There are engineered answers to your mounting question then there are our opinions here on RR, so take these with some caution. With that out of the way, for my personal use at my house I would have no problem using something like 1 5/8" fence top rail as a mast up against the house, anchored to the eaves with up to 10ft of that unguyed above the roof and a 9ft tall Laird FG4607 on top. I would not do that for a commercial customer.
I currently have a US Tower MA40 telescoping 40ft tower bolted to a concrete pad and my beefed up eaves, which are about 9ft off the ground. That is about 31ft of tower sticking up unguyed with a 17ft antenna on top of that. I think it will easily withstand a 100mph wind.
I currently have a US Tower MA40 telescoping 40ft tower bolted to a concrete pad and my beefed up eaves, which are about 9ft off the ground. That is about 31ft of tower sticking up unguyed with a 17ft antenna on top of that. I think it will easily withstand a 100mph wind.
Apologies: I missed your post recommending the higher gain 4607.
It may make redundant my post below.
How high can I safely go on a pole mount - assuming that I twill use two brackets for the end wall perhaps space 2ft apart - meaning that there could be nearly 3ft of pole below the roof apex on the end wall..