What I'm really wondering about is why hooking up an antenna seems to do nothing. When I took it out of the case, I noticed that whacking the side panel next where the antenna connectors are seemed to make some difference, and the antenna started working. I checked the connections, and it appears that at some point the lead wire for the wire antenna connector broke off, and the BNC connector's lead wire was connected with a twist connector to the wire antenna connector's lead wire, which goes to some sort of relay. I played around with the wires, and it seemed to make no difference with the reception, although on occasion there are bursts of louder static. Also, sometimes the audio doesn't work right. It comes out as very faint hiss with no real static, and I have to turn the volume all the way up in order to hear anything (I know tubes need to warm up, but this continues for several minutes). When that happens, the squelch function stops working, and I only hear a "pop" when any of the switches are turned.
As I said before, all the tubes I could see heat up and glow as they should. Keep in mind that this is the first time I have ever played around with a tube radio, so my knowledge about these things is fairly limited.