Thank you Nunya.... and they are already pushing out that dreaded "E" word
pages 26 27 31 32 36 ALL have that awful word on them.
Rockdale has a nice system, terrain is causing a couple issues, but they are working them out quickly.
Conyers, is just one of those, " we'll spend it if we want" places.... kinda like Fayette County and Peachtree City. they just squander tax money on stupid stuff to look like the "big dog", instead of the more critical and needed stuff.
Business district on Parker Road, where Rockdale Career Academy is located. not more than 5 months ago they installed a simple Warning Light for the Olde Town Walking Path where it crosses Parker Rd in front of the RCA, for pedestrians to use when they are crossing the 2 lane per side road with a 45 MPH Speed Limit. guess what... they just covered those signs up already with trash bags, built new concrete curbs in the middle of the road, installed brand new overhead pole based warning lights and this claim: No one noticed them.........
want to know why "no one noticed them" ?
actually i correct that, Ive seen it a couple times being used...... but that's like a 1-3% usage ratio to the number of people i see every day on that walking path.
for Rockdale County... KISS Theory is usually in place. they built that new 4 tower system, using 2 of the OLD towers already built... one is Smyrna Dr, off of Hwy 212 "South Tower" and the other is up higher near DeKalb and Gwinnett lines, "North Tower" but they had a really big "Dead Zone" to the east out towards Newton. so they simply built two more towers, "East and West" respectively. one towards that dead zone by Newton Line, and the other towards Henry.
so now, Conyers, yes the Seat of Rockdale County, feels embarrassed, they use their "Still perfectly working" 1995 System.... and has to squander non-needed equipment for useless reasons.
another example...... they bought a plethora of Dodge Chargers not long ago... i am already seeing Chevy Caprices' and Ford Taurus' replacing those hardly used Chargers!!!
The "radios" those 15 of them mobile.... those are the cars. that's all they have....LOL!!
i think im going to have to talk to the Sheriff of Rockdale, he lives in my neighborhood ( dont get me started on that either.... he did something really stupid last year for Halloween )
took 2 deputies off the roads, to personally escort his son and daughter around the neighborhood ( ours only ) for the night!!! that is ONE exception to Rockdale's KISS Theory