Not in low power test. Fully active. I get Columbus city fine. Columbus MARCS is my biggest pain. The answer before mine answers it well. It's about location, antenna and luck.I have 5 scanners programmed for the New Columbus City system.
None of this receive on this system very good. At night sometimes the system is so bad that you cannot hear decodes at all. The Franklin Co and MARCS-IP work great. Crystal clear from all over the state, but cannot hear the Westside of Columbus on Columbus City.
One scanner is on an outside discone antenna which worked great with the old analog system. It works great with everything. When I looked at the Control channel 859.2125 which has never changed, I can bearly hear it.
Sometimes it will be 99% other times it will bearly decode.
Is Columbus still performing a low power test ?
Is this issue also why so many officers are not hearing calls while in buildings ?
There is something going on that I simply cannot understand after being in Radio and Television for over 45 years.
Any thoughts would be helpful, my mind is done.
AntiSquid disclaimer: All information provided is personal opinion only and may or may not resemble actual fact.