The fly in the ointment is the concept of remote control/ operation. In every other FCC service remote operation includes modulation. How suddenly does this become different in GMRS?
It doesn't. This from definitions in Part 95.303:
Remote control.
Operation of a Personal Radio Services station from a location that is not in the immediate vicinity of the transmitter. Operation of a Personal Radio Services station from any location on the premises, vehicle or craft where the transmitter is located is not considered to be remote control.
In summary; the 2017 rules specifically carved out new exceptions to the long standing telephone interconnect and remote control prohibitions, for GMRS to be operated by remote control via the internet (other networks).
The FCC does not care about "linking" of repeaters. Repeaters have been linked as far back as the 70's when a repeater club in Chicago installed satellite receivers all over Chicago land to enhance repeater coverage. How did they do it? They leased circuits from the phone company (physically isolated from the PSTN). They did so blatantly and openly without any hesitation. Repeaters have been linked using other GMRS pairs and goofy links. Did the FCC care back then? NO. Has anyone been cited for doing so? NO.
There is a dark dusty warehouse in Gettysburg PA where stands a rusty file cabinet , inside of which is a mouse eaten file folder labeled Citations for GMRS Linking. The folder is empty my friends. You can check yourself. A while back I searched the electronic records of the Enforcement Bureau and found nothing to indicate this has ever been on their radar. They really don't care, nor should you.