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GMRS repeater; fee for tone usage?

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Dec 31, 2005
$300/mth for access to someone's repeater on GMRS? Sounds like a rip off; i'm glad they don't charge for amateur radio repeaters.

I haven't heard any GMRS repeaters near me. There used to be one in a distance, but I haven't heard it in awhile. The only thing I pick up is kids and the airport near me uses one of the frequencies. Actually, it is one of the FBO's. I'm sure none are licensed, which isn't a surprise. The general public isn't going to pay $80 for the license, they might as well stick a traffic ticket in there and expect people to pay it. Most people barely understand radio. Bubble pack GMRS was a bad idea.


Apr 19, 2005
I own a commercial radio shop in southern IL.
My first tower is going up later in the summer of 2010, YEA!
I had planned on putting up a grms repeater for me and my wife to use.
I thought about only allowing gmrs licensees access if they have purchased radios from me.
Then I would foot the whole cost of the repeater, and they would not have any cost ever.
There are only 2 licensees with in 30 miles of me, and no Repeater closer than 150 miles.


May 5, 2008
Menifee/Lake Elsinore, Ca
First, there would have to be a local repeater in your area that offered that. Given that it costs more to set up a repeater for multiple tones, that's probably pretty rare.

Most GMRS repeaters are set up by a specific group, for their own use. If you don't qualify to be in that group, they're not usually interested in 'giving' you access.

They also aren't likely to 'give' you control of access, anyone who wants to use 'your' tone still has to get permission from the repeater operator. Each user is supposed to share costs.

The group I mentioned has a specific purpose, and doesn't accept just anybody into the group. No amount of 'I want to' is going to get them to let you use their repeaters, unless you match the group's purpose for existance.

'Selling' access isn't what the GMRS service is intended to support, really.

And I am sure your speaking of SDINA...

The reason I posted this post was because I was curious why their are SO many repeaters that are not used. And most of the repeaters have multiple tones. I currently have access to GMRS repeaters on Heaps Peak, Crestline, Sierra Peak, Victorville, Snow Peak, Hemet, Santiago Peak, Mt Wilson, Mt Harvard, Saddle Peak, Verdugo, Elsinore and Palomar. And 95% of them have little to no usage.


EMS Dispatcher
Jul 8, 2002
Cobb County, GA
I got into GMRS, so I could communicate with my friends. If I am lucky, I am on the air for no more than 10 minutes on a given day, which equates out to about 0.004% of the time the repeater is in use for me.

If you figure in the cost of the repeater, tower space, electrical, upkeep, etc., you can see why GMRS owners would ask for donations to keep them on the air. Sometimes a group of people get together and put money together (their money) and they use the repeater for their usage. They paid for it, so they can use it. If you want to donate some $$$ to them for a specific frequency/tone, there is a good chance they will give it to you, but remember, FCC says they can't charge, and if the repeater owner doesn't want you on it, be it for what ever reason, it is theirs and they can turn it off if they want. Just ask, it can't hurt.


Silent Key
Feb 20, 2003
Hudson Valley, NY
The typical scenerio...

More like it.

SCANDal, is you figure for siting a repeater or usage?


The $300/month fee is for antenna placement on the tower (on a lower arm, the higher you go - the more expensive it gets) and rack space in the communications shelter (which includes electricity and connection to a back-up generator, in case of power outage). The mountaintop tower in question is owned by the local radio shop and has fantastic regional coverage. Of course, when the "club" that is going to use the repeater gets off the ground, each member will be expected to pay their fair share, in the form of dues, toward paying the fees needed to site the machine. How many members joining will determine how much each member will have to pay annually for usage.

Another (far cheaper) combination I've seen implemented is to find someone who lives on a decent hilltop and ask to put the repeater in their attic and the antenna on their roof. Of course, in terms of signal coverage...you get what you pay for.

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Jul 19, 2002
Chicago Burbs
Or better yet

Or better yet don't complain about coverage if your not paying for it. Site leasing ranges from 100.00 up to 1,000.00 a month. Then you have power costs, coaxial cable costs to build the system and then repeater costs, if your lucky you might get a cheap repeater for 600.00 dollars. Then antenna costs and grounding, 300.00 dollars for just you is a tad bit crazy and I would not pay it especially if it was a club, donation or not. But, as the post says you get what you pay for. Cost for electrical is not so much the issue as its about the cost of operating a light bulb especially at 45 to 50 watts which is the GMRS stipulation.


Jun 20, 2005
Travelers Rest, SC
I know about the tower costs. Back in 1992, I was looking for a site for a UHF public safety repeater. At a local broadcast tower, the fees at that time were $20.00 per foot, but they would cut us a deal at half that. Of course, it was still more than the squad had, so we ended up on a local utility water tank. It was half the height, but still gave us reasonable coverage. The last time I looked, there were no cell sites on the broadcast tower either. They must really be proud of the tower. It is hard to justify $300.00 a month for a GMRS site unless you don't have any other communications capability.

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