Active Member
Yes, I have tried this on all 3 USB ports. Yes, I am aware the scanner needs to be off. My Laptop is a Lenovo L450. It's not a bad laptop, everything I have loaded works except for my 1095 and 1080. I have lots of SDR's and other radio software that work well, never a problem.
You folks tried to help me out many months ago, but I gave up after countless hrs of frustration. My only option is to sell them at this point. I don't know what else to do. I have tried all the suggestions, to no avail. maybe I didn't do the steps correctly, but I am fairly good on figuring things out, except for Whistler.
I had a Lenovo XP laptop running this same software without a problem. But that computer failed on me, so I bought this one about 1 year ago.
From what I have been reading I think it has to do with a USB setting in the Bios of the computer. However I don't want to have you digging around in there unless you are familiar with it. It looks like it needs to be set to Auto. The online manual I am looking at tells about it on page 85. Not sure if you have a manual that would correspond to it.