I totally get this and see this point, but I don't have the political capital to pull off a change that big with the bean counters right now. Add in the complicating fact that the radio company we are with is using our second slot of the DMR repeater for another mutual aid group.... That I don't really understand and haven't gotten up the nerve to ask questions I really don't want to know the answers to. Needless to say, as much as I've heard amazing things about Armada, that isn't really an option right now.
Yea, that sucks. You really need to know the answer though.
So one thing to note is that our volunteer department has structure, but is also kinda loose with that structure. Any one of us could become the person in charge depending on the availability of personnel. This system works okay as generally there is at least one officer available, but we've had some calls that were admittedly low priority (flooded basement/car vs. deer/verification at "that" address) where there were no officers involved. That's kinda why I want to have the level of flexibility in the recommendation I'm preparing to have officers and people who do mutual aid to have the option of getting a VP-8000. It is bulky for a daily carry, so I'm not sure if that will be viewed as a viable option, but I want to present it as having been considered at least.
I don't think the VP8000 is too bulky to EDC, but I don't mind carrying a radio.
So.... One of my other things that I've been trying hard to figure out is what is part of the APCO P25 standard and what is vendor lock-in. I did look quickly into EVRS which looks super cool, but seems very non-standard and brand specific. In considering options, I really really really want to go with standards compliant stuff so that portability is maintained. It does look like a really nice option and solves some problems while generating new questions.
I do t know if it's vendor lock in, because I haven't seen anything other than high level info. I don't know how they are actually doing it, or what the limitations of it are yet.
So, I believe at this point it is going to be the vendor using the KPG-D1 and not me individually, but I have used software from Kenwood in the past for another completely unrelated project and I was feeling the frustrated nostalgia of windows 95 interfaces lol. I get it but unless the VP5000 pulls through with a DMR update, then it just really isn't an option "right now". One of my goals is to move to P25, but that might be 10+ years away with how fast change happens
D1 is totally different than any other ke wood software.
When you say tuning the DSP and such, what exactly do you mean?
there are a bunch of audio specific settings that can be adjusted. It takes time and effort to Taylor the audio. It's much different than how you set up analogue because it's audio that is being digitized and being processed. You can add and remove low, mid and high frequencies like you would do with an EQ on a stereo. There is AGC and how fast and hard it clamps down on audio amplitude.
Admittedly I'm used to cheap radios in the Amateur radio hobby and Hytera in the commercial world, so what kind of options would that even have? I can see how tweaking the settings can help, but not sure how to internalize that and express it to the people.
I don't know how to internalize it either, but to demo stock audio settings and demo tailored audio settings. It makes a world of difference. Especially AGC.
Also, Is IMBE vs. AMBE+ really that big of a difference? I can see advantages in a dual slot setup and halving battery consumption is always a nice benefit, but is conventional P25 really that much better?
YES. It is better because your voice data payload is double that of DMR or P25 Phase 2. More payload means more data for transmitting voice means better audio quality.
Yes I've asked the equivalent of a political question at thanksgiving, no I am serious and curious what the word on the street is regarding CODECs lol!
AMBE+ is a newer CODEC than IMBE, and can sound better. But it is also compatible with IMBE.
I hear this all the time, about DMR and public safety being a no-no.
Sure you can use DMR. Nothing prevents you. However the audio quality is not near as good as P25, and generally the hardware isn't as robust.
Something that I'd really like to know about is if there are any implementations that have gone wrong and gotten news coverage/reporting as unfortunately people usually have to die before change happens.... If you all know of anything, let me know.
I haven't researched if we are loaned, rent or purchased the APX4500 in all our trucks. As mentioned earlier, I have a bit of a vision in mind and limited political capital to spend, so little projects, one at a time, with a roadmap to something better is how I'm approaching this right now. Replacing the Hytera and Moto radios in the trucks for one unit would be lovely, but we only have one truck coming up for replacement right now and I'm only going to focus on that truck for any kind of single device integration. It will likely have pump in compartment, so I'm hoping to get a second radio head on an NX-5x00 setup or a VM8000.
