1. I'll believe it when I see it. I was actually hoping that Uniden would come out with their own version of an Icom 8600.
2. While a waterfall display (and/or spectrum scope) is a very useful tool on some devices (the Icom 8600, and for amateur radio operators, the Yaesu 991A), ergonomically the tuning dial on the SDS series, particularly the SDS200, is not conducive to the type of rapid tuning that the aforementioned units can accomplish. That is, if we are speaking about a spectrum scope with waterfall incorporated, and not simply just a waterfall. Especially if you are looking to quickly nail a signal.
The fact that the tuning knob on the SDS200 is on the left-hand side of the unit, means that the majority of right-handed folks, would end up blocking the display with their right hand while attempting use of the tuning dial. Plus the SDS tuning dials are click-function rather than those smooth tuning dials on the Yaesu and Icom units. If the features incorporate a spectrum scope, that additional wear-and-tear on the mechanics of the tuning knob could cause issues down the road.
3. I'm still a little confused about this feature being incorporated into Sentinel or being part of the Butel package, or both. Nevertheless, to end on a positive note, I'm glad to see the SDS series coming back into focus, although I must admit that I am perfectly happy with the operation of the SDS series as is, and keeping fingers crossed that the new feature(s) being integrated will not conflict with any of the current features of the unit.