From Dan KA8YPY
(his email is Remove the NOSPAM to use it)
Folks here is the current plan for the 19th through the 21st in order of priority for Prince George's County ARES/RACES.
1. Prince George's County EOC, 20th, 0600-2000, 4 hour shifts, two people per shift plus staff person to be in charge. You may split this shift with someone if each of you only want to do two hours. No radio gear needed.
2. Laurel City command vehicle and several rovers, 20th, 0430 - 1800, shifts to be determined, operators needed to operate from the command vehicle to the rovers as well as back to the County EOC in support of the City of Laurel monitoring of crowds at the commuter rail station at Main and 1st St. Warm clothing, HT with spare battery needed.
3. Net Control for the County wide net, 20th, 0600 - 2000, 4 hour shifts, we need an alternate and a primary net control. This can be done from your home station if you are able to operate on the 146.610 and the 146.880 repeaters without issues, operators may also run this net from the Laurel ARC club shack in the Laurel City EOC, or the County EOC at the FSB. Mobile/base station with external antenna if working from home, no equipment needed if working from the Laurel or County EOC
4. Regional Net Control, 20th, Prince George's County has the responsibility to be an alternate control for an hour followed by primary net control for an hour for total of a two hour shift. The shifts are 0600 - Alternate NCS, 0700 - Primary NCS; 1400 - Alternate NCS, 1500 - Primary NCS; 2200 - Alternate NCS, 2300 Primary NCS. This can be done from your home station if you are able to operate on the 449.975 (107.2 pl), 147.105- (107.2 pl) and/or 146.910 repeaters without issues, operators may also run this net from the Laurel ARC club shack in the Laurel City EOC or from the County EOC at the FSB. Dual band mobile/base set up with external antennas needed if working from home, no equipment needed if working from Laurel or County EOC.
5. State DSS Shelter at Ritchie Coliseum UMD, 1600 19th - 1200 21st (24x7), shifts to be determined (probably 4-6 hours), no equipment needed, provide communications from the shelter back to the State DHR command center.
6. Stand by request for Doctor's Hospital, 20th, if needed, no equipment needed, no further information known at this time.
If you have a specific job or jobs you would like to do, please let me know as soon as possible so I can get the schedule started (and hopefully finished) before I leave on Friday morning. Those that volunteer openly with no preference will be used to fill needed gaps.
Thank you for your support,
Dan Blasberg
Prince George's County RACES RO
Prince George's County ARES EC