EMD91123 said:
Red Lights-----Strictly Police Vehicles not eqipped w/Oxygen for medical purposes
Blue Lights---Vehicle used for Emergency Medical Assistance
Combination---Vehicle used for Police and Medical use
Is this your suggestion? It certainly is an interesting one, but this is not a law.
The types and colors of lights are usually spelled out in the V&T Law. In NY Red and White are for Emergency Vehicles and Blue for Volunteer Fire Fighter (personal vehicle) responding to alarm and green for volunteer EMS (personal vehicle) responding to call for service.
In NJ its the same except FD and EMS both use blue. Some states mandate blue for Law Enforcement only with all other emergency vehicles using red/white.
Amber is frequently used rear facing on all emergecy vehicles because that it supposed to be the most visible.
Persoanlly, I think it is all hype by the lightbar sales people. If you have red you need blue because...
and if you have blue you need red because...
After all you can't sell the latest model if you don't create desire for it.