Listening to the archives from the working fire in 6's area last night. BC-1 requested a "Water Supply Taskforce". First time hearing that. Appears to be 2 Engines, 2 Tankers, & Water Supply 27.
Listening to the archives from the working fire in 6's area last night. BC-1 requested a "Water Supply Taskforce". First time hearing that. Appears to be 2 Engines, 2 Tankers, & Water Supply 27.
What's Water Supply 27?
New LDH unit at Maryland City
What the procedure / setup using large diameter hose? Can you link any references?
The best basic description I know of for LDH is "creating a temporary water main" - usually in non-hydrant areas where water needs to be brought into the area from a distance.
With smaller the hose, you get far less actual water and more pressure loss due to friction. As a result, you need more side by side hoselays and pumpers in line to regenerate the pressure to get water to fight the fire.
Aside from allowing more water given the hose size, there is significantly less loss in LDH requiring less hose and less equipment to get the water you need.
I guess there is less friction loss in LDH, makes sense. I was wondering how they would keep the pumper with the LDH supplied with enough water, and the connections to other engines. I'll have to find a pump operations manual / training materials somewhere.
So my 536 on the AACOFD has gone silent. I have reloaded the sentinel program twice and still nothing. Any ideas???
So my 536 on the AACOFD has gone silent. I have reloaded the sentinel program twice and still nothing. Any ideas???
Several large scale water rescues today. They seem to be assigned to TG Juliette - Special Operations. Perhaps because they are using boats, and/or interoperating with another county? Earlier today the water rescue call involved units from Calvert, QAC, Talbot and AACo. They also patched in a MSP helo that was using Kilo - Box (South.) - must not have Juliette programmed.
Juliet is always used for water rescue assignments since they made the changes a few months ago. Talbot Boat 70 marked up on Kilo and Fire Alarm advised that they would patch them in to Juliet. This has happened in the past with one of the Eastern Shore Counties since they don't have Juliet in their radio.
I am not aware of the reason for the patch from Lima on the other call.
Not exactly sure why Juliette is the preferred TG for water rescues when its likely that neighboring jurisdictions and assets assigned to the call will not have that channel programmed into their radios. One reason for this was hinted at during the last control board meeting. The operations managers of the different systems have a hard time getting together because of scheduling and personnel changes. Kinda ironic because of all the money spent on / capability of these systems that the humans running them cannot interop.
Occasionally, I'd hear a unit coming from Baltimore County that didn't have (or at least said they didn't have) the talkgroup that was assigned in their radio (note: many times, the mutual aid responders just didn't know how to find the right zone and talkgroups on their radio). At other times I'd hear "we don't have KILO on our radio, we only have TAC-1, TAC-2, etc." (which by the way are the same thing).
This still occurs. In the past month or so, I heard at least once BCoFD say they didn't have a channel (if I remember correctly it was talkgroup "Hotel").
Not picking on Anne Arundel but every county should have their radio talkgroup chart placed in each apparatus. So everyone can easily know and switch to a neighboring jurisdiction zone's talkgroup with ease. Maybe these charts are in the apparatus but if they aren't, they should.
I'm certain those types of things were in the units at one time but like many things of that type, they tend to disappear over time (or get lost in the bottom of the map box). It is just one of those things (like an Amtrak emergency guide) that ends up covered up by lots of other things... You have to experience sitting in those tight cabs with all that gear, equipment and other stuff during an emergency response... I don't recall ever looking for a document during a response and preparing to use a nozzle, saw or other rescue equipment -