Hello, newbe here from VA Beach VA. I picked up a used BC246T and was excited to start scanning. I get some of the frequencies from VBPD and the talk arounds and I get no chatter. I am wondering if they have switched to P25 now? I have programmed the below freqs in a conventional system group. I get a lot of EMS chat and of course plenty of normal city worker talk, but, no PD. The live player works but the audio is sometimes understandable but usually garbled. Am I doing something wrong? Also can someone point me in the right direction to learn to tell the difference between all the freqs as they relate to Conventional, EDACS, LTR and Motorola? I searched and really did not find anything, of course being new I dont really know how to word it when I search. Thanks
852.41250 WNQJ860 M 023 DPL Fire T/A 16 Fire Talk-Around FM EMS-Talk
851.41250 WNQJ860 M 023 DPL PD T/A 16 Police Talk-Around FM Law Talk
854.48750 WNQJ860 M 023 DPL FD TA Fire Talk Around FM Fire-Talk
855.68750 WZS605 M 023 DPL SBPW TA Schools/Public Works TA FM Multi-Talk
856.03750 WNQJ860 M 023 DPL PD TA Police talkaround FM Law Talk
851.51250 WPXJ737 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC91 Public Safety Tactical FM Interop
852.01250 WPXJ737 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC92 Public Safety Tactical FM Interop
852.51250 WPXJ737 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC93 Public Safety Tactical FM Interop
853.01250 WPXJ737 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC94 Public Safety Tactical FM Interop
852.41250 WNQJ860 M 023 DPL Fire T/A 16 Fire Talk-Around FM EMS-Talk
851.41250 WNQJ860 M 023 DPL PD T/A 16 Police Talk-Around FM Law Talk
854.48750 WNQJ860 M 023 DPL FD TA Fire Talk Around FM Fire-Talk
855.68750 WZS605 M 023 DPL SBPW TA Schools/Public Works TA FM Multi-Talk
856.03750 WNQJ860 M 023 DPL PD TA Police talkaround FM Law Talk
851.51250 WPXJ737 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC91 Public Safety Tactical FM Interop
852.01250 WPXJ737 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC92 Public Safety Tactical FM Interop
852.51250 WPXJ737 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC93 Public Safety Tactical FM Interop
853.01250 WPXJ737 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC94 Public Safety Tactical FM Interop