AR5700D First impressions


Oct 22, 2005
Do they still have a repair facility in the UK? I know they shut down the one if California USA, and I was under the impression that they only do repairs in Japan. Important Note: To my understanding, they still maintain distribution centers in the UK and USA, but they are no longer used for repair. I understood all techs were recalled to Japan.

(Incidentally, some U.S. retailers have dropped the AOR line. My understanding is that the retailers were also not happy with the Japan-only repair situation.)

There used to be a separate AOR division in the UK but they closed it down quite a few years back now.


Oct 22, 2005
Once I hear back from the main importer in the UK I will let you all know but there waiting to hear back from AOR in Japan on the way to proceed but one way or another workshop in the UK or Japan .

Isn't there a "Lemon Law" or some such leiglation in the UK where you can demand your money back if you get a defective product?

Of course there's no way of knowing, if they did replace it with a new receiver, you'd not end up in exactly the same situation you're currently in.


May 2, 2005
New York City
Isn't there a "Lemon Law" or some such legislation in the UK where you can demand your money back if you get a defective product?

Of course there's no way of knowing, if they did replace it with a new receiver, you'd not end up in exactly the same situation you're currently in.

There are laws within the United States which were originally designed to cover automotive vehicles, but which do cover a number of other consumer products. Would seem to indicate stuff like washers, dryers, refrigerators, etc. I believe that the consumer must first try to negotiate with the retailer to come to an amicable settlement. I imagine there are similar laws in most civilized societies. Caveat Emptor: Most retailers who are/were selling the AOR series clearly specified that there was a strict no return policy. Regardless, any nickle & dime lawyer could easily turn to state consumer laws to override a store's sales policy in the event of clearly defective merchandise.

This becomes a bit more convoluted with international sales. For those who can even find a retailer still willing to sell AOR radios, you should have in printing, a clear determination of what your options are in the event you receive defective merchandise.

And most important, always put your sale on a reputable credit card (not debit card), which opens additional doors in the event of a dispute within certain time limits. I always make my significant purchases at the beginning of a billing period so that I always have a full 25 days before I have to pay the bill.


Oct 22, 2005
There are laws within the United States which were originally designed to cover automotive vehicles, but which do cover a number of other consumer products. Would seem to indicate stuff like washers, dryers, refrigerators, etc. I believe that the consumer must first try to negotiate with the retailer to come to an amicable settlement. I imagine there are similar laws in most civilized societies. Caveat Emptor: Most retailers who are/were selling the AOR series clearly specified that there was a strict no return policy. Regardless, any nickle & dime lawyer could easily turn to state consumer laws to override a store's sales policy in the event of clearly defective merchandise.

This becomes a bit more convoluted with international sales. For those who can even find a retailer still willing to sell AOR radios, you should have in printing, a clear determination of what your options are in the event you receive defective merchandise.

And most important, always put your sale on a reputable credit card (not debit card), which opens additional doors in the event of a dispute within certain time limits. I always make my significant purchases at the beginning of a billing period so that I always have a full 25 days before I have to pay the bill.

You do get a variety of consumer protections if you use one of the major credit cards for a purchase, I've made use of them in the past, with success.


Jan 26, 2018
East of England
Well the whole thing is very strange to me but the main AOR importer in the UK has told me that they will contact AOR in Japan for there advice on how to proceed .In the importers own words " If there is any issue like that they would need to deal with it " Which to me sounds like the radio has to be returned to Japan , Should this be the case " Who Pays for shipping " Since the radio is out of warranty " If the radio is returned to Japan it will be the third time since I bought the radio in January 2020 .If you read all my comments on this topic your see how many times this 5700D has been returned for repairs and upgrades .Not sure of the price of this radio in the states but in the UK its £4.500 so at the moment all I have to show for this money is a deaf brick as you can see from previous pictures .

So all I can do now is wait to see what AOR tell the importer .


