first responders and rigs being struck at accident scenes and being parked on the side of the road in general.

CFD has had a lot of near miss incidents and unfortunately some crashes in 2023 such as 19E involved in a MVC when heading to a structure fire and 36E being struck at their own MVC, not to mention the other incidents that have occurred in the past few years. 38E being struck by a semi injuring an FF. Q0908 being struck when responding to a scene. 12E was written off as Calgary Fire Filmer mentioned and a few near misses that I'm sure could have been avoided if drivers actually paid attention to red and white flashing lights attached to a 20 ton machine. However blue lights really seem to capture attention which was one of the points made to allow blue lights on road side assistance vehicles.

I can't wait to see CFD trucks with blue lights and how they will placed. I'm personally hoping for an FDNY setup. Red and white on the front and red, white, orange, and blue on the rear.
May 30, 2022
Calgary, Alberta
I'd anticipate any Engine that's got quick access to highways, which at this rate is almost any hall.

4 - Deerfoot/Trans-Canada HWY
7 - Deerfoot
9 - Glenmore/Deerfoot
10 - Deerfoot/Trans-Canada HWY
11 - Macleod Tr [not a highway but still a very busy roadway that typically needs safety engines at times]
12 - Deerfoot/Stoney sometimes
14 - Macleod/Sometimes
16 - Deerfoot once in a while
17 - Could make it out to Trans-Canada HWY
18 - Deerfoot
22 - Stoney Trail
23 - Deerfoot
25 - Deerfoot/Glenmore/Barlow
27 - Deerfoot/Stoney/Rural Roads within city limits
30 - Could do Stoney depending on the location and access point
31 - Deerfoot
32 - I've seen them on Stoney before... So proves my point it can be anyone
34 - Stoney/Deerfoot [i've heard them on the scanner goto Deerfoot before]
36 - Heard them goto Deerfoot before several times as a safety engine for crashes
38 - Stoney Tr [heard them book there a few times as a safety and primary]
39 - Deerfoot/Stoney [heard them book a few times]
40 - Deerfoot
45 - Stoney Tr

Sorry, LONG list but essentially I'd expect this to be a thing for a whole batch of new rigs rather than specific ones as time goes on. I'd like to see the directional lightbar on the rescues have a blue light on each end of it, i think it'd work best and look clean. As well as on the sides by the scene lights. Just my thoughts.
Great list @Ghostpolice24 Not to mention halls like
15 - Highway 1
19 - Stoney Trail
20 - Glenmore/Crowchild/Stoney
21 - Crowchild/Stoney
24 - Stoney
26 - MacLeod/Stoney
28 - Crowchild/Stoney
29 - Stoney/Sarcee/Highway 1
33 - Stoney/Highway 8/Sarcee
35 - Stoney/Highway 1
37 - Stoney
41 - Stoney
42 - Stoney
43 - MacLeod
44 - Stoney

I think it’s fair to say every station in Calgary has a major road in their district haha! It’ll be super interesting to see who they assign blues to first.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
Hey lads. I saw something interesting at an MVC a few days ago. I saw 12E arriving with 23E on Deerfoot and 17th and noticed 12E had a different deck gun mounted on it. It was a grey smooth bore instead of the red fog nozzle you usually see on the engines. Anyone know if CFD is trying to switch out deck guns or if it's a spare deck gun? A FF at the academy did tell me CFD plans to phase out the fog line nozzles with more smooth bores. Maybe their doing the same thing with the fleet? The new towers and Ladder 1 have smooth bore nozzles after all.

Another matter of interest. This morning I saw DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4, DC5, DC6 and Battalion 16 all driving to fleet this morning. Either a new piece is ready to roll out or has arrived. Or perhaps some units have been fitted with the blue lights we discussed this week. Either way it had to be big to have all 6 District Chiefs and the Battalion Chief show up.