Sorry to inturrupt the "light bar talk" ..
A couple of weeks ago while listening to Toronto Police banter while searching for a suspect.
TPS 1: Well York had their chopper out here a few weeks ago, had me chasing everything that they picked up on the IR.
TPS 2: I hear that, they had me searching in a marsh, chasing a raccon not too long ago. And it wasnt a small bugger, it was huge. Scared the beegeebers outta me.
TPS 1: Well there is nothing scarier than coming face to face with a big mean blue rain barrel, stupid thing was filled with warm water. I can't believe they sent me to arrest a rain barrel.
TPS 2: Maybe its time we get our own chopper. I think they get a kick out of making us chase raccoons, and dump so poor guy's rain barrel.
A little background info. Toronto Police Service does not have their own chopper. Why? Well a while back (during a pilot project) people *****ed and moaned that "it made too much noise" so they scrapped the idea of being safer in order for people to get their sleep. York Regional Police have 2 choppers, and I've had the opportunity to see them both close up, and they are mighty impressive. So from time to time TPS calls in for a neighboring police service to lend a hand, I guess York was having some fun getting TPS all dirty.