Drone Swarms / Large UAV’s


P25 TruCking!
Mar 15, 2008
If these UAVs are such bad actors, why are they going out of their way to illuminate themselves in plain site, it seems they want to be seen


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2014
Rather than "want to be seen," it could also be that it doesn't matter one way or another.
I'm guessing it's a federal government thing. Judging from their size, there's a lot of money flying up there. Government folks can lie with the best of them and even put someone in jail for spilling the beans.

Laws notwithstanding, I can't believe someone hasn't shot one down or at least tried.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
Has anyone seen anything on the RF remote ID component of this story? I have not.
I have seen zero, nada, on the following fact being reported or opined on.

The FAA requires positive drone ID much like an aircraft transponder for all legal flight. The only exception less than .55lbs.

Legal flight, data blocks must originate from UAV while in flight, includes registration information, serial number, take off point lat long, present lat long of both AC and operator, speed, altitude, heading and more!

The feds and state have devices that decode this data. It is done every weekend at the the Meadowlands. You fly there you will be caught, quickly.

Why is there silence on this fact?

If they are friendly, they must broadcast “DroneRemoteID”. Therfore everything about the flight is known.

If they are unfriendly and blocking or not transmitting RID, they are unfriendly. Friend or Foe?


Premium Subscriber
Feb 21, 2014
Have seen them for the past week at night. Enough of them to be concerned as to what they're up to.
May 23, 2022
Are any TGs especially active on NJICS of those following and tracking these drones? Just want to make sure I have them programmed in.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
Has anyone seen anything on the RF remote ID component of this story? I have not.
I have seen zero, nada, on the following fact being reported or opined on.

The FAA requires positive drone ID much like an aircraft transponder for all legal flight. The only exception less than .55lbs.

Legal flight, data blocks must originate from UAV while in flight, includes registration information, serial number, take off point lat long, present lat long of both AC and operator, speed, altitude, heading and more!

The feds and state have devices that decode this data. It is done every weekend at the the Meadowlands. You fly there you will be caught, quickly.

Why is there silence on this fact?

If they are friendly, they must broadcast “DroneRemoteID”. Therfore everything about the flight is known.

If they are unfriendly and blocking or not transmitting RID, they are unfriendly. Friend or Foe?
Here is a general explanation on the RF Bands and exchange of data occurring.


Are these drones not transmitting the required RID? Doubt it, I guess its a possibility or they all got a waiver👀.


Dec 22, 2013
Has anyone seen anything on the RF remote ID component of this story? I have not.
I have seen zero, nada, on the following fact being reported or opined on.

The FAA requires positive drone ID much like an aircraft transponder for all legal flight. The only exception less than .55lbs.

Legal flight, data blocks must originate from UAV while in flight, includes registration information, serial number, take off point lat long, present lat long of both AC and operator, speed, altitude, heading and more!

The feds and state have devices that decode this data. It is done every weekend at the the Meadowlands. You fly there you will be caught, quickly.

Why is there silence on this fact?

If they are friendly, they must broadcast “DroneRemoteID”. Therfore everything about the flight is known.

If they are unfriendly and blocking or not transmitting RID, they are unfriendly. Friend or Foe?
The FAA has a website for waivers to certain drone rules. There are numerous ones. Specifically for nightime flying and remote pilot observation. I found it weeding around, but forgot to book mark it. Anyway among the many waivers, most had a comment that they would not transmit any ADSB messages. The companies were varied, most seemed to be in the "aerial lighting " business. Something is afoot at a federal level or they would reveal what the flights are about. There should be NOTAMs for these operations one would think.