May 2, 2005
New York City
Well the whole thing is very strange to me but the main AOR importer in the UK has told me that they will contact AOR in Japan for there advice on how to proceed .In the importers own words " If there is any issue like that they would need to deal with it " Which to me sounds like the radio has to be returned to Japan , Should this be the case " Who Pays for shipping " Since the radio is out of warranty " If the radio is returned to Japan it will be the third time since I bought the radio in January 2020 .If you read all my comments on this topic your see how many times this 5700D has been returned for repairs and upgrades .Not sure of the price of this radio in the states but in the UK its £4.500 so at the moment all I have to show for this money is a deaf brick as you can see from previous pictures .

So all I can do now is wait to see what AOR tell the importer .

From my own experience, the cost of transportation to and from Japan are the responsibility of the owner when the radio is out of warranty . In fact, I seem to recalling cases here where the consumer also had to bear the cost of trasnportation when the unit was in warranty. In warranty transportation costs seems to be hit or miss, depending on how you plead you case.

In the event of radios that have made several trips back and forth during the warranty period, does AOR automatically extend the warranty period? No one seems to have definitive answers on that. Add to all of this, from what I have read, there seems to be a tendency of AOR's part to place blame on the consumer for either misoperation of the unit or some other factor that would shunt all costs back to the consumer.
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Jan 26, 2018
East of England
Yes your thinking the same as me , Regarding the cost of shipping the radio back to Japan its the responsibility of the owner once the radio is out of warranty however within the first month of owning the radio it was returned to AOR because DALL was not working .The firmware was changed and the radio returned only to find that now DMR was not decoding plus the original problem with DALL was still not working so within a week it was returned again .In the end the radio did return in July 2020 with firmware 05 installed . With a big WOW it was working !!! It was not perfect but what the hell . I came across a few other owners of 5700D on facebook and found they however where running firmware 06 and found it more stable so about in December last year I contacted the main UK imported and asked about new firmware . Since the radio was still working fine I left it until February by this time I was told that the latest factory “update pack " was Main_101A D0N7B P008B within a few days of the radio being sent in for a upgrade it went deaf so I did ask them to check the sensitivity .

When the radio returned with firmware Main_101A D0N7B P008B it was the best its every been, Sensitivity was up on all bands and decoding DMR and all the other modes worked well . However a few days ago when I turned it on decoding a local DMR signal I notice the signal was so weak that it could no longer decode . Thinking I might have a problem with the antenna I plugged the same antenna into my Icom 275H and found the FM signals to be fine as you can see from my photos . I have 2 x Diamond X510N fed with Andrews LDF-450 and the signal on the 5700D as you can see is deaf .

So the main UK importer has contacted AOR to find out how to proceed . When the radio is working its good the problem is keeping it working . But the whole thing to me is a very gray area . All I want is a working radio after spending £4.5K but its clear its no going to be as straight forward as that as you would have thought that they would have exchanged the radio but that is not the case .


May 2, 2005
New York City
Well please keep us all posted. Not that I expect there are many potential 5700 buyers here, but I'm sure there are always folks considering the DV-1 or DV-10 who are more interested in the way AOR handles these types of issues.


Jan 26, 2018
East of England
Yes all ready many members of the DV1 +DV10 facebook groups are watching what happens as for potential buyers of 5700D many have seen all the problems I have had they now have changed there minds and bought a Icom R8600 as its a far better build than the 5700D but as we all know it lacks digital modes and does not even decode DMR . Thousands of scanners users in the UK have already asked Icom japan to add DMR but they wont so there is not much choice . As the only way you can receive DMR on a R8600 and bolting on a DV1 .

So its back to the DV1 or the 5700D the only problem is the cost as over in the UK its £4500 but its very clear that the radio was not ready and in a way its my own fault for not waiting a year for them to sort out the problems because its clear that the original firmware was the problem but after the second trip from Japan with 05 installed it was much better .

But after spending out £4.5k out the radio and a further £175 for out of warranty upgrades + checks I am left with a deaf brick ? Its very clear that unless the radio is changed out or a full refund that this problem will continue .

