If ARC996 is working, give this file a try before you ship the scanner. Save the attached zipped file to your computer and extract. Open the extracted file with ARC996. Go to the BCD996T tab and click on Send Data. I am also including a PDF file which will answer all of your questions about using quick keys. Charles Co MD is on system quick key 1. All of the groups also have quick keys. I also have a FreeSCAN file.
Good morning tvengr!
The scanner is scanning through the simulcast fire/ems program. I have it on hold on CCFD 10A1, the dispatch channel. I notice displayed on the screen a with blinking 853.3875 with the talk group 17040. Now, every couple seconds is flashed on the screen, "Finding CTR 1Chan". Looks like it just won't accept the control channel for some stupid reason! And on we go!!!