Will there be another designation used or will personnel just know?
The new CAD System will track..
Will there be another designation used or will personnel just know?
County Officials said it at a Press Conference Today.
I believe the only time they ident as medic engine is if they have a medic + a ALS kit onboard. It will always be medic engine but chances are they just had a medic on 131
I doubt 13 will become a Medic-Engine house. It probably was just a qualified medic working. Often times you will hear Squad 11 act as a second ALS provider since they often have a trained person working.
What about 9, I have heard them call out as Medic Engine 94, surely there is something in that southern end.
That's the doctor under whose authority all EMS in the department operate, since MD requires all EMS to operate under doctor's orders. Guess they're sort of using him like a Fly Surgeon like some european departments do.
I was assuming it was a doc since they used "Medical Director." The change is the dispatch procedure that includes him/her - that is new. I guess they call them out from home (at night?) Or is it a staff position at a hospital, operating under the Medical Director's authority?
Here is an article from 2016. I believe this is a paid position now.
Anne Arundel Fire News: Long Serving Medical Director Retires
He is a head doctor at BWMC, He has his own radio, his own car with red lights and a siren. He is a BWMC SurgeonIt is more likely he was at HQ and then was picked up on the call. He has a fire department issued vehicle. I have heard him add himself to calls (cardiac, significant trauma calls, etc.) when he is in the area or in the area of HQ while he is there. Especially with the new CAD and GPS tracking, it could also be why he is added to more significant medical incidents if he is in the area or "on duty."
I do not believe it has any relation to a hospital staff position, it is just he is a medical doctor and has been hired as the position for AAFD.
The medical director hasn’t changed in a long time. He works at BWMC and at Fire Alarm headquarters. He oversees all of the EMS in Anne Arundel County. He has his own fire issued vehicle with red lights + siren. His own radio and I believe office at HQThanks - I guess they've recently found somebody to replace the former MedDir - and pays them - so it's reasonable that they respond to serious calls. I imagine that the new MedDir decided that he/she should be added to the serious calls.
Back in the day, I think Montgomery County's Medical Director was a doc at Suburban Hospital, and also oversaw the trauma center there. The position has probably evolved since the 1990's.
He can self add to what ever call he would like too, he doesn’t have to wait to be dispatched. He can let fire alarm know he is responding and they will add him to the call. Nothing new has happend