OK, so I am just toying around and installed Linux-mint 11 the newest one, on a second PC.
I do believe I got the files installed the right way, but have a question. I got a error message of something similar to the following:
Digital Speech Decoder 1.4.1
mbelib version 1.2.3
Error, couldn't open /dev/audio
ioctl reset error
ioctl speed error
ioctl stereo error
ioctl setfmt error
Audio Out Device: /dev/audio
Now would I be correct in saying that I now need to connect a scanner to my audio card at this point and get that all setup? Would I also be correct in being under the (OH NO) assumption that since I have a Home Patrol, I can run a cable from the line out into the line in to my audio card and be able to get things cracking? If I am wrong would someone mind lending a hand please. I am totally new to this, but have done some much needed reading and got this far and continue to read even after this posting as there is a lot of info around just need to piece it all together here and there cause there really is not a "How to" for doing this directly step by step.
Thank you to all!
I do believe I got the files installed the right way, but have a question. I got a error message of something similar to the following:
Digital Speech Decoder 1.4.1
mbelib version 1.2.3
Error, couldn't open /dev/audio
ioctl reset error
ioctl speed error
ioctl stereo error
ioctl setfmt error
Audio Out Device: /dev/audio
Now would I be correct in saying that I now need to connect a scanner to my audio card at this point and get that all setup? Would I also be correct in being under the (OH NO) assumption that since I have a Home Patrol, I can run a cable from the line out into the line in to my audio card and be able to get things cracking? If I am wrong would someone mind lending a hand please. I am totally new to this, but have done some much needed reading and got this far and continue to read even after this posting as there is a lot of info around just need to piece it all together here and there cause there really is not a "How to" for doing this directly step by step.
Thank you to all!