I'm expecting some interop stuff to be really easy to figure out, and some to be close to impossible because of Ego, but I'm trying to make sure the hardware can support the relationships
It's tough when ego gets in the way. You just have to do your best with what you have.
I know that, and you know that.... but I'm guessing that the radio shop just copied what we had on analog and rolled with it in digital. We only have one frequency pair just for our one department, which isn't the end of the world.... oh wait.... remember when I said that they were using the second slot for a neighboring system?..... yeah..... Not expecting that to end well....
I don't believe it was directly because of the international border, but I'm expecting that the reason it isn't split out as a seperate simplex frequency is because there just isn't one available to purchase if we wanted it.
Hard to say, until you try and license a separate simplex channel. It's just more complicated because there is a requirement to coordinate with the US because RF doesn't stop at the border.
I agree, however, I'm not sure what communications have gone on way back when the switch to digital occurred, but I know that the chief has been told that we should count our lucky stars that our license hasn't been canceled because we are a single department on one frequency pair and that anything to do with changing anything at ISED and the radio vendor are big deals..... I really don't know how to take that but anyways......
Meh. You have a need for LMR. Just because you are a single company, doesn't mean you are lucky to have it.
Changing, or adding an emission isn't a big deal at all. I have a buddy thay took over his departments account.. he was able to easily make changes. NBD.
Indeed, and that isn't in existance right now..... so trying to work that into the vision as well as the more basic things like having radios that work in anything more than a breeze.... Had a vehicle fire yesterday and anyone talking without shielding their mic was completely garbled by the wind, which was firm but nothing to write home about.
Oh man, moder AGC, DSP and active noise canceling is amazing. It really is. Especially what Motorola has developed in this field specific to the fire service, and the noise they deal with between saws, pumps and all of that. These are not your old analogue radios any more. There is a ton of tech in them, both hardware and software.
I agree and one of the reasons I see them as a good option is because they are trying to price compeditively, and are also making radios that do more than one thing. It is all well and good to make a 800 MHz PS band, but when no one can move till everyone moves.... that's a problem.
It just takes time and money.
In Alberta, is there anyone running DMR or something that isn't P25 or analog in the Public safety sphere? I'm curious what it is like out that way. Canada always seems to be behind the US in adopting the right system for the right purpose.
There are a few departments still using plain old analogue. Some are using DMR, mostly Motorola DMR. I was just talking about this very topic tonight with a friend. It's taken almost a decade, but the majority of public safety departments are now using the provincial L3 Harris VHF/700MHz VIDA trunk system.
It's somewhere close to 345 individual radio sites. It's has its issues, not with the technology though. More with the people that are responsible for operation of the system and certain decisions made before the network was even built.
It is the largest system in North America for km² coverage and the largest site count. While technically it's 2 systems(2 unique system ID's) it really functions as a single system.
There are lots of mutual aid talk groups at the municipal/city/county/MD levels and a set of 16 province wide mutual aid channels. There are also 5 simplex channels all users have access to as well. Recently there were encrypted mutual aid talkgroups added for law enforcement use only.
Unfortunately, there is little guidance on use of interop talkgroups, there are no radio template minimums, and talkgroup naming was an after thought. There is no minimum radio feature requirements established either.
The radio dealers are generally not very competent with P25 trunking or programming the subscribers.
There are subscribers from L3 Harris, Motorola, Tait, Kenwood, EFJohnson(Kenwood) and Bendix King actively in use.
RCMP and Municipal police services are all full time, strapped encrypted. It is also used by some by-law and municipal enforcement(peace officers that do not carry fire arms).
Our provincial EMS are also encrypted, but have unencrypted mutual aid talk groups to interop with fire departments that also do medical co-response.
The only algorithm officially permitted is AES256.
While it has had growing pains, it is working well for the most part, and has freed up a ton of VHF spectrum here. There isn't a whole lot of public safety left to listen to with out a P25 Phase 1 scanner.