It might be muted.
Possibly requiring a jumper (originally from a transmitter relay) to activate receive.
Good point! THese were made to be used with a separate transmitter (Huh??), so make sure you've got it set up to run solo.
It might be muted.
Possibly requiring a jumper (originally from a transmitter relay) to activate receive.
When I turn the unit on, the signal meter jumps all the way to the maximum, then drops down again. When it does so, the audio comes on.
I just have to say that after reading this thread and researching the R392 and R390, I want one! Although the 390/392 were no longer classified when I went through Signal School, those instructoros in the know spoke of them in hushed and revered tones. Got to spend some time with one while at Fort Devens and only wish I had the appreciation for them as I do today. I hope you are able to get the 392 up and running, in the meantime I am going to look around for one.
Well, I think I found the problem. These are all the dead tubes:
(These tubes are from almost every section of the radio)
+8. Especially that many out of different circuits. My boatanchor has 20 tubes total and since I got it in 1988 only ONE tube was weak enough to truly replace, the other 8 I went ahead and replaced-I just wasn't thrilled with the reading but they were passable. I think you should have it recapped. And check with a close eye for flamed resistors too. I was going to do the recap myself but didn't have the nerve-so I found a great radio restorer and for a few hundred bucks I have a total rebuilt radio. Maybe you could go the same route?Dude, have some patience. I thought this thing was a freebie, but you paid money for it? Anyway, don't get frustrated. Your tube tester may be crap. I agree that many bad tubes is unlikely. You would be much better off spending money on replacement capacitors than on tubes in my experience. I have restored 2 radios and fiddled with probably a dozen others and I think I had to replace a couple of tubes and that radio was from the 30's. Troubleshoot one stage at a time. Rome wasn't built in a day. You'll get it, but you gotta be patient. Go over all the simple stuff first, and make notes of everything.