This observation might seem somewhat minor, but it does have credibility where battery consumption is in play… I would imagine a brighter setting would deplete the BT-01battery that much quicker. But if you have yours plugged into the USB charging port as I do, where a run down battery is of no concern, the difference between two brightness levels is a small issue, but still worthy of adding to the list of things on the thumbs down side.
I have found the bug that caused Anytone to delay the release of the BT-01, or one similar to it is still a concern… it may not be as bad as the one that caused them to delay, but when it happens, the corrective action is the same, a complete rebooting of the unit. In my case, when switching between the two VFO’s, I would loose my transmission audio. More specifically, when on the B VFO, on a conventional analogue repeater system, and switching to the A VFO DMR system, I’m transmitting without any audio. Other DMR users know I’m transmitting but wonder why I’m not saying anything! This has happened every time I do the switch, so it’s not a fluke. I have not tried variations to this so I’m not going to venture a guess as to what else I might find. But, previous experience with the “open source” Connect Systems DMR radio, (a perfectly fine radio) and all the updates that Jerry (Connect Systems) offered seemed to cause additional unforeseen issues which Jerry would then correct with the hopes another issue didn’t pop up! The process was fun to try, and I stayed with it until I tired of being an unofficial beta tester, took Jerry’s advice and stayed at an update that worked for me, the old saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” came into play. Wondering if Anytone has addressed this?