All I want is a working radio that keeps working as I know whats going to happen its going to spend the next month or so back in the workshops only to be returned again later in the year .

So if any one from AOR is reading this "Please Change the radio out "


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Premium Subscriber
Mar 7, 2003
Amelia, OH
Yes all ready many members of the DV1 +DV10 facebook groups are watching what happens as for potential buyers of 5700D many have seen all the problems I have had they now have changed there minds and bought a Icom R8600 as its a far better build than the 5700D but as we all know it lacks digital modes and does not even decode DMR . Thousands of scanners users in the UK have already asked Icom japan to add DMR but they wont so there is not much choice . As the only way you can receive DMR on a R8600 and bolting on a DV1 .

So its back to the DV1 or the 5700D the only problem is the cost as over in the UK its £4500 but its very clear that the radio was not ready and in a way its my own fault for not waiting a year for them to sort out the problems because its clear that the original firmware was the problem but after the second trip from Japan with 05 installed it was much better .

But after spending out £4.5k out the radio and a further £175 for out of warranty upgrades + checks I am left with a deaf brick ? Its very clear that unless the radio is changed out or a full refund that this problem will continue .

All I want is a working radio that keeps working as I know whats going to happen its going to spend the next month or so back in the workshops only to be returned again later in the year .

So if any one from AOR is reading this "Please Change the radio out "

I think I would have asked for a full refund or replacement, likely on a solicitors letterhead to get their attention. I'm sad that you are having these issues but with the DV10 train wreck and your experience with the 5700 it should be clear that AOR are not the company they were several years ago.


Jan 26, 2018
East of England
Yes I did think the same a replacement or a refund .In the UK we do have a system could the court small claims court where you can pay a small fee to get your money returned since its very clear that this radio that I have is not fit for purpose . When it is working its fine yes it has problems but to send the radio back every few months is totally unacceptable .

I have used the small claims court system before this was on a UK company and it took about a year to get my money returned these days there will be a back log of cases so it could take 2 or more years .However I just want a working multimode scanner and the only one thats seems to fit the bill is the 5700D . This is more like buying a Icom 7851 a top of the range radio only to find it needs to be returned every few months .Most of the gear down here is Icom and found it very good and its build is excellent .

Its a pity that AOR have gone like this as its clear they no longer do quality control on any of there radios if they did they would not have any of these problems . So still waiting to hear what there going to do .


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
I have had they now have changed there minds and bought a Icom R8600 as its a far better build than the 5700D but as we all know it lacks digital modes and does not even decode DMR

The only Digital Modes the 8600 lacks are DMR (a seriously bad decision by Icom) and the much desired, but hopelessly encrypted TETRA (when hoping to listen to the 'interesting frequencies that is).

I have an ARDV1 and the Icom R8600. Both are very good, and certainly the 8600 is very well designed and operates superbly. Connecting the DV! via the 8600's 10.7 MHz output is very easy. Using the 8600 as the 'front end' means all the DV1's Modes and other options can be utilised.

I do not think it is a particularly economic or to be honest a sensible decision just to consider using the DV1 as an 'add on'. Most of the time I use them individually, but the ability to link them is interesting too.

Under normal circumstances the DV1 has to be tuned exactly to 10.7 MHz when the Radios are linked. However the Icom output is versatile enough to allow tuning the DV1 up to at least 2 MHz either side, and still being able o pull in signals very well from the 8600. A sort of extra 'band spread' it could be described as.

I have done this on numerous occasions, but there is one down side. All one sees on the DV1's screen is the frequency in the 10 MHz range, so tuning up and down with it does not give the actual frequency it is pulling in from the 'static' frequency displayed on the R8600.

For example, if the Icom is tuned to 144.5, and the DV1 to 10.7, then via the AR-DV1 one hears what is happening on 145.5.

