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Anytone First look Anytone BT-01 Bluetooth Microphone


May 18, 2013
Parma, OH
I just picked up the BT-01 and it works well. I have one gripe - the display brightness. If I boost the default display brightness from 3 to 4 it helps but still is quite dim. If i raise it to 5, it is way too bright. Has anyone else experienced this?

73 de NO8J


Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2002
Farmington, Connecticut
This observation might seem somewhat minor, but it does have credibility where battery consumption is in play… I would imagine a brighter setting would deplete the BT-01battery that much quicker. But if you have yours plugged into the USB charging port as I do, where a run down battery is of no concern, the difference between two brightness levels is a small issue, but still worthy of adding to the list of things on the thumbs down side.

I have found the bug that caused Anytone to delay the release of the BT-01, or one similar to it is still a concern… it may not be as bad as the one that caused them to delay, but when it happens, the corrective action is the same, a complete rebooting of the unit. In my case, when switching between the two VFO’s, I would loose my transmission audio. More specifically, when on the B VFO, on a conventional analogue repeater system, and switching to the A VFO DMR system, I’m transmitting without any audio. Other DMR users know I’m transmitting but wonder why I’m not saying anything! This has happened every time I do the switch, so it’s not a fluke. I have not tried variations to this so I’m not going to venture a guess as to what else I might find. But, previous experience with the “open source” Connect Systems DMR radio, (a perfectly fine radio) and all the updates that Jerry (Connect Systems) offered seemed to cause additional unforeseen issues which Jerry would then correct with the hopes another issue didn’t pop up! The process was fun to try, and I stayed with it until I tired of being an unofficial beta tester, took Jerry’s advice and stayed at an update that worked for me, the old saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” came into play. Wondering if Anytone has addressed this?


Sep 12, 2022
Sacramento, CA
I just picked up the BT-01 and it works well. I have one gripe - the display brightness. If I boost the default display brightness from 3 to 4 it helps but still is quite dim. If i raise it to 5, it is way too bright. Has anyone else experienced this?

73 de NO8J
Still that way today. Just set mine up, updated the firmware (everything else was already up to date) and noticed this as well. It's either slightly too dim or too bright.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 23, 2022
Avon, NC
It would be nice to mount the BT01 on the dash for heads-up display.

Question: When the BT01 is connected with Bluetooth, can the D578's RJ45 mike be used in the BT01's RJ45 jack?


Apr 25, 2017
Out of range
Still that way today. Just set mine up, updated the firmware (everything else was already up to date) and noticed this as well. It's either slightly too dim or too bright.
Preface: I do not have the device......but, is there a night/day mode besides brightness? Might be buried in the menu, or long key press. Just spitballing, as that is something I would look for.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2002
Farmington, Connecticut
The Hand Mic fits, as both devices are RJ45. I don’t remember if I have tried plugging the hand mic into the BT-01 to see if it works but I doubt doing so would cause damage. At worst I would think it just won’t work when the BT-01 is active. I am curious as to why you ask? Doing so would be redundant.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 23, 2022
Avon, NC
The Hand Mic fits, as both devices are RJ45. I don’t remember if I have tried plugging the hand mic into the BT-01 to see if it works but I doubt doing so would cause damage. At worst I would think it just won’t work when the BT-01 is active. I am curious as to why you ask? Doing so would be redundant.
I was thinking about mounting the BT semi-permanently on the windshield for heads-up visibility, while using the corded mike for convenient operation while speaking into the mike.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2002
Farmington, Connecticut
There is another push-to-talk button that is wireless and attaches to the steering wheel with Velcro and uses the mic that came with the newer model cars for hands free cell phone operation. If you have that feature you wouldn’t need to use the corded hand mic. I use the PTT button (I attached it to my shift lever on my console with the USB charging cord permanently attached. I have run comparison tests to see which mic sounds better and so far all reports are equal… I’m told to take my pick as they can’t tell which mic I’m on. I prefer the PTT button on my shifter as the distracted driving laws in Ct. have changed the terminology from “cell phone” to “electronic device”. And while amateur radio operators were at one time allowed to hold a corded or uncorded mic while driving, that allowance has since been removed. So, I keep a low profile by using the PTT button.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2002
Farmington, Connecticut
The magnetic buttons I refer to (FASTBALL) have 3M tape. They come as a two piece affair… one that attaches to the BT-01 and the other that attaches to the dash. My first post could be misleading, having an end user looking for a piece of metal on the dashboard on which a magnet would be in direct contact with. As we all know, the days of metal dash panels are a thing of the past! The use of this magnetic method eliminates the need to open up the BT-01 housing to mount a hanger button as described in Mike Mercury’s post. (I commend Mike for his excellent presentation). The magnetic mount is about the same size as the hanger button. So if you are not inclined to open the housing, these work just as well and can be removed without marring the vehicle or mic.


May 6, 2024
I am going to print one of the mic holders today. I am waiting on my radio and my BT-01 once I get the remote I will post a pic.


May 6, 2024
I printed one yesterday and will try it out on Friday my goodies get here. If you would like one message me.IMG_0021.jpeg
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May 6, 2024
Well here is a pic with it on the BT01. The problem is the screws stick out too far and the disc that slides into the mic holder doesn't stick out far enough.

IMG_0032 (1).jpeg


May 6, 2024
So, I had to manipulate it a little so I thickened the back, countersunk the screws, and extended the disc out another mm allowing it to slide into my mic holder. Send me a message if you may have an interest in one.
IMG_0039 (1).jpegIMG_0040 (1).jpegIMG_0038 (1).jpeg