Fort Bliss White Sands Talk Groups

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 4, 2015
El Paso, TX
Newly scanning this area and MOST of the talk groups in RR are incorrect. This area covers fort bliss and white sands and I am still looking for the Fort Bliss Fire Dept channels. I have been listening for days now and NOTHING! No EMS or WBAMC channels either.
MPs, shuttles, and range ops seem to be correct. Any one have any UPDATED or corrected or correct talk group IDs for this area? If I find out new ones and figure them out I will defiantly share and post and submit to RR when I get everything....I have been playing with WILDCARDS as much as I can to find new talk groups...

HERE is what I got so far...

Fort Bliss and White Sands Missile Range System - System ID: 2D2 WACN: BEE00, APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive, Project 25 Phase I
1 Range Ch.1 “Range Ops” Range requests for live fires CONFIRMED
2 Range Ch.2 “Range Ops” Range training (live fire/shoot house) and maintence. CONFIRMED
“SOG this is CQ”
36 Supply Operations seems to be airfield related
42 Airfield Operations, AirOps
63 Maintenance Crews
67 Maintenance Crews
97 Construction
126 Information Technology
138 Range Ch.3
250 Motor Pool
349 Information Technology Operations 2
364 Fort Bliss Cemetery
398 Training (Some Encryption)
416 Shuttles Ch.1 Control CONFIRMED
419 Shuttles Ch.3 – found to be range to range comms?
420 Shuttles Ch.2
13013 WSMR FD Ch. 1 Dispatch CONFIRMED
13017 Military Police CONFIRMED? Dispatch is encrypt, along with half of the units
13018 Military Police Dispatch? 13017 is dispatch so far…
13031 Medical Supply
13032 Medical Transport Vans
13038 MedEvac
26137 Maintenance Crews

new talkgroups

10 encrypt 410.7
17 encrypt - extremely active! 409.5125 410.9 410.70
18 encrypt 409.5125
19 encrypt 410.700 409.5125
37 Army training ops,
47 encrypt 410.9 409.5125
48 encrypt 410.70 410.9 409.5125
142 maybe WBAMC? maybe security?
156 Was on thurs and sounded like el paso undercover following bad guys - was this on the
400mhz banks? Or did I have EPPD 800 plugged in?
287 non encrypt, non dispatch comms
365 Army ? training? “…route over there…” in-field training, routes, convoys
396 sounds a whole lot like FBFD “beep” sounds like maintence 409.375 409.6375
396 FBFD tac-1 maybe?? Sounds like FBFD to tower “57 to tower” sounds like shooting ranges
“tower to...” airfield ops?
431 non encrypt "snakepit for radiocheck"
13020 repeating pattern, recording of a guy saying “alarm” …..“Reset”? now normal voice.
EMS came across on TG 2 - I think.
(but that's been confirmed as range ops 2- WTHeck?)

Please respond if ANYONE has anything...
i am beginning to think the FIRE for fort bliss has a different system??


Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
In some areas of the country the database is full of obsolete data or is missing a lot.

You might the only person in that area who is interested in listening to the system or is capable of searching for unknown talkgroups, otherwise there should be a whole lot more of them listed for that system, not to mention other stuff in El Paso that's not in the database.

When I lived in El Paso in the late 1970s Fort Bliss FD used 165.0625.
I doubt that they still do but it might be possible.
I'm too far away to hear anything so I can't help. Good luck.


Feb 24, 2001
I use to monitor white sands missile range and holloman when they were vhf then analog smart zone type 2. Since they went digital I haven't had chance to upgrade to a digital scanner. In future I plan to. But yes the database is defunct with it and therr is probably more talkgroups out there. They use to simulcast holloman security police and white sands perimeter security police down to Fort bliss. Nkt sure if they still do. I heard fort bliss mp is enc. Last I heard holloman isn't. But not sure. I plan to get something new in the coming time before summer. When I do I'll hit holloman and also add here since it's sort of all one system under white sands fort bliss heading the comms. You may be able to hear white sands missile range base and holloman police from there if they simulcast the talkgroups still like they use to.


Feb 24, 2001
The el paso pd is on 7/800 trunk phase1. Epso just updated to vhf trunk phase 1 and 2. Most so far 2 of us have found with them is enc for county sheriff. The old vhf is still in limited use for fallback and simulcast when it's on. As for pd using uhf 400 they haven't used 400 mhz since mid 90s. Either they are patching with osi and narco task force idk. But that part is interesting. Possibly simulcast ing over to Fort bliss? El paso regional communication authority I forget the new name they have are big and good on patching and simulcast ing to inner county agencies so you'll have allot of talkgroups pop up when they switch patching on. They use to patch fort bliss pd on the old type 2 pd system to units in that patrol that area outside the base. If you look under the thread El paso going digital there is the new freqs listed for the sheriff. I don't have phase 1 or 2 scanners but do have phase1 equip. I was able to do limited monitoring but nothing in clear vhf.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 4, 2015
El Paso, TX
Just work near fort bliss and the William Beaumont Army Medical Hospital area on base, so no interest here in city of el paso or sheriff.

While scanning tho, I did hear TG 156 had a couple undercover units following some scum bag in the city limits of el paso, however strangely enough on 408.5125 with the trunk group of fort bliss. that was fun to listen to for a few minutes until they captured the bad guy. Strange that city of el paso would have a 400 freq since yes they are on the 800.

And yes, MPs are encrypted if the MP officers have their portable radio set correctly. (User can turn off the encryption on the top of the radio) by switching off the "NOT" symbol. ∅. However dispatch MPs is set usually to "on". However it gets turned off occasionally too.

This is my first digital and I like the quick computer interface to program it, however just wished we were all not tied into ONE web site for frequencies. -specially since the web site is sooo incorrect with it's info...hope I am not the only el pasoan that is listening to fort bliss base operations...anyone? Bueller?
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