So if one decides to tune the DV1 to say 9.7 on its screen, in fact it is then receiving what the Icom is hearing on 144.5.' whilst the 8600 still actually tuned to 145.5). So I decided to write an add-on for eSPYonARD, and with that one can see the actual frequency of the Icom signal that the DV1 is pulling in.

One complaint some have about the 8600 is its lack of very small tuning steps, however this can be achieved by the above method using the AR-DV1's tuning steps, which is an added bonus for those who require it on occasions. Without the ability to actually have a visual readout of the 'band spread' frequency being monitored it would really only be an academic exercise naturally, but with the Program's extra DV1 function then one can see the 'real' frequency of the Icom's output.

As others will know from my posts, I agree AOR's fall from grace is very sad indeed. The DV1 remains a great Receiver, whilst AOR's two later Radios leave much to be desired, with no real apparent impetus by AOR to correct the issues. I can only wish AOR one day gets its head together and decides its reputation is more important than blanket denials of any faults. Its future is likely to depend on that change of perception. One can only hope (SIGH).


Jan 26, 2018
East of England
When the radio was working it was ok not perfect but you could live with it .The radio was bought in January 2020 and so far has spent more time away being repaired than me using it , You dont buy AOR flag ship costing a arm and a leg only to have it being repaired every few months.
Before it was under warranty and the first 2 trips to Japan they paid for but now its clear that once out of warranty its going to cost the owners of 5700D one hell of a load of money in shipping cost alone .From speaking to the main UK importer he is still waiting to hear back how to proceed but its that they only do firmware upgrades and not repairs .I wonder where other owner of AOR receivers sends there radios back to , There main importer or AOR in Japan .

Well I think we can all agree that Icom is a far better build than AOR but your options are very limited if you want a full multimode digital receiver as far as I can see the only receiver on the market that does this is AOR but there killing them selfs off by putting radio out that have not been fully tested you only have to look at all the owners of DV1 and DV10 to see this the only difference is the 5700D has a UK price tag of £4.500 and after speaking with the importer it would seem that any issues like mine going deaf need to dealt by AOR in Japan .

With all the problems I have had with this radio you would have thought they would have changed it out as its getting to a point now my what options are next ? As its clear that AOR are not interested as they still have not replied to the the importer request how to proceed as this request was made on the 10th of May and still Zero reply .
So what are my options , I cant sell it on Ebay under spares or repairs unless someone wants a deaf 5700D and if I was to sell it what would I buy it in place .
As many readers have pointed out the radio it's not fit for purpose and should be able to claim via the small claims system in the UK but I feel that could take years due to the back log of cases caused by coronavirus .

As for AOR yes last year they were claiming fake news regarding my problems with the 5700D and others with problems on the DV1 + DV10 as we all know its far from fake its real .

At the end of the day all I want is a working radio that keeps working .I have been a radio man for over 50 years and hold a Class A license and the first scanner I bought was a JIE SX200 I think it cost about £250 the front end was as wide as a barn door but it worked .Yes I know this was just a analogue receiver and the 5700D is a full multimode digital but looking at the problem that the 5700D has it would seem one of the rf stages has closed down so why it cant be repaired in the UK I dont know just change out the whole PCB or better still exchange the radio because its clear that this problem is not going away soon .


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Oct 22, 2005
When the radio was working it was ok not perfect but you could live with it .The radio was bought in January 2020 and so far has spent more time away being repaired than me using it , You dont buy AOR flag ship costing a arm and a leg only to have it being repaired every few months.
Before it was under warranty and the first 2 trips to Japan they paid for but now its clear that once out of warranty its going to cost the owners of 5700D one hell of a load of money in shipping cost alone .From speaking to the main UK importer he is still waiting to hear back how to proceed but its that they only do firmware upgrades and not repairs .I wonder where other owner of AOR receivers sends there radios back to , There main importer or AOR in Japan .

Well I think we can all agree that Icom is a far better build than AOR but your options are very limited if you want a full multimode digital receiver as far as I can see the only receiver on the market that does this is AOR but there killing them selfs off by putting radio out that have not been fully tested you only have to look at all the owners of DV1 and DV10 to see this the only difference is the 5700D has a UK price tag of £4.500 and after speaking with the importer it would seem that any issues like mine going deaf need to dealt by AOR in Japan .

