its their equipment, yes i agree, "bad way" of implementing it, but you can opt out, very easily.
its just like windows, you get a system, what does it do to updates? by default its enabled and set to automatic, you get updates installed that you ( non-tech types ) may not even know about, like the new IE 11, full of bugs, crashing, features people did not like.... oh well it got installed anyways.
or, TV providers, they remove channels that you like without warning you? ( DirecTV anyone? ) or they move channels without warning you till maybe the day of, or 12 hours prior when your sleeping.....
happens all the time...... ultimate point is: it was a rented modem, and they ( Comcast ) can add or remove features at any time with or without user consent to their property. if you have a private device, they can STILL deny it on their ( Comcast ) lines. if you run a device that is older than what your subscribing to and/or may cause issues to other customers up or down stream on the lines, they CAN deny that device from authenticating to the network. and its all written in the legally binding ToS that users sign.
this particular issue, sooo many in-accurate claims. there is no way possible a single router can cause a %30-40 increase in the electricity bill of a entire house a month. yet some " Electrical Analyst Firm" get this...... "Confirmed" it. anyone smell the droppings there? its all baited to make comcast look even worse.
so coming from that point, please show me technical data that a device that draws what..... couple amps ( if that even ) MAX, uses no more than say 90w of power can cause a house wide increase in the electric bill by 30-40 % ? im sorry but that's crap.