
Sep 11, 2021
Scotland UK
Just call it with the -C examples\capacity_plus_chan.csv (backslash in windows, forward slash in linux) or whatever you end up naming the file. For Capacity Plus, make sure that channels 1 and 2 are the same frequency (they are LSN based and not LCN), 3 and 4 the same, up to how many logical slots that system has.

EDIT: Added the `-t 2` option to tell it to hold on an RF frequency for 2 seconds of hangtime, the default is 1, but some capacity plus systems have a longer interval between beaconing and need to dwell a little longer before jumping to the next channel looking for the rest channel.
Amazing, it was a simple mistake by not pointing to the csv file path. And usually I use Ubuntu so the slashes were as you said the wrong way around.

Figured out the Rigctl and also have it scanning using my RSP1A device but I may go back to the RTL SDR as the SDR play devices are a little clunky I've found with other programs.

Thanks for your assistance and dumbing it down a little for me 😎


Much appreciated



Ridin' Dirty
Premium Subscriber
Mar 2, 2005
Jackson, TN
I'm really digging the RTL automatic gain. Since the leaves have made their appearance, my effective receive range has dropped noticeably. Now I don't have to fiddle with the settings. I appreciate all the work you've done with RTL_SDRs.


Apr 26, 2020
Lafayette County, FL
I'm really digging the RTL automatic gain. Since the leaves have made their appearance, my effective receive range has dropped noticeably. Now I don't have to fiddle with the settings. I appreciate all the work you've done with RTL_SDRs.

If you are referring to the rtl input (rtl_fm) and/or the zDEV branch, yeah, that whole bag of d***s. Technically, the auto gain has always been in there by setting the gain value to 0 to activate, but yeah, seems like the only way to get decent output from the rtl input is to use auto gain, or be right next to the repeater, something with rtl_fm that makes it not work so well, unless the signal is already blowing the roof off to begin with. I've been trying to make some tweaks to it, but its kind of hit or miss. Some things may do better, others not so much.

Comparatively speaking, the rtl input (rtl_fm) pales in comparison to the DSP stack in SDR++. SDR++ can deliver some seriously good signal in comparison.

The more I look into rtl_fm, and its code, I don't think it was ever meant to do much more than be a very simple analog radio for low powered devices. Even the most recent source code shows that some of its features aren't working just yet. Probably got overtaken by GNURadio in terms of development.

Per the source code:

 * written because people could not do real time
 * FM demod on Atom hardware with GNU radio
 * based on rtl_sdr.c and rtl_tcp.c
 * lots of locks, but that is okay
 * (no many-to-many locks)
 * todo:
 *       sanity checks
 *       scale squelch to other input parameters
 *       test all the demodulations
 *       pad output on hop
 *       frequency ranges could be stored better
 *       scaled AM demod amplification
 *       auto-hop after time limit
 *       peak detector to tune onto stronger signals
 *       fifo for active hop frequency
 *       clips
 *       noise squelch
 *       merge stereo patch
 *       merge soft agc patch
 *       merge udp patch
 *       testmode to detect overruns
 *       watchdog to reset bad dongle
 *       fix oversampling


Apr 26, 2020
Lafayette County, FL
Also, just a quick FYI, if anybody is pulling the zDEV branch and using the rtl input, if things suddenly aren't working right, try cutting the bandwidth in half. I made some changes because I don't think it was decimating and interpolating the BW correctly, going to trial the new settings, so if decodes aren't going well, half the BW.

That's only for the rtl direct input, not for TCP input using SDR++.


Apr 26, 2020
Lafayette County, FL
Also, just a quick FYI, if anybody is pulling the zDEV branch and using the rtl input, if things suddenly aren't working right, try cutting the bandwidth in half. I made some changes because I don't think it was decimating and interpolating the BW correctly, going to trial the new settings, so if decodes aren't going well, half the BW.

That's only for the rtl direct input, not for TCP input using SDR++.

Disregard that, I ended up reverting that change. Changes didn't pan out as I had anticipated and by itself, it would have just been a needless change for the sake of change. Actually, for most system types and rtl input, I strongly advise just using 12. Provoice is the only exception at 24. NXDN48 even seems to behave better at 12 than 8 or 6, I think the main issue is that rtl_fm doesn't do well when downsampling and oversampling to the extreme limits by decimating the bandwidth/sampling to a degree greater than 12.


Ridin' Dirty
Premium Subscriber
Mar 2, 2005
Jackson, TN
Disregard that, I ended up reverting that change. Changes didn't pan out as I had anticipated and by itself, it would have just been a needless change for the sake of change. Actually, for most system types and rtl input, I strongly advise just using 12. Provoice is the only exception at 24. NXDN48 even seems to behave better at 12 than 8 or 6, I think the main issue is that rtl_fm doesn't do well when downsampling and oversampling to the extreme limits by decimating the bandwidth/sampling to a degree greater than 12.
FWIW, I've experimented quite a bit with bandwidth settings and for my particular situation, I believe (and maybe it's just my perception) that a bandwidth setting of 8 sounds better to me. This is using an orange FlightAware rtl. With a bandwidth setting of 12, it gives a lot of audible false transmissions. With 8, it's almost as good as my Motorola. With BW at 12, the In Level is around 36 or so, and BW at 8, it's around 50, which I understand is very close to optimal.


Apr 26, 2020
Lafayette County, FL
FWIW, I've experimented quite a bit with bandwidth settings and for my particular situation, I believe (and maybe it's just my perception) that a bandwidth setting of 8 sounds better to me. This is using an orange FlightAware rtl. With a bandwidth setting of 12, it gives a lot of audible false transmissions. With 8, it's almost as good as my Motorola. With BW at 12, the In Level is around 36 or so, and BW at 8, it's around 50, which I understand is very close to optimal.
Alright, thanks for letting me know. Was that with the zDEV branch, or main? Was it the DMR system, or the NXDN system you were testing?


