End fed random wire


Aug 12, 2020
I am considering putting up a end fed random wire. I live on a lot with lots of trees from the north corner around the west side to the south corner, about 700 feet. I would like to work 160 through 10 meters. the rig is a Yaesu FT-991A (auto tuner), and I aslo have a manual tuner if needed. I am not going to run very high power, right now 100W max, maybe 500-1000 later one.

Now the questions:
1) What type of wire would be best for this application?
Insulated (will be running trough trees), or bare?
Copper clad steel (multi strand, twisted copper clad or single strand copper clad)?
How long whould the wire be inorder to cover the desired bands (160-10 meters)?
2) The feed will most likly be coax, (about 100 ft). what size balun should be used (I'm thinking about 9:1)
One side of the feed point will be to ground directly below the feed point. (unless it would be better to run a counter poise (how long)?

This antenna will not be straight line, but will have to wonder in a random simicicular path. I'm pretty sure this will be more of an experiment but that's what we do.

I would appreciate and information or suggestions from anyone with any experience with end fed random wire antenna's. of course, information or suggestions from everyone else is welcome.

73, KE5WCT
Mike Wilson


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
That is what I use. 108 foot is broadband and just squezes in 160 meters.
Length for 'RANDOM' should be chosen so it is not reasonant for ham bands otherwise your SWR will be like a roller coaster
with some bands good, others bad. (sorry, I misplaced my chart for that)
Bring your wire into the shack and into a manual/automatic tuner, unbalanced input. then 50 ohm coax to the rig.
Best wire is any, bare if nothing touching the wire end to end, otherwise insulated.
Coper clad steel has the best tesile strength so greater lengths between supports.
Stranded is fine, about the only difference between wire types is minor velocity factor between types so length should be calculated.
Only time you need a balun is going straight to the rig and that would be a 1:1 UNUN using the rigs autotuner.
Outbord tuners is my choice, they work better tuning out of band like for SWLing.
A storm brought my wire down, so cut to 88 foot. with my external ATU, I get great SWR, <2:1 from 3 MHz to 55 MHz
Good performer at 45 foot above ground. It runs WSW so best angle is ESE.
My wire is insulated #14-7 strand.
Ground everything except antenna best you can, the rig, the tuner, everything between the antenna and speaker, Ground it good.


Aug 12, 2020
Thanks Merlin. That is about what I was thinking but wanted to hear what so others thought on the matter. That is what I will most likely do.

Mike Wilson