Funny/Odd things heard on the scanner


Apr 7, 2020
Last night....

"Base to Medic xxx, - Patient reported to be a naked male swinging rain gutters at cars...."


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
Rensselaer County New York
This AM on CDERN (Capital District Emergency Radio Network, a county to county communication channel):

Albany County pops up, talking to Rensselaer County.

Albany says they are handling an incident at a Stewarts shop near the Congress St. Bridge. Complainant left car running while going into Stewarts; came out; car was gone; BOLO for blue Scion.

A few minutes later, CDERN pops up again: "Car has been found; original complainant forgot they parked on the other side of the building."


Jan 23, 2008
Hammond, IN
Heard today on county sheriff dispatch... Can you 96 (be enroute) to (address)? A 50 year old female wants to file an animal complaint. The complainant says that her neighbor's three chiweenie dogs ate her coat.

When I first read this, I thought it said they ate her goat and I was thinking that those are some pretty tough Chiweenies. LOL :D


Premium Subscriber
Jan 16, 2014
nc, recently moved to jax, FL
Couple good ones I heard today (not related)

Dispatch about a wreak: Caller says subject is still in vehicle (car is on its side) and has resumed consuming alcohol.

Medic: Im clear, patient refused, turned over to LEO to go to jail.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
Rensselaer County New York
I run the Commuter Assistance Network on 146 .94 every work day morning: Commuter Assistance Net

Every once in a while, I run a search to see if any articles about the Commuter Net have popped up online.

A few days ago, this -- a true story posted by a net participant about an incident some years ago -- popped up on Reddit:

Going back a few years, I had a job that required me to commute about 45 minutes each way. On one local repeater, on 146.94, there was a "commuter net" that ran every morning from about 6-8, net control was a fellow that worked from home named Jock Elliot, KB2GOM. The ostensible purpose of the net was to track commute traffic conditions, warn about backups, construction, obstructions, debris, and to get assistance to stranded motorists. Jock had the local traffic center (the one that provides traffic reports to all of the broadcast media in the area), DOT and several fire and police departments all on speed-dial and would bring them up to date. Sometimes, they would call him as well with info, because he could be counted on to get eyes on the situation. I was a participant every morning during this stretch of time.

It was a fairly relaxed net, the channel was quiet most of the time, owing to it being largely event-driven, so some light banter went by most mornings . . . more some days than others, depending on the overall conditions . . . you get the idea, I hope.

Anyway, it was protocol, when a car was spotted along the side of the road, we would call it in, and Jock's first question was always, "Is it occupied?" The answer to this question would decide what order he called DOT (which had a free roadside assistance service), police, and the traffic center. If it was occupied, it was in that order; if not, it was traffic center, then police.

That leads us to one particular morning. Jock gave me a call. It went like this:

Jock: KC2***, KB2GOM. Are you on this morning?

Me: KB2GOM, KC2***. Go ahead.

Jock: Do I remember right, that you take I-90 east?

Me: QSL.

Jock: Have you passed Everett Rd. yet?

Me: Negative. Probably about ten minutes ahead.

Jock: Great. The Traffic Center is telling me that they've got a report of debris in the road. When you get there, would you get a closer look at it so I can tell them what it is?

Me: Roger that.

About ten minutes pass. . . .

Me: KB2GOM, KC2***. I have eyes on the debris.

Jock: KB2GOM. What is it?

Me: There is a mattress sitting in the middle lane, about a hundred feet past the offramp.

A beat.

Jock: Is it occupied?

I can't prove it, but I imagine some scanner listeners spilled their coffee that day.


Jul 28, 2008
The universal helicopter frequency 123.025 or 123.050 can often be funny. The news chopper pilots talk to each other at major scenes or special events. A few I heard to paraphrase...Such a great view up here so they'll probably kick us out of here pretty soon. One time there was a special ceremony at a MLB park followed by fireworks. One of the pilots came on and said...How long are these fireworks gonna last I gotta go to the p--ser. Of course they can't just leave. They have to get permission from their newsroom and then the ATC. So when they finally got permission to leave, the 3 choppers covering the event flew like bees going back to the hive toward the small airport flying over my house none too soon for one pilot. :)


Premium Subscriber
Mar 14, 2021
Pittsburgh, PA
Heard on the company channel for a local SMR network:

Tech 1: "Yeah, I'm out at the tower site, the problem with the UHF repeater should be fixed. The SWR on this antenna was like 20."
Tech 2: "Great, how'd you fix it?"
Tech 1: "Replaced it"
Tech 2: "Why?!"
Tech 1: "Well, for starters, I'm pretty sure it was a VHF antenna"


Premium Subscriber
Feb 16, 2014
Huge Dismal Swamp
Heard during a recent snowstorm. Local PD dispatch channel:

Shift Captain: "All units, anyone who talks trash about how Southerners can't drive in the snow, and subsequently wrecks their cruiser, will be buying the entire shift lunch."
Patrol Car: "Just for clarification, I just heard that if I buy the shift lunch I can do donuts in the WalMart parking lot. Is that correct?"
Shift Captain: "Negative... BIG negative."
Patrol Car: "Copy. Negative on the donuts."
2nd Patrol Car: "No balls."