Future SDS Firmware to include waterfall option .

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Grand Junction, CO
Sorry, perhaps I missed a click or two. Is the waterfull display being developed for the paid Butel software, or for the included Uniden Sentinel software, or both?
I seriously doubt you will see any change in Sentinel. Just my opinion, I have zero knowledge of Uniden's plans.


Apr 11, 2023
Zeist, The Netherlands
@JvdK where did you get your the Uniden Rep only stated it was come and did not post any other details or answer questions.
It is a good guess your answer but do you have a source you would like to share?
Did you perhaps check the YouTube in post #7?

If you look carefully you can see the waterfall is ON the screen of a SDS100. Your Uniden Rep (@JoeBearcat) comment was “it’s gonna look a whole lot better than that”. Not: that’s false information or that’s not gonna happen this way…

For the rest my “source” is a remark made by someone who was visiting the Avera dealer day in the Netherlands. Avera is the European importer of Uniden products 😉


Premium Subscriber
Jun 28, 2008
Did you perhaps check the YouTube in post #7?

If you look carefully you can see the waterfall is ON the screen of a SDS100. Your Uniden Rep (@JoeBearcat) comment was “it’s gonna look a whole lot better than that”. Not: that’s false information or that’s not gonna happen this way…

For the rest my “source” is a remark made by someone who was visiting the Avera dealer day in the Netherlands. Avera is the European importer of Uniden products 😉
that video was from 2018?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2007
that video was from 2018?
The waterfall pics or vids are a demo/test/proof of concept of what a future waterfall display for the SDS100/200 would resemble. It's not a real-time waterfall. It's been in both of those those scanners for a long time.

To see it on your scanner, connect to ProScan in serial mode so that the virtual display is running, go to ProScan's "Test and Extras" tab, enter SDR (all caps) in the protocol command box on the far right of that window and hit Enter. It won't show in the virtual display, but it will be on your scanner's screen.

To return to scanning, power cycle the scanner.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
That's a tip that belongs in our FAQ...and just for the record, there has been some software on a FB group that would do something a little similar - how close it is to the upcoming firmware we're just going to have to wait and see.

These threads are old, but here they are linked in the FAQ. Let the speculation begin



Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2007
I believe that experimental software program was called SDSCOPE, and IIRC... it was a command line program and it used the micro USB port on the rear of the SDS200 scanner.


Apr 11, 2023
Zeist, The Netherlands

Quote There are reasons why the larger display was chosen that are not known to the general public yet, but may be in the not-too-distant future. What is known is the much greater amount of details that can be shown, but there are other reasons too. unquote

Just my 2 cents, but if you add all hints by @JoeBearcat, incl his reaction to that video of 2018, than it points to a direction. For myself I wonder why you would only see a waterfall on a (handheld) scanner if it’s connected to a computer. That’s not gonna be verry helpfull when your outside in the field or when your scanner is build into your car.

We’ll see about this waterfall when Uniden releases this new firmware for the SDS-series.😉
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
@JvdK This is like saying a COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE MONITOR HAS NO PLACE IN THE FIELD outside a 2way shop.
Just my 2 cents, but if you add all hints by @JoeBearcat, incl his reaction to that video of 2018, than it points to a direction. For myself I wonder why you would only see a waterfall on a (handheld) scanner if it’s connected to a computer. That’s not gonna be verry helpfull when your outside in the field or when your scanner is build into your car.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
The larger display on the SDS200 was due to all the new data that was able to be displayed. UPMan taldked about screen real estate issues with the 536 a few times over the years. A lot of the complaints about the 536 were about the display in general. The SDS200 addressed those, but required a bigger screen.

I wonder how many users are that interested in the waterfall display? Certainly a good percentage of the high end users here, but that's a small percentage I think.