Ridin' Dirty
Premium Subscriber
Mar 2, 2005
Jackson, TN
Alright, thanks for letting me know. Was that with the zDEV branch, or main? Was it the DMR system, or the NXDN system you were testing?
Main. DMR on both systems. One was CAP+ the other just a simple, single freq BS. This was tried on two different computers, one was a PI4.


Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Ontario, Canada


Oct 9, 2022
RC4 has been around for ages. There are already other encrypt/decrypt tools available online using that algo.
Seems like not all the RC4 works exactly the same. According to LEH, this code is specifically written to adapt to the particularities of the RC4 used by the big M.


Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Ontario, Canada
Ahh could be, yes. It's still not going to recover a key for you though, before someone gets all excited.

Down the road it would be nice if one of the software platforms had the ability to enter a known key (be it ADP, DES or AES).


Oct 9, 2022
Ahh could be, yes. It's still not going to recover a key for you though, before someone gets all excited.
Of course this software won't give you the key. This is only the proper maths for the M's ARC4 algorithm to apply to a decoder/encoder. If you don't know the key, you are screwed, obviously.

Down the road it would be nice if one of the software platforms had the ability to enter a known key (be it ADP, DES or AES).
Not the same thing, but just for fun: did you know AnyTone has released a new firmware for their D878 to make them compatible with ARC4?


Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Ontario, Canada
They did! No, I didn't know that... That's awesome. I've used the AES on it but was wishing for ARC4. Thanks for the heads up!


Oct 9, 2022
They did! No, I didn't know that... That's awesome. I've used the AES on it but was wishing for ARC4. Thanks for the heads up!
Beginning at 3.02


May 21, 2019
Hi i have been useing SDRsharp and dsd+ for some years now . how do i set this up to work on windows 11 and sdr rtl ?


Jul 7, 2011
Reading your comment I assume you have at least basic knowledge how to setup things, so I won't go into much details here. Just a basic one to get started from somewhere and once you have more specific questions we can discuss them later :)

Latest available windows releases are located here: Release DSD-FME-AERO V2.0.0-100 Windows 32-bit · lwvmobile/dsd-fme
Once unzipped the folder contains all it needs. There is a folder inside, it's called SDR# Plugin or SDR# TCP Plugin, something like that. All you have to do to use it with SDR# is to setup the plugin in SDR#, set it to desired port, tune to desired frequency, set you PPM correction then you are ready to setup DSD-FME. Head to it's directory, there you will fine few files with numbers from 0 to 4 in front of their name. Depending to your needs you need to run at least 1 and 0 where first you need to edit 0. There are a bunch of predefined startup options for DSD-FME. Choose what serves your needs or adapt it to your case. For more detailed options you can always run dsd-fme.exe -h in CMD to real all the features.

As I said, the above is very basic info of how to get started. Try it and if something goes wrong, don't hesitate to post your next questions


Feb 14, 2020
Just asking. It's been a few months and I've pulled my RSP2 out and am using it a little.
Without beating around the bush and needing a refresher. SDR# is SDRPlay radio "friendly".
SDRPlay mentions "Section 14 of the SDRuno User Manual explains CAT control and how SDRuno emulates a Kenwood TS-480".

Somewhere back in this thread it was mentioned that CAT, Rig control was possible with FME.
As mentioned. I have an Icom IC-R8600. I got "ok" using various SDR applications to control it not using the I/Q interface, or the I/Q.dll.
That's with CAT and Rig control.

Trunking using the Icom is my interest. Is it or will it ever be a feature in FME?
SDR# is very unfriendly in the way they allow use of radios not in their niche of limited types, models.
DSD+ has gone brain dead in development for usage of other radios to trunk.

The only way I can use DSD+ with my R8600 is to use something like HDSDR, SDR Console with the I/Q driver.
Then pump the audio out through VB cable to DSD+.
Again. No trunking. At all.
SDR Console has a Trunk Voice Following, or Trunk Tracking module. It just plain does not work for my radio. And work on enabling it has gone stagnant.

A bit frustrated. confused? I was (quite awhile back) able to get the RSP2 to trunk. The I got the R8600 and put it aside. It's a fantastic radio!
An older version of SDR# with the USRP mod and freq. scanner plugin seemed to enable the R8600 to scan and store.
DSD+ just sat on the CC or VC (if I could find one).

Any thoughts? Perhaps implementation of using trunking for this and radios like it?


May 21, 2019
Reading your comment I assume you have at least basic knowledge how to setup things, so I won't go into much details here. Just a basic one to get started from somewhere and once you have more specific questions we can discuss them later :)

Latest available windows releases are located here: Release DSD-FME-AERO V2.0.0-100 Windows 32-bit · lwvmobile/dsd-fme
Once unzipped the folder contains all it needs. There is a folder inside, it's called SDR# Plugin or SDR# TCP Plugin, something like that. All you have to do to use it with SDR# is to setup the plugin in SDR#, set it to desired port, tune to desired frequency, set you PPM correction then you are ready to setup DSD-FME. Head to it's directory, there you will fine few files with numbers from 0 to 4 in front of their name. Depending to your needs you need to run at least 1 and 0 where first you need to edit 0. There are a bunch of predefined startup options for DSD-FME. Choose what serves your needs or adapt it to your case. For more detailed options you can always run dsd-fme.exe -h in CMD to real all the features.

As I said, the above is very basic info of how to get started. Try it and if something goes wrong, don't hesitate to post your next questions
Thanks very much i will give this a go .