DC Inauguration updates

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
From Dan KA8YPY (his email is Blasberg@NOSPAM.verizon.net. Remove the NOSPAM to use it)

Folks here is the current plan for the 19th through the 21st in order of priority for Prince George's County ARES/RACES.

1. Prince George's County EOC, 20th, 0600-2000, 4 hour shifts, two people per shift plus staff person to be in charge. You may split this shift with someone if each of you only want to do two hours. No radio gear needed.

2. Laurel City command vehicle and several rovers, 20th, 0430 - 1800, shifts to be determined, operators needed to operate from the command vehicle to the rovers as well as back to the County EOC in support of the City of Laurel monitoring of crowds at the commuter rail station at Main and 1st St. Warm clothing, HT with spare battery needed.

3. Net Control for the County wide net, 20th, 0600 - 2000, 4 hour shifts, we need an alternate and a primary net control. This can be done from your home station if you are able to operate on the 146.610 and the 146.880 repeaters without issues, operators may also run this net from the Laurel ARC club shack in the Laurel City EOC, or the County EOC at the FSB. Mobile/base station with external antenna if working from home, no equipment needed if working from the Laurel or County EOC

4. Regional Net Control, 20th, Prince George's County has the responsibility to be an alternate control for an hour followed by primary net control for an hour for total of a two hour shift. The shifts are 0600 - Alternate NCS, 0700 - Primary NCS; 1400 - Alternate NCS, 1500 - Primary NCS; 2200 - Alternate NCS, 2300 Primary NCS. This can be done from your home station if you are able to operate on the 449.975 (107.2 pl), 147.105- (107.2 pl) and/or 146.910 repeaters without issues, operators may also run this net from the Laurel ARC club shack in the Laurel City EOC or from the County EOC at the FSB. Dual band mobile/base set up with external antennas needed if working from home, no equipment needed if working from Laurel or County EOC.

5. State DSS Shelter at Ritchie Coliseum UMD, 1600 19th - 1200 21st (24x7), shifts to be determined (probably 4-6 hours), no equipment needed, provide communications from the shelter back to the State DHR command center.

6. Stand by request for Doctor's Hospital, 20th, if needed, no equipment needed, no further information known at this time.

If you have a specific job or jobs you would like to do, please let me know as soon as possible so I can get the schedule started (and hopefully finished) before I leave on Friday morning. Those that volunteer openly with no preference will be used to fill needed gaps.

Thank you for your support,

Dan Blasberg
Prince George's County RACES RO
Prince George's County ARES EC
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Jan 5, 2004
I had ID TrackerII running throughout the day on the Tysons Corner site of the JNCR system. "Radio maintenance" was doing comm checks on TG 438. One of the other locations mentioned was the Annapolis tower. That was the only channel active, though PFPA was probably active on it too, but I have it locked out.

This was the first time logging that talkgroup.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
and there are numerous milcom-related files posted on the CHM temp page in FreeScan, BCTool, Scan Control, RadioMax (a package very useable by many older radios) and Excel generated .csv files. Given that there's likely to be some coverage needed at low altitudes (see the various NOTAMs in a previous message), and some of the a/c coming in, I'm thinking that there might be extended Falcon-Virgo type coverage over the days of the train trip and the Inauguration itself. Hard to say for sure, of course.

73 Mike


Dec 19, 2002
The last several days I've been hearing intermittent testing in the clear on DCIO1 and DCIO2. At least some of the time, they mentioned that DCIO1 was patched with 8-Call90 and UCC1, and DCIO2 was patched with 8-Tac91. But from Rockville I was only hearing the VHF transmissions, not the patched 800 MHz transmissions.

I assume this is related to the Inauguration.

I've also been hearing brief encrypted transmissions on FEMA 5 and NCR 5-6.


Jan 5, 2004
During the testing this morning I heard someone from the Fairfax Co radio shop on 821.5125 doing some testing. I could only hear one side of the conversation and didn't have anything on any of the other interop freqs.


Dec 19, 2002
During the testing this morning I heard someone from the Fairfax Co radio shop on 821.5125 doing some testing. I could only hear one side of the conversation and didn't have anything on any of the other interop freqs.

That's the mobile (repeater-in) side of the 8-Tac91 frequency.


Jan 5, 2004
That's the mobile (repeater-in) side of the 8-Tac91 frequency.

I know. So why nothing on the repeater out freq which I had programmed? I was surprised to be receiving this as strong and clearly as I was especially considering how bad reception is in the building where I was. I can barely hear the fire marshals on 4-O when they're in the building.
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Aug 25, 2004
Berkeley Co. WV/ Loudoun Co. VA
a lot of analog traffic today on Customs NET1 165.2375MHz (100Hz) from an Omaha unit on the DC repeater.

from what I can gather from my recordings of today's traffic, "they" are flying pretty high along the "river" (guessing the Potomac) and broadcasting video to receivers somewhere. traffic in in the clear with some 10-10 mode mixed in.
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Aug 25, 2004
Berkeley Co. WV/ Loudoun Co. VA
what I have so far from a combination of the Capitol Hill Monitor, RR DB and things I have found on my own. of course, there will be a lot more and these are what I can receive in WV.

159.1500 DC PD InterOp1
160.6200 WMATA Rail Ops
162.3000 WMATA Rail Ops
160.9200 Amtrak Roads
160.4400 CH3 Station Ops
161.3850 WMATA Ch1 Bus-Rail PD
165.2375 Customs NET1
155.4750 (heard Customs) VCALL 10
165.2875 BATF NET5
166.5375 ATF OPS
166.7250 Park PD TacSpecialEvents 127.3Hz
166.9250 Park PD Disp.Ops. 127.3Hz
167.0750 Park PD Tac Admin 127.3Hz
167.4375 FBI DC
167.4875 FBI DC
168.4250 Park Srvs NationalCapitalP
168.8750 DC InterOp2
170.0250 FBI
172.7500 Park Srvs NationalCapitalP
173.6250 Fed Common Use

Didn't hear the actual traffic, but heard Customs mention VLAW31.

Since Customs was on a VTAC channel and maybe a VLAW channel, there may be more in use.

I posted what I heard on 165.2375MHz on a thread on the WV forum with a little more info (didn't think it was all connected to this) about hearing "JCMUT1" mentioned but didn't find anything. Someone sent me a PM that he was hearing JCMUTE1 mentioned on TG 1553 on the Jefferson Co. WV WVIRP site earlier today. I wasn't even thinking about searching a WVIRP site so I had both digital scanners searching and scanning the VHF fed band and missed the radio test. From this info, I would think the Jefferson Co. WV WVIRP site may see some use this weekend for western operations.

This also points out the fact that I need more scanners...many more. :)
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Apr 21, 2004
Arnold, MD
Radio Test tomorrow 1-16-09

There will be a multi-agency radio test / roll call some time tomorrow. This will be mainly a test of the various cross band patches set up on the ITAC repeaters. Look for activity on VHF, UHF and the 5 ITAC channels.

MPD has parked their mobile command unit at a DC Government building across Constitution AV, from where all of the cellular carriers and the Capitol Police are camped out.

The broadcasters that have not already set up will deploy on Sunday. Watch the itinerant channels and 450 MHz channels. The FCC will have direction finding vehicles in the area Monday-Tuesday.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Yeah, I understand the dress rehersal last weekend didn't go off so well. A lot of confusion due to state and the Feds not communicating very well. Obviously the lessons of Interoperability from the various disasters over the last couple of years (Katrina is a good example) were either not learned or not comprehended (or both). Should make for interesting listening, though. Wish I had a lot more scanners and good outdoor antennas <sigh> 73 Mike
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