With all the problems I have had with this radio you would have thought they would have changed it out as its getting to a point now my what options are next ? As its clear that AOR are not interested as they still have not replied to the the importer request how to proceed as this request was made on the 10th of May and still Zero reply .
So what are my options , I cant sell it on Ebay under spares or repairs unless someone wants a deaf 5700D and if I was to sell it what would I buy it in place .
As many readers have pointed out the radio it's not fit for purpose and should be able to claim via the small claims system in the UK but I feel that could take years due to the back log of cases caused by coronavirus .

As for AOR yes last year they were claiming fake news regarding my problems with the 5700D and others with problems on the DV1 + DV10 as we all know its far from fake its real .

At the end of the day all I want is a working radio that keeps working .I have been a radio man for over 50 years and hold a Class A license and the first scanner I bought was a JIE SX200 I think it cost about £250 the front end was as wide as a barn door but it worked .Yes I know this was just a analogue receiver and the 5700D is a full multimode digital but looking at the problem that the 5700D has it would seem one of the rf stages has closed down so why it cant be repaired in the UK I dont know just change out the whole PCB or better still exchange the radio because its clear that this problem is not going away soon .

A clear signal of intent to pursue this matter through legal channels via the courts might prove an incentive for AOR to do the right thing and replace this obviously defective receiver, that has never worked to spec., with a new one.


Jan 26, 2018
East of England
Well lets hope so as my patiences is running out but its been a weeks since the main importer emailed them asking how to proceed since AOR deal with these matters directly and they have heard zero so we shall just see what happens in the coming weeks .

But AOR are not doing them selfs any favours as any future person thinking of buying a 5700D is going to think twice when buying one .


Jan 26, 2018
East of England
Good to hear the SX200 is still for sale in Holland there was also the SX400 but both came out 40 years ago .


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Oct 22, 2005
Well lets hope so as my patiences is running out but its been a weeks since the main importer emailed them asking how to proceed since AOR deal with these matters directly and they have heard zero so we shall just see what happens in the coming weeks .

But AOR are not doing them selfs any favours as any future person thinking of buying a 5700D is going to think twice when buying one .

A while back was on the verge of pulling the lever on an ARDV-1, glad I didnt follow through...


Jan 26, 2018
East of England
Since AOR are trying to say the problem with my 5700D is down to radio propagation and nothing to do with the radio I have therefore booked the radio into a local comercial PMR workshop to confirm the sensitivity of the radio . We are talking about staions that are analogue some are that close I can see them from my window .

Should the independent workshop confirm that the radio is deaf then the report and the radio will be returned to the main UK importer .

When the radio is working it works well but since the radio only seems to work only for a few months at a time its very clear that its not fit for purpose and should be exchange or a full refund given . If any other owners of 5700D are reading this and your not in the UK what has your local importer told you regarding repairs is it done in house or return to Japan .


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
A while back was on the verge of pulling the lever on an ARDV-1, glad I didnt follow through...

Just to set the record straight for anyone reading this thread and considering buying an AR-DV1, despite the later AR-DV10 and 5700 having not inconsiderable problems, this does NOT apply to the AR-DV1.

The AR-DV1 is a superb receiver. There have been 2 recent issues, the latest Firmware upgrade (2101C) has faults (very unusual for AOR with the DV1), and there was a recent batch of Radios that had a USB port issue, which looks as if it may have been resolved. Firmware 1907B is fine and still available for download from AOR's Site.

OK, AOR's customer care leaves something to be desired, but the AR-DV1 remains unique, and overall has given very small reason for concern. AOR has developed some classic equipment in the past, well worth owning. I have been the proud owner of many of them, but without a moments hesitation I can confirm the the AR-DV1 is my top AOR acquisition, and over the years my use and knowledge of it is extensive.