I hope some of the other requests made over the years since the SDS scanners were introduced are also included.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2003
Some will use it, some will not, just like many features on a device that is designed to appeal to the masses. What is great, however, is that Uniden is continuing to invest in this platform, and any feature releases bring hope that there will be additional upgrades, bug fixes, etc. in the future.


Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
I wonder how many users are that interested in the waterfall display? Certainly a good percentage of the high end users here, but that's a small percentage I think.

I'm one, but my interest is maybe a little different than others. My IC-R8600 receiver has a spectrum display that, while not perfect, definitely speaks for itself. It'll be interesting to see how the SDS models, especially the 200, stack up against it. I would expect the $2300 receiver to be superior but only time will tell.

I agree with the above post. Use it or don't, it is a feature that will be available to those that wish to, and it is good to see development ramping up again. I'm looking forward to it.


Sep 11, 2002
I think many will want any new feature no matter if they use it or not. For me the more features available the more flexible the unit.

I agree with gary's (nice puppeteer BTW) post #35. The screen real estate on all scanners is at a premium. I believe that this is one of the driving factors behind the Analyze and Discovery options. Due to the complexity of many systems I think that a new option may be required like "System Info". This screen would display the SID, The CC frequency, any voice channel frequencies, not TG because discovery does that, site neighbors, the bandplan, mode P25p1,p2,nxdn,dmr etc.

I highly suspect that the waterfall will be output to a separate monitor unless a small bandwidth is selected that is showable on the LCD screen. I am looking forward to the FW release.


May 2, 2005
New York City
1. I'll believe it when I see it. I was actually hoping that Uniden would come out with their own version of an Icom 8600.

2. While a waterfall display (and/or spectrum scope) is a very useful tool on some devices (the Icom 8600, and for amateur radio operators, the Yaesu 991A), ergonomically the tuning dial on the SDS series, particularly the SDS200, is not conducive to the type of rapid tuning that the aforementioned units can accomplish. That is, if we are speaking about a spectrum scope with waterfall incorporated, and not simply just a waterfall. Especially if you are looking to quickly nail a signal.

The fact that the tuning knob on the SDS200 is on the left-hand side of the unit, means that the majority of right-handed folks, would end up blocking the display with their right hand while attempting use of the tuning dial. Plus the SDS tuning dials are click-function rather than those smooth tuning dials on the Yaesu and Icom units. If the features incorporate a spectrum scope, that additional wear-and-tear on the mechanics of the tuning knob could cause issues down the road.

3. I'm still a little confused about this feature being incorporated into Sentinel or being part of the Butel package, or both. Nevertheless, to end on a positive note, I'm glad to see the SDS series coming back into focus, although I must admit that I am perfectly happy with the operation of the SDS series as is, and keeping fingers crossed that the new feature(s) being integrated will not conflict with any of the current features of the unit.
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Aug 28, 2013
What is great, however, is that Uniden is continuing to invest in this platform, and any feature releases bring hope that there will be additional upgrades, bug fixes, etc. in the future.
Me too, as I agree on that & want those many possible future upcoming Firmware Updates for the SDS Series Line of Uniden Scanner Receivers with Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements. Those such as the annoying, constant up and down fluctuating RSSI Levels that I constantly see & experience each & every Day on my Uniden SDS200. Mine will start out with low RSSI Levels around 92 only in the Mornings. However, It never stays low or even stays at a constant or steady RSSI Level as the Days get later. It also has fluctuating D-ERROR Numbers too during the constantly changing up & down RSSI Levels that are unstable as well throughout each Day of use making & causing garbled Audio cutouts during non-encrypted P25 Trunked Radio Transmissions being received making me have to change the SDS built-in Filters throughout each Day to try in help lower the rising & fluctuating RSSI & D-ERROR Levels for clear & understandable monitoring.

Hopefully these types of reported/known issues will be looked into, fixed & greatly improved with upcoming future Firmware Updates for the Uniden SDS Models & not just a focus & Feature of the new Waterfall Option?
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